The possibilities of modern medicine make it possible to make an accurate calculation of pregnancy by week and day. Thanks to this, the expectant mother will be able to more closely monitor her condition and notice any deviations from the norm. At the same time, calculations can be made at home.
Methods for determining the duration of pregnancy
The most popular way to determine the gestational age is by performing an ultrasound scan. Thanks to this study, the doctor can see the size and degree of development of the fetus and, based on this data, draw a conclusion about the approximate date of conception and the “age” of the unborn baby.

But unfortunately, ultrasound does not give 100% of the result, because each pregnancy proceeds differently, and some babies develop faster, while others – slower. But it is necessary to conduct this study in any case, because thanks to it you can find out about the condition of the child, as well as identify various pathologies in the first weeks.
An experienced gynecologist can determine the week of pregnancy by the size of the uterus
A blood test for hCG will help to say more accurately about the expected duration of pregnancy. The level of this hormone is constantly changing during each period of gestation. Depending on the amount of the substance, you can find out quite accurately what week of pregnancy the woman is in, and, already starting from these data, calculate the date of the expected birth.
How to calculate pregnancy yourself?
You can also determine the expected date of birth at home. Moreover, this can be done in different ways:
- Determination of the moment of conception. This method is suitable for women who know exactly what day the intercourse took place that led to pregnancy. This is possible if a woman monitors her ovulation and knows when it happened. In this case, the error may be 2-3 days.
- For the last menstruation. This method is quite accurate, especially if the expectant mother kept a menstrual calendar. From the moment of the last day of your period until the expected birth, 280 days will pass.
- Stirring the child. In the first pregnancy, the baby begins to beat around the 20th week. If this is not the first child of the mother, then he will make itself felt as early as the 18th week. But this method is not accurate enough, because the first tremors of the baby can be confused with intestinal peristalsis.
- Online calculator. On the Internet, you can find many programs that will help you determine the week of pregnancy for a woman. Of course, in this case too, there is a small error of 2-3 days. But otherwise, the calculators are quite accurate, because they calculate the days of pregnancy according to all the rules of obstetrics. Moreover, such programs are often equipped with a special calendar. It describes in detail what the expectant mother may experience during a particular period of bearing a child.
There are many methods by which the expectant mother will be able to calculate the duration of her pregnancy, as well as find out about the date of the expected birth. And for this it is not necessary to go to an unplanned appointment with a gynecologist, because you can comfortably carry out calculations at home.
Lets Select the date of the first day of the last menstruation as 01.01.2023
Menstruation Sunday 1/1/2023 | Today you started menstrual bleeding. |
Conception Sunday 15/1/2023 |
1 week of pregnancy Sunday 8/1/2023 | Of course, this is not pregnancy yet, because you have another menstrual bleeding. However, whether you like it or not, the body began to prepare for possible motherhood again. |
2 weeks pregnant 15/1/2023 | Most often, a woman becomes pregnant in the middle of the cycle, on the 14th day. |
3 weeks pregnant 22/1/2023 | A few days after fertilization, a morula embryo is attached to the inner wall of the uterus (endometrium). You are now officially pregnant! The baby’s brain and nervous system are being formed. His tiny heart begins to beat. |
4 weeks pregnant 29/1/2023 | ![]() |
5 weeks pregnant 5/2/2023 | ![]() |
6 weeks pregnant 12/2/2023 | ![]() |
7 weeks pregnant 19/2/2023 | ![]() |
8 weeks pregnant 26/2/2023 | ![]() |
9 weeks pregnant 5/3/2023 | ![]() |
10 weeks pregnant 12/3/2023 | ![]() |
11 weeks pregnant 19/3/2023 | ![]() |
12 weeks pregnant 26/3/2023 | ![]() |
13 weeks pregnant 2/4/2023 | ![]() |
14 weeks pregnant 9/4/2023 | You have entered the second trimester, the best time of your pregnancy. Now you will feel more energetic, although your uterus is getting bigger every week. You yourself will notice this when your stomach begins to rise: if earlier the bottom of the uterus (its upper part) was above the pubic zone, now it is already above the navel. The baby’s pancreas begins to produce insulin. Sexual organs are formed. At this time, his heart is pumping 24 liters of blood a day. It is the same as your palm, mom! |
