Regrettably, age-related changes in the female body manifest themselves much faster than in the male. But it is possible to slow down the course of aging, as well as minimize the risks of various diseases. And all this is in our own hands! The main thing is to undergo examinations on time. And it is equally important to know which ones and with what frequency. Woman’s Day has compiled a list of examinations that, if a young girl could neglect, an adult woman in her 30s should simply include on her list of commitments.
Do not confuse ultrasound and mammography – these are absolutely two different methods of examination. Mammography is indicated for women after 35 years of age; you only need to undergo an ultrasound scan. Do not neglect this examination: some girls are content with a standard examination by a gynecologist or mammologist. Remember (by the way, the doctors themselves repeatedly talk about this), microscopic neoplasms are not palpable, they are simply impossible to grope. An ultrasound scan can give a complete picture. Do not be afraid and think about the bad – they say, as if they will find something “bad”. Fibroadenoma, mastopathy, cyst, lipoma, intraductal papilloma – these are all benign neoplasms that can be eliminated with proper treatment. But if you neglect early prevention and examinations, then these same benign tumors can develop into cancerous ones. It is better to diagnose diseases earlier and undergo lightweight medication (and, possibly, without surgery) treatment. Also, don’t forget to do your monthly breast self-exam. If you find some kind of seal, you are worried about pain or discharge from the nipple, run to the mammologist!
If you have not yet seen an endocrinologist, then it’s definitely time. Get a blood test for thyroid hormones in advance. Our thyroid gland is, so to speak, a plant for the production of hormones, thanks to which our body as a whole functions. And how it functions – good or bad, depends on the amount of hormones produced.
We figured out the hormones, we donate blood for sugar and cholesterol. In general, you should check your blood sugar every three years and your cholesterol level every five years. Over the years, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and heart attack increases. If you and your doctor are aware of all your, so to speak, “excesses”, then you will minimize the risks of dangerous diseases. And one of the most important examinations is a blood test for tumor markers.
There are opinions that with age, on the contrary, the frequency of taking smears for cytology decreases – after 30 years, this can be done once every three years. But most gynecologists are sure that this examination should be annual. With its help, it is possible to diagnose precancerous changes, and timely drug treatment can save a woman’s health and life.
Women are big lovers of sun and tanning – both real and artificial. And in pursuit of a beautiful chocolate shade, you can make yourself a very terrible enemy. We’re talking about skin cancer. It is not for nothing that all dermatologists unanimously trumpet about the need for sunscreens, an annual medical examination and a timely visit to a doctor for any uncomfortable sensations or formations on the skin.
Examination by a dermatologist should be done every year. If you are a happy owner of moles, then more often pay attention to them – have they increased, have not changed their shape, etc.
Even if you are sure that you have one hundred percent vision, it is necessary to be examined by an ophthalmologist. After 30 years, it should be every three years, but if you suffer from any chronic diseases, then, of course, you should consult a specialist more often. Pay attention to your lifestyle: you work a lot at the computer, read in a poorly lit room, work with small print, etc. All this affects not only visual acuity. Dry eye syndrome, headaches and migraine with aura – this can also lead to strain on the visual apparatus.
Not the most pleasant and painless procedure. This is a bowel examination using a special tube with a small camera at the end. Despite the fact that there are no strict indications when to undergo such a procedure for the first time, in this case the same principle applies – it is better earlier. The fact is that intestinal cancer is diagnosed already at a fairly late stage, when the tumor has reached an impressive size and, most likely, has become malignant. Colonoscopy can detect benign polyps and any other neoplasms, preventing them from developing into cancerous ones. By the way, this examination can be performed under general anesthesia.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) contributes to the development of cervical cancer. This virus is dangerous for women with reduced immunity, and with age, immunity decreases even more. Therefore, the risk of being hit is increased. But competent treatment and a good specialist will help destroy the virus, so do not give up if the HPV test is positive.