Everyday habits that lead to intestinal dysbiosis
Home Intestinal diseases Probiotics
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The gut microbiota consists of over 1000 different species of bacteria. Their balance affects the proper absorption and digestion of food. Disturbance of the composition and quantity of these microorganisms can lead to the development of intestinal dysbiosis, which causes troublesome symptoms that make everyday functioning difficult. How can you take care of your intestines?

What is intestinal dysbiosis?

Intestinal dysbiosis is a disorder of the bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract. This applies to both the amount and composition of bacteria that live in the intestines under physiological conditions (mainly Lactobacillus, Clostridium, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Bifidobacterium, Bacillus and Bacteroides). The reason for such an irregularity may be primarily:

  1. incorrect diet (irregular meals, rich in simple sugars and highly processed dishes),
  2. chronic stress,
  3. lack of adequate hydration,
  4. low physical activity,
  5. abuse of alcohol and other stimulants, smoking,
  6. long and / or frequent antibiotic therapy.

The microbiota in the gut has many important functions. It is responsible for the body’s immunity, the production of vitamins (mainly K and B vitamins), and is also involved in the metabolism of proteins and glucose in the liver (which increases the absorption of certain elements).

Numerous scientific studies have shown that untreated intestinal dysbiosis increases the risk of developing a number of serious diseases, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), depression, atopic dermatitis, autism spectrum disorders, celiac disease, and obesity. Patients suffering from intestinal dysbiosis may experience chronic fatigue and irritability, and may also have difficulty sleeping.

Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis

The most common symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis include:

  1. severe abdominal pain without a specific location,
  2. flatulence
  3. nausea and vomiting
  4. diarrhea or constipation
  5. weight loss
  6. lack of appetite
  7. blood, mucus, or pus in the stools
  8. heartburn.

How can I keep my gut healthy?

Intestinal dysbiosis and all the related diseases can be avoided. Diet and lifestyle are of key importance here. Daily meals must be rich in fiber, vitamins and other valuable minerals. It is worth reaching for low-processed products and drinking a lot of mineral water, herbal teas (e.g. chamomile, sage) and fruit teas that effectively hydrate the body. Natural support for the intestines is also provided by pickled products and fermented milk drinks.

The work of the intestines is perfectly improved by physical activity. It is best when it is daily, and therefore systematic. It doesn’t have to be a very intense effort. The minimum is a 30-minute walk in the fresh air.

People who want to take care of the intestinal microbiota can reach for appropriate supplementation. A good support is, for example, a dietary supplement, the probiotic Vivomixx® (in sachets [225 or 450 billion live bacteria] or in capsules [112 billion live bacteria]). Vivomixx supports the restoration of the diversity and abundance of the correct intestinal microbiota, stimulates metabolic activity, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, and thus – improves well-being. Importantly, the preparation does not contain lactose, soy, gluten or other milk derivatives.

Probiotics should be taken not only during antibiotic therapy, but also in any situation that disrupts the physiological microbiota of the intestines. After getting into the digestive system, the beneficial bacteria contained in the preparation begin to dominate in it, which minimizes the damage caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

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