For many stars, Instagram has become a kind of diary, where they write down memorable events and talk about personal things. 34-year-old Maria Ivakova shared such a revelation the other day – and the topic raised by the actress turned out to be very relevant for many women.
12 825 1227 September 2020
Maria Ivakova actively communicates with her subscribers and always keeps her word in front of them. Once I promised to tell you about the hormonal disruption and the swelling that followed, please read. Masha was extremely frank, and the unattractiveness of the topic did not bother her.
“Initially, I didn’t have any special problems with weight. Everything is as usual: you overeat – you get fat, you go in for sports and you follow your diet – you lose weight. Once on the set of Reshka I got very sick with a sore throat, the temperature was about 40. We filmed in Cairo, where there were about the same number on the street. I had to work during my illness, I lost 6 kg in three days. Business trips, crazy schedule, overwork and … TA-DAAM !! The body gave a specific failure: the lost 6 kg returned and took with them another six. And the camera adds another six, ”the TV presenter began her story and clarified that just at that time the press attributed her pregnancy to her.
“At that time, I could definitely appear in advertising for anti-cellulite products (though only in the“ before ”phase), sorry no one suggested,” the star noted with humor.
There was a break between filming, and Maria decided not to waste her free time – to do a long-planned operation and undergo treatment with hormonal drugs. Strictly as prescribed by a doctor!
“I recall these months of therapy with horror. Firstly, I began to swell a lot. Secondly, every day at 17 pm I was thrown to the emotional bottom for 40 minutes. I could sit with a blank look or weep bitterly. The cameraman and director threw a chocolate at me and ran away, because I couldn’t communicate or work at that time. After three months of taking the drug, I decided to quit it at my own peril and risk. The course was prescribed for six months, but I simply could not go further. “
Ivakova admits that she intuitively understood that the prescribed therapy did not suit her. In addition, she began to look worse and worse: “And it was not even a matter of extra pounds. The weight either stood still or slowly crawled upward, edema appeared. This has never happened! True, there was also a positive moment – my breasts increased. “
The situation needed to be urgently corrected, and Maria pulled herself together: she began to play sports 6 times a week, ate only vegetables, sat on the strictest diet, underwent a course of hard massages, and was recovering on yoga.
It didn’t help n-and-w-e-o! Weight and swelling did not go away, the appetite was brutal.
How did this sad and familiar story end? Full acceptance of the situation and yourself in the form in which it was at that time.
We look at this photo and do not believe that Maria Ivakova was once overweight.
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“My inner perfectionist calmed down and let go of the situation,” admits Maria. No, the excess weight did not miraculously disappear after that, but Masha calmed down, and gradually began to get out of the “emotional bottom” and feel happier. Ivakova is still getting out of the consequences of hormonal disruption, but, as she believes, the milestone has been passed.
Photo: @maria_ivakova/Instagram