Everything you need to know about peels – properties, application, types of peels

Peeling is nothing more than just superficial cosmetic exfoliation of the epidermis on the face and body. We can also call it abrasion, ablation or exfoliation. It is a procedure consisting in removing the contaminated and damaged top layer of dead epidermis by exfoliation. The consequence of this is the stimulation of the skin to produce new cells. It is used in both cosmetology and dermatology. Its main goal is to improve the appearance of our skin, lighten the resulting discoloration or reduce fine wrinkles. It is also often used by people struggling with acne.

It is best to use the peeling regularly. It will make the skin younger and more beautiful. It will become better supplied with blood, more elastic, its color will improve and, most importantly, it will be smoother. In addition, peeling is also called cosmetics available in various drugstores and pharmacies, which contain peeling substances – exfoliating dead skin cells.

What are the contraindications to the use of peeling?

They also appear contraindications to the use of peeling. These are all skin inflammations, skin damage, allergy to any ingredients contained in the product, viral or fungal infections, or even herpes. However, to all Chemical peels should not be subjected to pregnant or breastfeeding women.

It should also be remembered that peeling (especially the one containing fruit acids) should not be performed just before going out in the sun. Otherwise, it should be properly prepared using sunscreen (SPF 50). Peeling is also discouraged in the event that redness appears on the skin after sunbathing. In addition, peeling should not be performed immediately after depilation (wait at least 24 hours).

So what do peels do?

Various types of peels remove dead epidermis from the surface of our skin, all impurities and dead cells, and also unblock the sebaceous glands. They cleanse the skin and prevent blackheads. Clean skin is then perfectly prepared to receive and properly absorb the cream or lotion. As a result, they will stimulate the skin to regenerate and create new cells.

During the holiday season, it is worth making such a peeling before sunbathing, thanks to which the obtained tan color will be more visible and uniform, and at the same time will last longer. This after-sun exfoliation will also enhance the appearance of that natural tan. The skin will look healthy, fresh and moisturized.

The Dermofuture sonic facial brush facilitates gentle exfoliation and cleansing the skin. Order it on Medonet Market today.

Peeling – we can use it on the face

You can use both to exfoliate the skin of the face chemical peeling and mechanical peeling. The only condition is that we choose pilling just for this purpose – for the face! The skin on the face is much more delicate than the skin on the whole body, more prone to damage and irritation, and requires special protection. We must remember this when choosing a cosmetic.

Body scrub

Body scrubs have a variety of uses and can also help resolve various skin problems. Such products usually contain particles of ingredients of varying thickness and are usually in the form of a shower gel or cream that should be applied to wet skin. We use it like a regular washing gel and cleanse the skin while washing away dead skin cells. In addition, such peels often moisturize, firm, improve blood circulation, reduce and prevent the formation of cellulite.

An alternative to the public Chemical peels are home scrubs. You do not need the appropriate preparations, and you only need a rough sponge, which after a massage on our skin will bring it to the right condition and give it a nicer look.

Various products that we probably have on hand may be useful. It can be, for example, water, cane sugar, almond oil, glycerin, coconut oil, a few drops of lime, coffee beans, baking soda, olive oil, cinnamon … and many more!

Creating such a home peeling will certainly give us a lot of satisfaction and improve our well-being, in addition to the effect obtained – of course – beautiful healthy skin!

If you want to exfoliate your body and even your scalp, choose Urea for skin cleansing available on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

Peeling – how to do it at home

Face and neck peeling

At the beginning, the skin of the face and neck should be washed off with a gel with water or cleaned with a cotton pad soaked in milk. Then apply the peeling, avoiding the eye and mouth area. In the case of mechanical peeling, massage the skin with circular and gentle movements, remembering not to stretch it too much (massaging should last a few minutes). In the case of enzymatic peeling, it should be kept for a long time according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, and then rinsed with water. At the very end, wipe the skin with a delicate tonic and apply the cream.

Whole body peeling

Before peeling, the skin must be clean and moist (it is a good idea to moisten individual parts of the body and apply an appropriate preparation on them). At first, you can start with the feet, then work your way up to the belly, breasts and décolleté. However, it should be remembered that in these places the skin is sensitive, so if we notice any redness, we should stop the treatment. You don’t have to be so gentle with your feet, knees, elbows and arms where the skin is usually thicker. The peeling should last from 10 to 15 minutes, after which the preparation should be washed off with water and a lotion or cream should be applied to the skin.

