If your biological clock hints that it’s time to think about procreation, and you yourself are ripe for motherhood, start to embody your desire with a visit to the gynecologist.
Your task is to bear and give birth to a strong baby, as well as maintain your health. That is why it is important to make sure that you do not have female ailments that can complicate pregnancy. About what diseases are capable of this, and what kind of conception and bearing a baby is not a hindrance, says Irina Belyakina, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Women’s Diseases and Reproductive Health of the N.M. N.I. Pirogova, leading gynecologist at Real Clinic.
1. Ovarian cysts
Despite the fact that some types of cysts can go away on their own, such formations may not affect pregnancy in the best way. The main danger is that a large cyst can rupture, fester, or cause torsion of the ovary, which disrupts its blood supply and often causes necrosis. All these situations are acute and require an ambulance call. There is only one solution here – surgery, during which only the cyst can be removed, and maybe the ovary. Indeed, otherwise the cyst is a direct threat to both the expectant mother and the baby.
2. Bacterial vaginosis
The disease seems to be harmless. But it can cause termination of pregnancy. During bacterial vaginosis, the state of the vaginal microflora changes – the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms increases, the number of useful lactic acid lactobacilli decreases. In a healthy woman with good immunity, this condition can go away on its own. But when planning a pregnancy, bacterial vaginosis must be treated! Any inflammatory process in your body can provoke inflammation of the membranes or placenta, and this significantly increases the risk of miscarriage both in early and late pregnancy.
3. Dysplasia of the cervix
The modern name for this disease is cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, abbreviated as CIN. And if such a diagnosis appears in your medical record, then you will not be allowed into pregnancy. CIN1 and CIN2 is a manifestation of inflammatory processes in the cervix, and CIN3 is a borderline state, followed by a cancerous degeneration of cells. While carrying a baby, your body will work in a state of increased stress, which will only aggravate the changes in the cervical region. And the inflammatory process, especially against the background of a decrease in immunity during pregnancy, will not benefit either you or the unborn child.
4. Sexually transmitted diseases
At the stage of preparation for pregnancy, you will definitely be tested for chlamydia, Trichomonas and gonorrhea. And if pathogens are found, they will be treated. Only then can you plan for conception. All sexually transmitted infections can cause abortion, affect fetal development, and increase the risk of malformations in a growing baby.
It is a benign tumor from the muscle tissue of the uterus. Whether it is necessary to treat fibroids before pregnancy or whether it can be left alone depends largely on the size of the tumor and its location. If it is small in size, does not protrude into the uterine cavity, then such an education does not interfere with the bearing of a baby. And if you are not in the mood for surgery with such introductory statements, then the doctor will let you go into pregnancy with peace of mind. If the myomatous node is large, located under the mucous membrane of the uterus and grows into its cavity, provokes large blood loss during menstruation, pain, it is important to cure this disease before pregnancy. In this case, do not delay the operation.
Herpes, cytomegalovirus
WHO believes that women planning a pregnancy do not need to be screened for these infections. Although in our country, at least for the herpes virus, tests are taken in order to make sure whether the expectant mother is infected or not. And just the same, if you have both cytomegalovirus and herpes (immunoglobulins of class G are found in the blood) – this is an excellent background for pregnancy. The doctor can be sure that the primary infection will not occur during the gestation of the baby. In principle, it is impossible to avoid such infections. They are transmitted by airborne droplets and, according to statistics, are found in 98,8 percent of people. It is impossible to cure these infections, they will accompany you all your life. The main thing is to achieve their stable remission.