Every second infected person does not know about it. What does HIV diagnosis look like in Poland?

December 1 is World AIDS Day. The red bow has been the symbol of this day for years. The knowledge of Poles about this disease is still not sufficient. It is estimated that every second HIV-infected person in Poland lives in ignorance and infects others at the same time. And HIV testing is readily available, quick and simple, and best of all, it can be done even at home.

What is AIDS?

AIDS, or the acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus – HIV. The development of the virus leads to the gradual destruction of the immune system, and thus the whole organism. The clinical picture of infection is divided into three categories (AC), which depends on the degree of virus replication, as well as symptoms and their intensity. Characteristic are, among others recurrent pneumonia, nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, enlarged lymph nodes as well as liver and spleen. However, the first stages of the disease may be asymptomatic.

You can become infected with HIV through:

  1. sexual contact with an infected person (through the surface of the mucosa),
  2. using the same needles,
  3. blood transfusion
  4. birth.

Until a few decades ago, information about the infection for the patient was practically synonymous with a death sentence. Today, thanks to the availability of new and effective forms of pharmacotherapy (including two-drug therapies), patients have a chance to fully heal and enjoy life anew. Unfortunately, as research shows, incl. those conducted last year by GlaxoSmithKline and statistics, we still lack substantive knowledge, and AIDS itself is most often associated with the disease of drug addicts and sexually promiscuous people.

HIV during a pandemic

The report for the period from January 1 to October 15, 2020 published by the Department of Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases and Supervision of the NIPH-NIH shows that the number of people diagnosed with HIV compared to 2019 has significantly decreased (from 3,5 to 1,29 cases in 100 thousand people). However, this is not cause for optimism, as the current COVID-19 pandemic has a large influence on such a result. 60% of the less diagnosed patients may be due to their fear of having a blood test out of the home. Hardly anyone is looking for alternatives, which is a pity, because such a test can now be performed without leaving home.

The most dangerous thing is ignorance and inaction

The Polish Humanitarian Aid Foundation Res Humanae, citing a survey conducted by researchers from the Department of Molecular Techniques at the Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical University in Wrocław, informed that over 50% of Poles do not know which ways to become infected with HIV, and 40% have no idea that which facilities can perform a diagnostic test. Moreover, as many as 50% of respondents believe that the concepts of HIV and AIDS are the same.

Ipsos research from 2014 shows that Poles’ knowledge of HIV is at a very low level. It turns out that over 80% of respondents say that AIDS is a disease that does not affect them. Most of us do not know where to perform such a test and how long after a potential infection can be performed. Worryingly, many of us still do not treat condoms as AIDS prophylaxis, but only as a contraceptive.

Experts alert that Poles are among the infamous countries where HIV testing is rarely performed. Research conducted by the sexologist Zbigniew Izdebski showed that the percentage of compatriots who decided to take this step oscillates between 6 and 11%. This is far too little. For this reason, we often learn about the disease at a very advanced stage, which significantly hinders the implementation of effective treatment. And the implementation of appropriate therapy is safe and effective today. The advancement of medicine has made HIV infection a disease that can be lived normally. In addition, individually selected drugs contribute to the reduction of HIV viral load, so that the patient does not infect other people (Undetectable = Non-infectious).

How is HIV diagnosed in Poland?

The data presented by the National AIDS Center show that approximately 30 tests for HIV infection are performed in Poland each year. Almost 000% of the respondents are between 50 and 20 years old, while 29% of the diagnosed are between 32 and 30 years old. The number of analyzes carried out increases every year.

Screening for HIV infection may be performed 14 days after a potential infection. Such a test can be carried out free of charge and anonymously at 31 Consultation and Diagnostic Centers throughout Poland, including in Szczecin, Warsaw, Wrocław, Rzeszów and Toruń. This is not the only option. In the era of a pandemic, the test can be discreetly ordered online on the Project Test website. All you need to do is call the free helpline and you will receive a home test after speaking with an adviser. Its accuracy is 99,6%, which allows you to make a reliable diagnosis.

At the diagnostic and consultation point, you do not need to provide your name and surname. However, the key is to answer a few questions, including about age, sexual activity and partner. Blood is the biological material for research. It is important that you do not need to fast during the examination. The waiting time for the result is from one to several days. If you want to perform this type of test in private institutions, you have to pay about PLN 20 for it.

Read also:

  1. Patient zero: he had 2,5 thousand lovers, many knowingly infected with HIV
  2. An HIV attack lasts two hours. This video shows the moment of infection
  3. The “Berlin patient” has died – the first man in the world to be cured of HIV

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