Evitest pregnancy test

Evitest is one of the most popular test systems in high demand among women around the world. These are universal express devices that allow you to determine pregnancy in the early stages at home. Evitest tests are available in several varieties, which allows you to choose the best product in each case.

Benefits of the Evitest Pregnancy Test

If we consider the main advantages of the Evitest system, then among them the following factors can be distinguished:

  • The sensitivity of these instruments is very high compared to a number of other tests. So, pregnancy can be detected already at a level of hCG in the urine of 20 mIU / ml.

  • The manufacturer assures that the accuracy of the test is 99%, provided that the diagnostic study is performed correctly.

  • Evitest is convenient to use anywhere, not just at home, if you purchase an inkjet device.

  • The result can be assessed as soon as possible (in 3-5 minutes).

  • Evitest offers 4 types of devices, which gives women a choice.

  • For the production of tests, only high-quality and non-toxic materials are used.

Operating principle

Evitest works on the same principle as all other express systems that aim to establish pregnancy. The device reacts to the presence in the urine of a woman of a specific hormone, which is called “human chorionic gonadotropin” or hCG for short. A reagent is applied to the strip of the device, which, when hCG particles get on it, turns red (crimson). For the study, the woman’s urine is required.

Chorionic gonadotropin is produced first by the shell of the embryo (chorion), and then by the placenta during gestation. The hormone begins to be produced in large quantities immediately after the embryo implants in the wall of the uterus. This happens 5-6 days after the conception happened. However, during these periods, the level of hCG is still not high enough for the test to be able to “recognize” it in the urine.

However, 14 days after conception, the hormone content in the blood and urine begins to increase rapidly. Every day it becomes almost 2 times more. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the test on the first day of the delay in menstruation, which will allow you to get the most reliable result. Although you can try to add 10 days to the date of ovulation and perform the study on that day.

Types of tests Evitest

Test manufacturer Evitest produces a series of devices that allow you to determine pregnancy in the early stages and without visiting a doctor.

  • Evitest One. This device is the simplest of the entire Evitest product line. It is represented by a strip fixed on a plastic base. To perform the procedure for determining pregnancy, you will need to collect urine in a separate container, where the test will be placed.

  • Avoidest Plus. This product is similar to Evitest One, however, the package will contain not one, but two devices. The principle of their action remains the same. If a woman purchases Evitest Plus, then she gets the opportunity to save money, since two devices in the kit will cost less than buying tests in individual packaging. In addition, to clarify the results, you do not need to go to the pharmacy again.

  • Evitest Proof. This is a cassette pregnancy test. The whole device is completely enclosed in plastic packaging. The kit also comes with a pipette, which is necessary for collecting urine and applying liquid to the cassette. This test is considered to be an instrument that is as accurate as those used by professional diagnostic lab technicians. The Evitest Proof cassette test provides the most effective interaction between urine and reagent, which increases the reliability of the result. However, the cost of such a device will be an order of magnitude higher compared to classic test strips.

  • Evatest Perfect. This device is jet, which allows you to diagnose pregnancy with great comfort. Evitest Perfect is equipped with a convenient holder and a tip with a plastic cap. This form of the device allows you to carry out the procedure with comfort and makes it as hygienic as possible. Moreover, to collect urine, you do not need to look for and prepare a container. To carry out the testing procedure, it will be enough to bring the device under a stream of urine.

  • Evatest Supreme. This test is the latest development of the Evitest manufacturers. In addition to being highly sensitive, this inkjet test is housed in a cassette with a cutting-edge design. It has all the benefits of previous generation tests, which makes it the most convenient for women. However, it should be understood that such a test cannot be cheap.

Instructions for Evitest tests

Although all devices of the Evitest range are very easy to use, nevertheless, before starting the diagnostics, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions. It is attached to each product and has some features. They can affect the correctness of the procedure and the interpretation of the results.

Instructions for Evitest One and Evitest Plus

After the strip is removed from the package, you need to protect it from moisture. Preliminary care should be taken to prepare a container for collecting urine (any dry and clean container will do). Urine is collected in the container, after which the test is lowered into it to the immersion zone marked with a line. After 3-5 seconds, the dough is removed and laid out on a flat surface. The result can be evaluated after 3-5 minutes, but after 10 minutes it will be invalid.

The appearance of one line indicates that there is no pregnancy, and the appearance of two lines indicates that there is a pregnancy.

If a woman wants to conduct a control study, for example, when she receives a too pale second line, then it is recommended to wait two days, and then perform the test again. To increase the accuracy of the study, you need to take the first morning portion of urine, as it is the most concentrated, and it will contain more hCG hormone.

Instructions for Evitest Proof

This test system is presented in a cassette, which must first be removed from the individual packaging. Also included with the cassette should be a pipette.

Urine should be collected in a container, drop a pipette into it and take the fluid. Then, using a pipette, it is introduced into a special round-shaped window, which is located on the test cassette. The device itself must lie on a flat and dry surface. For the study, no more than 4 drops of urine will be required.

The result can be assessed 3-5 minutes after the liquid has been added to the window. However, 10 minutes after the procedure, it may change, but its reliability is violated.

Instructions for Evitest Perfect

This device is inkjet. Therefore, to use it, you do not need to collect urine in a container. It is enough just to release the test tip from the protective cap and substitute it for 3-5 seconds under the stream of urine. Then the cap is returned to its place, and the device is laid out on a flat and dry surface. The result is evaluated after 5 minutes, but no later than 10 minutes.

Recommendations for use

In order for the result of the study to be as reliable as possible, it is necessary to take into account the following tips for using Evitest devices:

  • The same test cannot be run twice. All products of the Evitest line are disposable.

  • It is impossible to evaluate the results of the test carried out later than 10 minutes after exposure to urine on the device.

  • It is necessary to store tests at a temperature not higher than +30 and not lower than +5 °C Celsius.

  • Devices that are past their expiration date cannot be used.

  • Before testing, do not drink large amounts of liquid.

  • If the testing procedure requires a preliminary collection of urine in a container, then you should choose a plastic or glass container, and at the same time it must be clean.

  • If the test was accidentally overexposed or its results could not be evaluated during the first 10 minutes, then it may give false information.

Can the Evitest pregnancy test be wrong?

Although Evitest tests are highly accurate, sometimes the result can be false positive or false negative, even if the device itself is in good working order and if all the rules for its operation are observed.

So, a false negative result can be obtained when the test was carried out too early or urine with a low concentration of hCG was used to perform it. It is also possible if women have kidney disease, which contributes to the difficult removal of the hormone in the urine.

A false-positive result is most often due to a recent miscarriage or abortion, or the presence of a hormone-producing tumor in a woman. Also, the test can give incorrect information about pregnancy against the background of a woman taking medications containing human chorionic gonadotropin in its composition. Such drugs are most often used to treat infertility.

In the event that a woman has doubts, she needs to re-test. If the result is still unsatisfactory, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice.

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