In this example, you will learn all about the Excel functions for working with links and arrays, such as VPR, GPR, MORE EXPOSED, INDEX и SELECTION.
Function VPR (VLOOKUP) looks up the value in the leftmost column of the table and returns the value of the cell in the specified column of the same row.
- Inserting a function VPR:
- Function VPR looking for a value ID (104) in the leftmost column of the range $E$4:$G$7 and returns the value from the third column of the same row (since the third argument of the function is 3).
- The fourth argument of the function is LYING (FALSE) – this means that either an exact match will be found, or an error message will be displayed #N/A (#N/A).
- Drag mouse to copy function VPR from cell B2 down the column to the cell B11.
Explanation: When we copy a function VPR down, absolute link $E$4:$G$7 remains unchanged, while the relative reference A2 changes to A3, A4, A5 and so on.
The function works in a similar way. GPR (HLOOKUP):
Function MORE EXPOSED (MATCH) returns the position of the searched value in the given range:
- Word Yellow occupies the third position in the range E4: E7.
- The third function argument is optional. If you enter a value for this argument 0 (zero), then the function will return the position of the element that exactly matches the searched value (A2). If an exact match is not found, the function will return an error. #N/A (#N/A).
Function INDEX (INDEX) returns a given value from a two-dimensional or one-dimensional range.
Explanation: Meaning 92 is at the intersection of the line 3 and column 2 in the range E4:F7.
Explanation: Meaning 97 is located 3 place in the range E4: E7.
Function SELECTION (CHOOSE) selects a value from the list at the given position number.
Explanation: Word Boat is in position 3.