At the end of winter, many experience, on the one hand, relief that the cold is over, and on the other, devastation, as if all the forces were squeezed out of the body. An endless pandemic, stress, illnesses, colds, long winters lead to fatigue and apathy, and there is no strength left for oneself, for work, for new achievements, sports, hobbies. We tell you how to charge the internal battery, strengthen the body’s defenses in order to meet spring healthy and energetic.
«Solar vitamin» from fatigue and sadness
Many factors affect our well-being and emotional state. Firstly, if you spent the winter not in Bali, but in Russia, the lack of vitamin D affects. This vitamin is responsible not only for your immunity, the ability to resist viral infections, but also for your emotional state. Frequent colds, a feeling of constant fatigue and even depressive feelings may indicate a deficiency of this «sunny» vitamin in the body.
Therefore, taking a blood test for vitamin D and taking measures to eliminate its deficiency will be a very useful step towards gaining emotional and physical comfort.
Many rashly believe that fifteen minutes of sun exposure at lunchtime is enough for vitamin D to be produced in the body. But in order to get it in the sun, you need to go out into the air in cloudless weather three times a week in the interval from 11 to 16 hours and expose 25% of the body, it is better, of course, arms and legs, and not the face, so as not to expose the skin to premature aging.
Agree, not everyone can afford such procedures, especially in our cold spring. It is much easier to get vitamin D from food or from a multivitamin complex.
What should be considered when taking this vitamin? It is better to take it in the morning, because it reduces the production of melatonin, and taking it in the evening can disrupt sleep.
Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium, without it, and even without magnesium and vitamin K2, calcium can settle in the vessels with plaques or calcites in the kidneys, and it will never reach the bones. Therefore, it is better to take these vitamins and minerals not separately, but in a well-balanced multivitamin complex — such a technique will be much more effective. In addition, the use of a proven complex eliminates the possibility of an overdose, which can be very dangerous.
The optimal daily dose of vitamin D is 400 IU. Self-administration in quantities greater than this can result in undesirable consequences — up to intoxication of the body.
Rescue energy cocktail for immunity
A common reason for a decline in activity and mood in the spring, frequent colds is a lack of vitamins and minerals. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are still waiting and waiting, and imported ones do not contain the amount of nutrients that our body needs daily, even if you eat them in kilograms.
As a rule, a clear sign of a vitamin deficiency is frequent colds, herpes, seizures, deterioration of hair and nails, dull skin color, slowly healing cuts and wounds. Vitamin deficiency is also reflected in the psyche, which manifests itself in irritability, loss of strength, lethargy, drowsiness, and decreased performance. To strengthen the body’s immune defenses and regain a peppy blooming appearance, pay attention to vitamins and microelements — immunostimulants.
In addition to vitamin D, zinc and vitamin C are recognized as the strongest and most effective immunostimulants. Zinc increases the production of white blood cells, which are the body’s first line of defense against viruses, and helps our immune system to release more antibodies. Together with vitamin D, zinc increases the body’s resistance to inflammatory and infectious diseases and significantly reduces the duration of the disease.
Well, vitamin C does not really need to be introduced — it is a well-known powerful antioxidant and immunostimulant, which is also an excellent energy tonic — it gives the body vigor, youth and beauty. Do not forget about the classic vitamins A and E, they also increase the body’s resistance to infections, help the immune system, prevent early aging, maintain activity and normal performance.
Stress — off, positive — on
Another serious factor that robs women of energy and beauty is stress. Prolonged stress is especially dangerous. We have all felt its negative impact during the pandemic to one degree or another. Fear for life and health has launched a mode of laziness and apathy in many, turned on the overeating program, increased anxiety, and affected the quality of sleep.
B vitamins, especially B6 in combination with magnesium, will help to change the situation, increase stress resistance, restore calmness. And, of course, it is desirable to add outdoor walks, sufficient sleep, proper nutrition, outdoor activities, meditation and yoga to taking vitamins. All this helps to relax, bring yourself into good physical shape, establish spiritual harmony.
Stress for women is also dangerous because it can cause hormonal imbalance, which provokes nervousness, deterioration of well-being, weakens the immune system. Without the intervention of synthetic hormones, vitamins and phytoestrogens help to maintain hormonal balance.
Phytoestrogens are special substances found in some plants that can act as the female hormone estrogen, which is responsible for the health and youth of the female body. Phytoestrogens improve the emotional state, relieve premenstrual tension, support a woman’s desire to please the opposite sex, attractiveness, and sexuality. You can find them in special biocomplexes for women, which are presented in the pharmacy.
Am I the sweetest in the world
Sometimes in the bustle of worries and troubles, a woman forgets about the most important thing — about herself. And one fine day, in the mirror, she sees a tired, haggard face, an extinct look, a strained, lifeless smile. And no matter how you spur the tired body for daily exploits, it is impossible to return the ease with which all things were done. In this case, special biocomplexes for women will come to the rescue, which will put your immunity on your feet, restore strength, energy and refresh your appearance.
Among these biocomplexes, recognition among women won
Enjoy spring without viruses and colds, contemplate the awakening of nature and awaken your inner resources. Help your body, and then the strength and good mood will definitely return!