Everything will be smooth: the pros and cons of popular types of hair removal

Laser, photo or Elos – which of the methods is better for you.

For a long time, society drives us into a certain framework and dictates what is in trend and what is not. It just so happened that for more than a hundred years, a perfectly smooth body for girls has been in fashion. Of course, many women go on strike against hair removal and show that they can afford to walk with hairy legs or armpits, but they are immediately called feminists. It turns out, whether you like it or not, you have to try all the methods that help get rid of hairs.

The most popular way to remove hair is with a razor. We are sure that all the girls will agree that although this method is simple, painless and cheap, it is a little energy-consuming. After all, the hair will have to be shaved off in a day at best. Fortunately, a huge number of types of hair removal have appeared in the beauty industry, with the help of which you can say goodbye to body hair almost forever.

The most popular ways to deal with unwanted body hair are laser, photo and elos hair removal. But, before choosing one thing, it is worth knowing all the pros and cons of each of them.

This epilation method is based on combining the effect of light and heat on the hair: the light energy is converted into heat energy, which heats up the hair growth zone to the maximum and destroys the hair follicle.

During the procedure, specialists use special lamps that generate broadband light. The target of the light beam is the hair follicle itself, or rather, its growth part.

During a photoepilation session, the doctor treats the affected area with a special conductive gel, and then directs a pulsed light onto the skin, which looks like bright flashes from the side.

It is worth noting the additional anti-age effect of this procedure: photoepilation stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, thereby achieving an additional effect of photorejuvenation.


– the procedure is comfortably tolerated, pain is minimized;

– this technique can be used even in the absence of a strong contrast between skin and hair;

– allows you to remove both vellus and hard hairs.


– not suitable in cases where the hairs are lighter than the skin.

The word Elos stands for “electro-optic synergy”, thus this type of hair removal is a method of hair removal using light and radio frequency energy. The follicle is destroyed under the simultaneous action of pulsed light radiation, which is used in photoepilation, and bipolar radio frequency radiation.


– due to the combination of two influencing factors: light energy, which provides directed heating of the hair shaft, and radio frequency current, which destroys hair follicles, the procedure provides a high-quality effect;

– low trauma – the skin surface does not overheat, the risk of burns and irritation is minimized;

– no need to grow hairs – on the contrary, they need to be shaved before the procedure.


– for high-quality hair removal, several sessions are required with an interval of a month;

– not compatible with other types of hair removal;

– contraindicated in varicose veins and a tendency to form keloid scars;

– the effect and result depends on the qualifications of the doctor + the quality of the device

Laser hair removal is the elimination of hair follicles due to the action of a laser, due to which the treated hair is destroyed, falls out, and does not grow further. The main target of the laser is the dark pigment melanin in the hair.

During the procedure, only the hair follicle is destroyed – the laser beam, penetrating to a depth of 1-4 mm, works only at the level of the hair follicles, without penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin. Redness that may appear after the procedure, as a rule, disappears after a few hours and speaks only of a correctly performed laser hair removal.

It is worth noting that in order to remove the maximum amount of hair, one procedure is not enough – you need to undergo a course of procedures (with an interval of 1,5-3 months). The cumulative effect of laser hair removal is due to the fact that the laser beam removes only “mature” hair follicles, the number of which on the body does not exceed 20%. Thus, after the procedure, destroyed follicles do not appear, but new hair grows. That is why, for maximum hair removal, you need to undergo a course of laser hair removal procedures.


– the procedure is practically painless. The skin is not damaged during laser treatment, so the risk of infection or scarring is practically excluded;

– coverage of large areas – in one session, the laser device allows you to treat a large surface, for example, thighs and lower legs.


– good contrast of skin and hair is required. If both the skin and the hairs are dark, the laser will affect all the pigments at once. Therefore, the ideal combination in this case is dark hairs on very light skin;

– the method is not suitable for those whose hair is lighter than the skin.

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