“… We are talking about a fantasy of a pronounced visual nature … a “vision”, which arose simply due to intense concentration aimed at the far plane of consciousness, which, of course, could only manifest itself after long exercises. (I have defined this method elsewhere as active imagination.) The patient saw the following (I give her story verbatim):
“I climbed the mountain and came to a place where I saw seven red stones in front, seven on each side of me and seven behind me. I stood in the center of this square. The stones were smooth as steps. I tried to pick up the four nearest stones. At the same time, she discovered that the stones were the pedestals of four statues of deities buried heads down in the ground. I dug them out and installed them around me, remaining in the middle between them. Suddenly they leaned toward the center, their heads touching so that it was as if they had formed a kind of tent over me. I fell to the ground and said, “Fall on me if you need to. I’m tired». Then I saw that outside, around the four deities, a circle of fire had formed. Soon I got up from the ground and knocked over the statues of deities. Where they fell to the ground, four trees grew. After that, blue fires burst out of the circle of flames and began to devour the leaves of the trees. I decided: “This must be put to an end, I myself must enter the fire so that the foliage does not burn” — and entered the fire. The trees disappeared, and the fiery circle gathered into one big blue flame, which lifted me from the ground.
… By actively intervening in unconscious processes, the patient gains power over them by allowing them to overwhelm her. So it connects consciousness and the unconscious … »
- Robert Johnson. Dreams and fantasies