Excel terms: Concatenation operator

The concatenation operator allows you to combine multiple text strings into one. Excel uses the ampersand character (&). The following example shows how to combine the contents of two cells in Excel using the concatenation operator:

From the above example, you can see that the text strings are concatenated without a separating space. To insert a space, you need to slightly complicate the formula:

Excel terms: Concatenation operator

The second argument in this formula (” “) is a space. All spaces, text, and punctuation that you want to include in a formula must be enclosed in double quotes. In the following figure, we have combined the values ​​of two cells and separated them with a comma:

Excel terms: Concatenation operator

Consider the last example, where the concatenation operator concatenates text with the result of a function evaluation SUM:

Excel terms: Concatenation operator

In this case, the result of summing two cells is glued to the given text string.

In Excel, along with the concatenation operator, you can use the function STsEPIT, which sequentially concatenates its arguments into a single line. For me personally, using the concatenation operator is much more convenient, especially when you need to combine a small number of cells. Yet many Excel users use the function STsEPIT in your work. You use what suits you best.

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