  1. Homemade peeling – natural recipes using sugar

Peeling – types

The following peels stand out:

Mechanical peeling (called granular), which consists of various types of particles that remove dead skin. Either soft polyethylene balls or natural products (e.g. ground nut shells, dried plant roots, seeds, fruit seeds, Dead Sea salt or cane sugar) are responsible for the abrasive. Recommended for oily skin. In the case of dry skin, sugar and salt peels are perfect, in which the particles dissolve during massaging, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. In turn, in the case of sensitive skin, fine-grained peels, i.e. with tiny abrasive particles, will be a good choice.

Enzyme peeling, which contains plant enzymes that affect the keratin found in the epidermis, which in turn causes the connections between cells to dissolve. It should be added that these peels, due to the lack of abrasive particles and not rubbing into the skin, do not cause mechanical irritation. As a result, they are recommended for people with sensitive and dry skin. In this regard, we recommend the Sylveco enzyme peeling with three oils: geranium, lemon and lemongrass, which gently removes dead skin cells. They are mostly intended for the face, but there are also enzyme body peels. Most often they should be rinsed with water after 10-20 minutes.

At this point, it is necessary to mention the so-called peelingach scrubwhich also belong to enzyme peels. However, they are characterized by the way of use, because they are applied with a thin layer, which should be wiped off after several minutes with your hands. They are perfect for people with sensitive and couperose skin. Interestingly, but also very important, in French, each peeling is called gommage, so if the ethics is in French, it is better to read the information on how to use it carefully.

Peeling with fruit acidswhich include, for example, lactic acid, malic acid, glycolic acid, citric acid or salicylic acid. This peeling is recommended for people with all skin types, although it may irritate sensitive skin.

In addition to the aforementioned types of peels, the professional one should also be mentioned, performed in a beauty salon. At the beautician, you can use, for example:

Peeling Salipeelwhich includes the aforementioned salicylic acid. It is recommended for people struggling with rosacea and common acne. It lightens discoloration and soothes inflammation of the hair follicles. In addition, it supports anti-cellulite treatment and nourishes and tones the skin.

  1. How to choose the perfect scrub for yourself and why is it worth doing it?

Sea peeling Thalaspawhich contains fine sea salt, jojoba oil, green tea extract, lemon peel oil, beeswax, peach seed extract. It is recommended for people with dry skin and, like its predecessor, it oils and tones the skin and supports anti-cellulite treatment.

Peeling Mandelacwhich in turn contains mandelic acid, which is recommended for people intolerant to fruit acids. This type of peeling is intended for people with sensitive skin and moderate acne. It exfoliates and smooths fine lines.

Peeling – how to take care of the skin after the treatment?

It should be remembered that it is important not only to choose the type of peeling, but also to follow certain rules after the treatment itself.

How to care for the skin after chemical peeling:

  1. Do not scratch or nibble the treated areas of the body.

As tempting as it may be, you should hold back. Even light chemical peels delicately exfoliate the skin for several days after the treatment. This peeling is the dead, damaged, and dying skin cells that respond to peeling, sagging and revealing fresh skin underneath. It’s important not to give in to the temptation to nibble, rub, or scratch your scaly skin. This can negatively affect the peeling effects and increase the risk of infection! The itching sensation can be reduced by applying a cold compress to the right place.

  1. Moisturize your skin.

As your skin will respond to the treatment by drying out and flaking, it is important to provide extra hydration. Keep your facial skin moisturized after chemical peeling until you are sure that the skin is completely healed. You should use a moisturizer that does not contain caustic substances that can irritate sensitive skin.

  1. Protect your skin from the sun after peeling.

A chemical peel has removed most of the top layer of skin, but the underlying skin is fresh and new and therefore sensitive. It is important to protect the skin from the sun for the first two weeks after chemical peeling, and even avoid direct and prolonged contact with it. There is a risk of stains and an irregular skin tone. You should also use sunscreen (SPF 30+) at the post-treatment care stage.

  1. Take a break from makeup.

When caring for the skin after chemical peeling, it is better to skip the use of makeup. Products like mascara are fine, but any topical skin makeup, such as a non-mineral foundation, can clog newly-exposed and open pores. In the case of light peels, you can wear makeup after a day or two after the treatment, but remember that the skin must heal and breathe.

  1. Choose the right skin care products.

The key to good skin care after chemical peeling is to allow the skin to regenerate, so you should immediately stop any treatments that make it difficult. As part of the healing process, you should also avoid using retinol the week before peeling and make sure not to use it while your skin is healing. Using soap-free cleansers will work best for sensitive skin, so it’s a good idea to invest in them.

In addition, remember that every person is different.

If we experience unexpected effects after chemical peeling or we are not sure if everything is fine, it is good to go to a beauty salon for a follow-up visit.

Peeling – side effects

Chemical peels can cause a variety of side effects, including:


Expect skin redness after chemical peeling. Redness can be severe with deeper peels or with certain skin types. It may disappear within a few weeks or it may take several months. The strength of the chemical peel solution will determine how much redness will occur and how long it will last.