15 weeks pregnant 16/4/2023 | ![]() |
16 weeks pregnant 23/4/2023 | ![]() |
17 weeks pregnant 30/4/2023 | ![]() |
18 weeks pregnant 7/5/2023 | ![]() |
19 weeks pregnant 14/5/2023 | The main achievement of the week is the continued growth of the brain. The disproportionately large head of the fetus is a sign of the important role that the brain plays in the development of the child. Talk to him, he hears and recognizes your voice – the voice of your mother, the only one in the world! |
20 weeks pregnant 21/5/2023 | It’s been 18 weeks since conception and your belly and pregnancy are already visible. Your waist is not a waist at all, but a tummy like a bun. The upper edge of the uterus is just below the level of the navel. You can already feel whether your little one is sleeping or awake. With a stethoscope, you can finally hear your baby’s heart. Are you already calling him by his first name? |
21 weeks pregnant 28/5/2023 | Your child’s blood already has a high level of red blood cells: white blood cells are starting to be produced, which are responsible for suppressing infections. There are already taste buds on his tongue, when he drinks amniotic fluid, he smacks his lips! His digestive system is sufficiently formed to absorb water and sugar from the amniotic fluid. |
22 weeks pregnant 4/6/2023 | The kid studies his body, touches his legs, his face with his hands. As in previous weeks, your blood volume is increasing, mostly at the expense of plasma. Plasma is the liquid component of blood and is capable of dissolving blood cells. That is why many pregnant women find physiological anemia. It is necessary to improve nutrition, especially fortified with iron. |
23 weeks pregnant 11/6/2023 | Despite the fact that the child begins to build up fat at an accelerated pace, he still looks red and wrinkled. This is because the skin is formed much faster than sufficient fat deposits can form under it, so the skin is still sagging. The weight of the baby is approximately 510g. Sometimes his activity can disturb you. He wants to join you soon, start a fun game. Try to take a walk at such moments, talk to him quietly, he needs your attention and a change of scenery. He’s just trying to stir you up! |
24 weeks pregnant 18/6/2023 | The weight gain starts to show. Hence – headaches, problems with the bladder, heaviness in the legs and general fatigue. The baby already weighs about 600 g, and his height is 30 cm. Fat and sweat glands are functioning. The face is already the way you see it at birth. Eyelashes and hair continue to grow. If he were born now, with proper care, he could survive. |
25 weeks pregnant 25/6/2023 | ![]() |
26 weeks pregnant 2/7/2023 | His movements can already be felt by the household. The time has come for them to meet! The little one reacts to your mood like never before. He opened his eyes, they are now blue, heavenly color. In the future, this color may change. |
27 weeks pregnant 9/7/2023 | From this week, the chances of a baby surviving a preterm birth are 85%. So from now on, the child already has a very real viability. However, until the full gestation of the fetus remains 13 full weeks. Now he rejoices if you stroke your stomach, he can quiet down, absorbing your tenderness, or, on the contrary, dance with delight. He’s already a little cramped in his house. The weight is now a little over 900 g. He has visual perception and dreams of seeing the bright colors of your vast outer world. |
28 weeks pregnant 16/7/2023 | If the baby is born this week, it will legally be considered a human person subject to registration. The cerebral cortex has developed convolutions, and the mass of the brain continues to increase. The hair on the head becomes longer. Try to turn on melodic music for him – he will like it, he has a sense of absolute harmony. Its weight is just over a kilogram. Colostrum, or colostrum, begins to build up in your breasts. The body knows how important it is to prepare for the meeting of the baby! And provides him with nourishing milk. |
29 weeks pregnant 23/7/2023 | Your baby is busy preparing for birth and extrauterine life. He learned to regulate his body temperature. The skin thickens, fat accumulates. |
30 weeks pregnant 30/7/2023 | Miracle! The kid gets acquainted with the room in which you are! It distinguishes the room especially well if it is brightly lit. Try to show him a big toy – he will be delighted! And now he is learning to recognize the voices of other family members. As you gain weight, your movements become more and more slow and clumsy. Remember to maintain good posture when walking or sitting. Before getting out of bed, first roll onto your side. Pain in the lower back, which appear due to a large load on the back, makes themselves felt. |
