Except yourself, no one will help. And 8 more tips from a Russian woman who has had covid

A resident of Novosibirsk began to keep a “diary of a coronavirus patient.”

This week, Rospotrebnadzor tightened the mask regime throughout the country, while limiting the operation of entertainment establishments. Now no bread and circuses – restaurants and clubs will be closed from 23:00 to 6:00… Such measures are not accidental, because with the beginning of the usual season of colds, the number of cases of dangerous COVID-19 has also increased.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 1,6 million cases have been recorded in Russia, including 54-year-old Olga Lavrova. In the family of a resident of Novosibirsk, everyone caught the virus: she, a son with his wife and two grandchildren, after which Olga began to keep a “diary of a covid infected”. And I must admit, reading it, it becomes bad even for those who are absolutely healthy.

My son’s temperature began to rise, paracetamol did not help. By one o’clock in the afternoon, the temperature jumped to 41,3, sharp pains in the chest, shortness of breath. An ambulance arrived, the cardiogram is normal, the temperature was knocked down. A cough appeared. The doctor never came that day.

The main symptoms and what she had to face on the way to recovery, Lavrova described in detail in the blog, you can read it on the website NGS.ru… We have chosen the main tips that the Russian woman hastened to share in order, perhaps, to save someone’s life.

  1. Go to the clinic for sick leave on your own at the first sign of malaise, wearing a mask and gloves.

  2. With chest pain, do not be afraid and count the pulse, this is most likely just a reaction of the heart muscle to overload (heart palpitations and intoxication).

  3. To relieve intoxication, drink warm acidified liquid (a lot!) And eat vitamins.

  4. With covid, the likelihood of thrombosis of all organs is high, it is important to monitor the pressure (reduce the increased) and take anti-thrombotic drugs.

  5. If possible, do not lie in a layer, but move more often at home, but not on the stairs or to the store.

  6. Although I don’t want to eat: exhaustion sets in very quickly, you need to replenish energy in fractional portions – protein, fiber.

  7. Well, if there is someone who can get a doctor to come and take a smear, you need to knock it out, but you don’t have the strength to do it – enlist the help of friends or relatives.

  8. Polyclinics lack a system for processing and transmitting information, the availability of medical care is not organized, and time is wasted because of this.

  9. Except yourself, no one will help you. Do not rely on the medical system, help yourself as actively as possible!

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