Everything you need to know about bathing babies

The daily bath, is it essential?

Bathing is an important time of day for your baby. It is often a privileged one-on-one with his mum or dad, a moment of calm and tactile discoveries and olfactory. This is the opportunity to discover new sensations, necessary for his sensory development. From the point of view of baby hygiene, the daily bath eliminates all traces of perspiration or regurgitation. However, the doctor may recommend that you bathe your baby every other day, especially if he has dry skin.

How long can you leave a baby in the bathwater?

The first few weeks, the infant can be left in the water for a few minutes, just enough time to rinse it. But, be careful, it cools very quickly. Then, over the months, we can let it splash around a bit. Some babies love the contact of water, others less, it must be taken into account to prolong or not the bath. You can also distract him with adapted games that go in the water.

Can we put a few drops of oil in the bath water?

Yes, we can put a little oil in the water, but be careful, essential oils should not be used at all in children under 5 years old. On the other hand, there are a multitude of specific baby care oils, which can be rinsed or not. They are often used for babies with dry skin. The oil has a lipid-replenishing effect on the skin and it prevents the drying effects of hard water.

Which product to choose for washing babies?

It is necessary to use non-aggressive, soap-free toiletries, formulated specifically for the skin of toddlers. They cleanse while protecting the epidermis from often hard water. Marseille soap, for example, should be avoided because its alkaline pH makes it aggressive for the skin and risks altering its hydrolipidic film. From birth to about 7 months, a body and hair wash gel is sufficient, or in combination with a foam shampoo if your baby has cradle cap. As soon as her hair becomes denser, you can combine the body wash with a gentle baby shampoo.

My baby cries all the time when I undress him. How to calm him down?

Infants are not too keen on being handled, especially when it comes to undressing them. To soothe him at bath time, the bathroom must be at the right temperature (between 20 and 22 ° C) so that it does not get cold. You also need to be well organized: have all your things close at hand to be fully available and fast. Then reassure him by speaking quietly to him. When he is old enough to catch small objects, give him, for example, a small plastic duck, which he will then keep with him in the bath.

Should you wash your baby’s hair every day?

At birth, the scalp is sensitive : the newborn sweats a lot of the head and the sebaceous secretions can cause the formation of cradle cap. A shampoo with a specific baby product therefore eliminates all traces of perspiration, especially the first six months. For older children, fine and delicate hair does not require the same care. If your child has not rolled in the sandbox, we can to wash hairevery few days, with a mild baby shampoo.

Should I use a washcloth to soap my baby?

Washcloths tend to be nests for bacteria. Their use is strongly discouraged on irritated or atopic skin. There is then an increased risk of penetration of allergens. On normal skin, you can use a glove, changing it at each bath. Corn the best formula remains the toilet directly with the hands, taking care to have cleaned them well before! It is thus possible to warm the toiletry product between the palms of the hand before applying it to the baby.

How to dry your baby carefully?

It should not be rubbed which could overheat its fragile skin or irritate it. To remove all traces of moisture, light pressure is applied with a soft terry towel, paying particular attention to the neck, armpits and small folds. If these areas remain wet, there is a risk of maceration, then irritation of the skin.

What temperature should it be in the bathroom when using the toilet?

It must be between 20 and 22 °C to make your baby feel comfortable. You can put a thermometer there to be sure. If it’s too hot or too cold, your baby won’t feel well, and neither will you!

Why does the bath water have to be 37 ° C?

It is in fact the temperature of the body. A tip to quickly find out if the water temperature is good: dip your elbow in the bath. The water should not feel too hot or too cold to you. But in any case, it is essential to carry out a check with a thermometer.


In video: Benevolent education: my child does not want to go to the bath, what to do?

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