31 weeks pregnant 6/8/2023 | ![]() In late pregnancy, back pain is almost inevitable. Their reason is that the ligaments and muscles of the back are now resting, relaxing, preparing for the birth process. Expansion of the veins in the legs is now also very likely. |
32 weeks pregnant 13/8/2023 | Height is about 40 cm. In the last stages of pregnancy, the child hears perfectly what is happening around. He recognizes the beat of your heart, familiar with the sounds of peristalsis and the noise of blood flowing through the umbilical cord. He already knows your voice well. Sing him a lullaby in the evening! |
33 weeks pregnant 20/8/2023 | The future baby has acquired a special substance – a surfactant, which will help him breathe on his own after childbirth. By this time, the baby has already turned head down: he is preparing for birth. Your doctor or midwife will tell you about the position of your fetus in relation to the birth canal. |
34 weeks pregnant 27/8/2023 | The baby gets used to the taste that the dishes you eat most often have. He has a well-developed sense of taste. Braxton Hicks contractions become more regular. These are cramping pains that appear in the upper part of the uterus, then spread down and finally subside. |
35 weeks pregnant 3/9/2023 |
36 weeks pregnant 10/9/2023 | His face became plump, smooth: thick cheeks appeared. Infant cheeks are due to the buildup of subcutaneous fat plus intense thumb sucking in the womb for several months – a big workout for the sucking muscles! |
37 weeks pregnant 17/9/2023 | This week or a little later, if this is not your first pregnancy, the harbingers of childbirth will appear. This means that the baby’s head (in the case of cephalic presentation) descends into the pelvis. You may feel some relief as the pressure on your internal organs is relieved. Your pregnancy has crept up to the definition of “full-term”. The kid falls lower, literally “sits on the suitcases.” Don’t rush it! Before the path to the sun and your Love, he needs to gain strength. He already knows how to make breathing movements. Its weight is approximately 2kg 400g. |
38 weeks pregnant 24/9/2023 | In the last week, the child has accumulated a lot of waste products in the intestines. This black-green substance is called meconium, and it consists of decayed blood cells, dead intestinal cells, as well as desquamated skin cells, germinal vellus hair swallowed along with the amniotic fluid, and other components. |
39 weeks pregnant 1/10/2023 | The cervix is now shortening and dilating, and the bladder is experiencing the strongest pressure in all the time of pregnancy. Perhaps there will be a little nervousness on the eve of the now close birth. The baby gains weight on average 28-30 g per day. |
40 weeks pregnant 8/10/2023 | While waiting for the onset of labor, try to remain calm. When the real contractions start, make sure those around you are aware of your plans, where and how to give birth. During contractions, do not forget about relaxation techniques and proper breathing. |
41 weeks pregnant 15/10/2023 | If the baby is still in the uterus, now he is just gaining weight and, perhaps, is worried that he “stayed too long.” If he has already been born, then, obviously, he does not have time to be surprised how much his new life differs from the former, uterine one. |
42 weeks pregnant 22/10/2023 | Only ten percent of pregnant women “carry out” until the 42nd week. However, don’t worry if you are one of them. It may well be that your deadline was calculated incorrectly, so that in fact you are following the schedule set by nature. However, talk to your doctor about different methods of labor induction. |
43 weeks pregnant 29/10/2023 | Postponed pregnancy. |
childbirth 8/10/2023 |
How accurate is the calculator for determining the due date?
Science still does not know exactly what and when exactly triggers the mechanism of labor activity. According to statistics, only 5% of children are born at “estimated time”. About 85% choose their birthday with a difference of 7-14 days from the expected date of birth.
You will need information about the gestational age obtained using the calculator in order to independently monitor the development of the fetus and your well-being, plan visits to the gynecologist and dates for examinations. Learn more about the intrauterine development of the baby and the condition of the expectant mother in our weekly pregnancy calendar.
What determines the duration of gestation
The normal duration of gestation is from 38 to 42 weeks. It can be influenced by many factors:
- the rate of development of the fetus, its height and weight;
- emotional state of the expectant mother;
- the presence of childbirth in the past;
- duration of menstruation.
So, if your cycle is less than 25 days, labor can begin a couple of weeks before the due date. If the cycle, on the contrary, is more than a month, the wait will be delayed for 10-14 days.