Everything you need to know about baby’s stool

“Green poo” or even black: the first stools of the newborn

A little step back is in order. From the fourth month of pregnancy, Baby’s gallbladder and stomach begin to function. In the intestine, a greenish substance accumulates: meconium. It is mainly formed by the bile that rejects the vesicle. It is this substance that will be evacuated during the first days of Baby’s life.

You should know that in the first days, even the first months of his life, the intestines of our baby are not used to change of environment. Indeed, in utero, they did not work in the same way. At birth, cells from the intestine are evacuated, these are the baby’s first stools also called meconium. They are dark green and slimy (tar-like appearance) and last about three days. Then the stool may take a very dark appearance, sometimes even black, during one week.

What color for baby’s stools before food diversification?

Baby’s stool will evolve throughout his first year. They can change overnight, so do not panic. If Baby seems comfortable and doesn’t have a swollen tummy, normally everything is fine. However, in case of doubt, we do not hesitate to consult our doctor or the pediatrician.

The stools of the breastfed infant

In general, the stools of a breast-fed baby are “Golden yellow”, liquid and lumpy in appearance. Almost like old-fashioned mustard, a little more orange. They also have an acidic smell. These bowel movements are relatively frequent, six to eight times a day. Most of the time, Baby does after feeding.

Infant bottle-fed baby’s stool

The stools are yellow-green, fairly consistent and less frequent than for a breast-fed baby. They are almost as fragrant as adult stools. The more weeks go by, the more the stools turn brown, and sometimes become more liquid. All of this varies depending on how fast Baby is in transit.

Baby’s stools from the “diversified” baby (from food diversification)

When we are going to start dietary diversification, the stool will change color and consistency. They will also be more fragrant, almost similar to those of adults. In general, babies do two to three times a day. The stool will gradually become more regular, thanks to the fibers contained in the diet. If Baby eats carrot puree, for example, his stools will become colored, and tint orange. If our baby has trouble digesting certain fibers, we will find them in the diaper!

Baby stools: when to worry?

Liquid stools: baby’s diarrhea

If the stools are very frequent and watery, it is strongly recommended to make an appointment with the doctor within 24 hours. Indeed, Baby can quickly become dehydrated. The pediatrician’s advice: if our infant shows signs of gastroenteritis, we give him oral rehydration fluids (SRPO), available in pharmacies without a prescription. These solutes are products made up of electolytes (sodium, potassium, chlorine), alkalinizing agents (citrates or bicarbonates) and carbohydrates. The sachet must be diluted in 200 ml of weakly mineralized water, without adding sugar or salt.

Rare stools: baby’s constipation

The frequency of bowel movements in babies varies a lot, ranging from once every 2-3 days to 3-4 times a day. Usually a baby has a bowel movement once a day. On the other hand, if our child has the swollen belly, which he eats and drinks less than usual, he may be constipated. We do not hesitate to massage his belly, and if his discomfort persists, we consult a doctor.

White stools: a consultation is necessary

If the baby’s stools are discolored, white or “putty” for several days in a row, it is better to make an appointment with a doctor. This may be the result of liver disease not detected at birth.

Blood in Baby’s Stool

Black stools, with blood and bad odor? The pediatrician advises to consult fairly quickly. It can come from lower colon. And if it happens that there is blood in the diaper, don’t panic, it may be that the infant’s anus cracks. The doctor will prescribe a cream to relieve the baby while the crack heals.

Fatty stools

Does your baby have shiny, greasy stools? It is possible that he doesdoes not assimilate fat well. In this case, it is also advisable to see your doctor or pediatrician promptly.

Watery and rare stools: motor diarrhea

Between the ages of 1 and 2, your child may have watery and infrequent stools. This is called motor diarrhea, due to rapid transit. Nothing to worry about if your child is growing and putting on weight normally. If in doubt, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.


  1. ልጅ 3 ወር ናት ካካ ካለች 4ቀን ሁናት

  2. 14 ወር ልጅ ነው ሰገራው በጣም ይሸታል ሲያስቀምጠው

  3. ልጄ 4 ከሶስት ሳምንት ሆኖታል በቀን 5-6 ጊዜ ካካ ይላል አምስት ሆኖቷል ኖርማል ነው?

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