Everything you need to keep in mind to avoid having cystitis this summer

Everything you need to keep in mind to avoid having cystitis this summer


The use of swimsuits, sweating or lack of protection during sexual intercourse are risk factors for this infection

Everything you need to keep in mind to avoid having cystitis this summer

La cystitis it is a very uncomfortable infection, but no less common for that. In the summer times it is easier to suffer from this disease, since all risk factors increase. “If you go to the pool or the beach, it is common not to change your swimsuit, and for the area to remain damp. In addition, sweating increases at this time ”, explains Dr. Ángel Sánchez, gynecologist at the Vithas Medimar Hospital.

Beyond the typical situations of the summer season, there are other factors that can cause cystitis. For example, the doctor explains that, for example chronic constipation, misuse of antibiotics, poor hygiene, lack of hydration or the practice of sexual intercourse

 they can be cause. Of all these, the last is the reason, experts point out, most likely, being responsible for 80% of cystitis cases.

Also, explains the dietitian-nutritionist Carme Ferrer, that although «there is no scientific evidence that there are foods that help to prevent the appearance of cystitis, if we carry out a healthy diet we will be more protected against any infection». Also, it is essential to have a good level of hydration.

How food influences

In addition, the nutritionist points out that some studies have determined that there are people with cystitis who are aware that there are foods that cause them more pain during the infection. Therefore, the professional explains that restrict coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, chocolate and spicy foods can help some people control symptoms.

To know whether or not we have cystitis, we must attend to the symptoms. These are the most common:

– Pain or burning urination.

– Need to urinate more often and urgently than normal.

– Bloody urine.

– Pain in the lower part of the belly.

– Feeling of general malaise and fatigue.

– Dark, cloudy or strong-smelling urine.

To prevent and combat this infection, Dr. Ángel Sánchez leaves a list of recommendations, especially for the summer season. In the first place, he recommends drinking a liter and a half of water a day, as well as urinating every two or three hours, because «bacteria tend to proliferate when urine remains in the bladdera, and the act of expelling urine cleanses the urinary tract. ‘ Also, urges to wash and dry after going to the bathroom correctly and use cotton underwear, because this fabric favors perspiration and prevents moisture, a breeding ground for bacteria.

Practices to avoid

It also warns of danger of douching, since “the direct entry of water into the area does not imply a better cleaning and can lead to a change in the pH of the vaginal walls” and encourages avoiding the use of protectors on a daily basis. For example, panty liners limit perspiration from the skin and promote moisture in the area.

Finally, from the University of Navarra Clinic they explain that there are several medical risk factors that make us more or less prone to having cystitis. These are diabetes, being pregnant, suffering from infectious lithiasis and obstruction, which is considered the most important risk factor, since it allows greater growth and intrarenal penetration of germs and is decisive in kidney destruction.

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