Skin color changes

Chemical peeling can make the treated skin darker than normal (discoloration) or lighter than normal (hypopigmentation).


Scabs can appear in areas treated with any type of chemical peel as the skin responds to the trauma caused by the application of a mild acid solution to it. Phenolic peels can be expected to scab as the old layer of skin peels off and the underlying layer of new skin emerges.

Sensitivity to light

Chemical peeling can increase a patient’s sensitivity to sunlight, so it is usually recommended to avoid sun exposure for several months after surgery. It is recommended to wear sunscreen after chemical peeling.


Rarely, but nonetheless, chemical peeling can cause scarring – usually on the lower face. Antibiotics and steroid medications can be used to ease the appearance of these scars.


The chemical layer that covers the skin during the procedure can cause a flare-up of the herpes virus. Rarely, a chemical peel can lead to a bacterial or fungal infection.

Damage to the heart, kidneys or liver

A deep chemical peel uses carbolic acid (phenol), which can damage the heart muscle and cause an irregular heartbeat. Phenol can also damage the kidneys and liver.


Flaking is normal chemical peel side effects that are temporary and relatively minor. The patient must not nibble on flaky skin as squeezing it off before it’s ready can cause infection and scarring.

Peeling – mity

The solutions are difficult.

Chemical peel solutions are not difficult, considering that the ingredients are natural and plant-based. In fact, the solutions are so mild that even the most sensitive skin will benefit from it.

If you’re a newbie or have sensitive skin, AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) is the best for us. AHAs are acids derived from natural sources such as milk, sugar juice, and tomato juice. These are the mildest of the solutions offered, but let’s not be fooled – AHAs are great remedies for fine lines, acne, dryness and uneven skin tone.

  1. Cosmetics for acne – what to look for in the compositions?

If you undergo treatment with acne-prone and scarred skin, BHA (beta hydroxylic acid) is the best for us. BHA acids, such as salicylic acid, penetrate deep into the pores to control oil production, loosen dead skin cells, and dissolve impurities together.

One type of peeling for everyone.

The dermatologist or esthetician will adjust the peeling to your skin type and / or requirements and needs. Chemical peels have three different power levels in terms of depth.

  1. Light – delicate. It only removes the epidermis, the outer layer of skin, and can be done once a week for up to six weeks.
  2. Medium – mild. It removes skin cells below the epidermis and can be performed every 2-3 weeks.
  3. Deep – intense. It renews the skin’s surface by removing the epidermis and some of the top, middle and bottom layers below it. Performed only by a dermatologist if necessary, because it causes great discomfort and extends the healing time.

A light to medium scrub is best for immediate fresh and healthy skin without pain or downtime. Sure, a deeper peel will produce more meaningful results, but not without pain and a long recovery.

Peeling works only when the skin is clearly peeling.

A successful treatment does not mean that the skin will peel off. Peeling begins at the cellular level of the skin and, depending on the skin type, is not always visible to the naked eye. While healthier skin is less flaky, severely damaged skin may also peel a little at first, but the effect will be noticeable after a few treatments.

Chemical peeling can be done at home

Superficial peels sold at your local drugstore do not produce the same results as a professional peel. Moreover, improper use of the available preparations can cause serious damage to the skin. Stronger peels can be found online, but again the risk of scarring and hypopigmentation is even greater with untrained hands. These deeper peels should only be performed by doctors or specially trained aesthetes working in a doctor’s office. It is not as simple as simply applying the product to the skin, an appropriate skin assessment is required.

Good to remember

The skin should also be properly cared for before, during and after the treatment. Scrubs found on the Internet usually do not come with instructions, and those looking to do the procedure themselves end up spending more money in the long run on expensive medical visits and cosmetic procedures to try and repair the damage.

Chemical peeling is a one-time treatment

Superficial peels reduce the appearance of fine lines, even out the skin tone and help in the treatment of acne and acne scars. While chemical peels can help repair visible damage, they cannot repair significant sun damage and other aging factors. Deeper peels are performed to help correct the same ailments, but because they penetrate deeper into the skin, they also stimulate the production of new collagen.

One-time treatment will give the skin visible results, but to get the best effect, you need to do it consistently. The size of the damage will correlate with the number of treatments required. Caring for and protecting a patient’s skin after surgery is also critical to the outcome and overall healing of the skin.

I will not use chemical peeling if I do not have problematic skin

Chemical peels are beneficial for most skin types. Chemical peels not only heal problem-prone skin, but can also act preventively. In some cases, chemical peels can not only correct cosmetic problems, but can help prevent certain types of skin cancer. Treatments will only be effective if you use the right skin care products with adequate sun protection.

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