Everything about the early prenatal interview in the first trimester

What is the early prenatal interview?

Early prenatal interview, or EPP, is a optional maintenance of pregnancy, which usually takes place in the first trimester. Unlike prenatal visits and the three follow-up ultrasounds, it is not mandatory, but is, in theory, systematically offered by the gynecologist or midwife who follows the pregnant woman. Early prenatal interview is performed apart from a classic medical consultation, and can take place at any time during pregnancy.

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Why do an early prenatal interview?

The early prenatal interview is in a way a chance: it is a time of listening, exchange and individualized information about pregnancy and the birth of a child. It can take longer than a consultation (45 to 60 minutes), and is fundamentally different since it is a confidential exchange, can be achieved alone or as a couple.

You can thus benefit from the early prenatal interview:

  • to talk about your expectations, your needs and your birth plan;
  • to be informed of monitoring your pregnancy ;
  • to know your rights of ;
  • to best prepare the birth of your child in the maternity unit you have chosen;
  • to ask all questions that concern you;
  • to bring you A support if you express the need.

Who can benefit from the early prenatal interview?

All pregnant women have the right to have an early prenatal interview if they wish, with or without their partner. There is no no medical prescription needed to benefit from the EPP.

Where and with whom does the early prenatal interview take place?

The EPP can just as well be carried out in town, with a liberal health professional (midwife, general practitioner or gynecologist), as in the hospital, in maternity wards that offer it. Under certain conditions, it is also possible to benefit from an early prenatal interview in a mother and child protection center (SMEs).

What happens to the information recorded by the healthcare professional?

During the EPP, the health professional writes a summary sheet, which can be referred to several physicians or midwives if the patient wishes.

But for more confidentiality, only the information that the pregnant woman wishes to see included will be annotated. In addition to the summary sheet, the health professional carrying out the EPP can, if the pregnant woman so requests, write a letter to be attached to the pregnancy follow-up file.

How much does the early prenatal interview cost?

Early prenatal interview is 100% covered by health insurance, CMU and State Medical Aid (AME).

It is possible to carry out the EPP free of charge, even if one does not have health cover, with a midwife practicing in a maternal and child protection center (PMI).

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