It says aloud: Please, do nothing, please, but in the subtext it is clearly heard
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Two brothers, they are three years old, got into a fight. Grandmother to one of them: “Is that why you hate your brother?” — there is a suggestion of hatred.
Another example: a little boy famously runs around the playground, and his grandmother shouts to him, “Look under your feet, otherwise you will fall!” — there is a suggestion that it will certainly fall. Variations: “Hold the cup tight, otherwise you’ll break it!”, “Grab both handles, otherwise you’ll spill it!”, “Don’t fuss, otherwise you’ll burn yourself!” etc.
As a rule, harmful suggestions go in the subtext.
Watch the video from the movie «The Godfather». The brother saw that his sister had been beaten by her husband and was furious. His sister, weeping, persuades him: “I beg you, do nothing, please,” and in the subtext you can clearly hear: “I know that you will immediately go and kill him!”
Suggestions in the article “What your fear wants to say”:
- “You need to pay serious attention to your fears, you must definitely deal with your fears,”
- “Without psychotherapy, you will not conquer your fear,”
- “Take care of your fear. Fear is alive, it is not good to destroy it,
- We need fear
- «You need protection, your Fear protects you.»
- «You have pain.»
- «Your mom and dad had heartache too.»
- «Don’t be afraid to deal with your fears!»
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