Ezhemalina Tayberry (Tayberry) – an unusual variety of shrubs, in recent years, more and more common in household plots. Summer residents who have acquired a plant are mostly satisfied with the purchase. The culture is not particularly demanding, bears fruit well, looks beautiful and decorative on the site.

Every raspberry hybrid Taybury (Tayberry): description, photo and reviews

Among all varieties of crops, Tayberry is the most popular.

History of breeding

The plant was bred in 1981 in California by the Scottish breeder Jennings. The scientist spent 19 years to get a seedling of a hybrid of raspberries and blackberries Taiberry. During the experiments, he crossed cultivated raspberries of the Malling Jewel variety and wild Aurora blackberries. As a result of research, the variety took the best qualities from the “parents”: raspberry sweetness and softness, blackberry strength, branch flexibility and caramel aftertaste.

Description of the tayberry variety

The Tayberry hybrid of hemmalin, the video and photo of which are presented below, is high-yielding, early ripe, unpretentious, with powerful bushes and large berries.

Every raspberry hybrid Taybury (Tayberry): description, photo and reviews

The plant can be used as a hedge

The fruits of the plant are very tasty fresh, and are also suitable for making compotes, jams, and pastries. The berry lies for a long time, does not lose its qualities after freezing.

Ezhemalina Taiberi at the dacha in Ussuriysk.

Bush appearance

Tayberry everytimelina has powerful creeping stems, the length of which can reach 4 m. They are thick and resilient, but elastic enough, they easily lay down and are removed from the trellis. Small spikes are located along their entire length. Annual shoots are green, biennial and older are light burgundy. The foliage is dark green with serrated edges. The buds are large, pale pink in color. Lateral branches grow up to 300 cm in length, so Tayberry raspberries need pruning in autumn.

Description and taste of berries

The fruits of the culture have an elongated shape, large – up to 6 cm in length, weighing about 10 g. Their color is from bright red to dark cherry with a sheen inherited from blackberries. The leaves do not hide the Tayberry raspberry berries, this is clearly visible in the photo of the bush, it is convenient to remove them from the branches.

The taste of zhemmalin is sweet and sour, with a candy aftertaste. The pulp contains small seeds, like in raspberries. The crop is harvested with a stalk, which is not felt in the mouth while eating. The berry can be transported over long distances, it does not lose its shape and taste during transportation.

Every raspberry hybrid Taybury (Tayberry): description, photo and reviews

In a cool place, the crop is stored for a week

Characteristics of Tayberry raspberries

The hybrid is an early ripe crop. The harvesting period depends on the region of cultivation, but always takes place in the summer. The Tayberry every raspberry grows in all areas, with good shelter, it easily tolerates frost. If you provide the plant with proper care, then it will not get sick and be invaded by pests.

Flowering period, ripening period and yield

Tayberry every raspberry begins to bloom in May-June, budding lasts for a month. At this moment, the bush is especially beautiful. Closer to July, and in some regions in August, the time comes for the first harvest. The fruits ripen gradually, the duration of fruiting is about a month. On average, Taiberry raspberries produce 4-6 kg of berries per season from one bush; under favorable growing conditions, up to 10 kg of yield can be obtained from an adult plant.

Comment! During the first 2-3 years after planting, the bush blooms, but does not bear fruit.
Every raspberry hybrid Taybury (Tayberry): description, photo and reviews

The heyday of Tayberry raspberry comes at the age of five

Frost resistance

The resistance of the variety to cold is average. It is noteworthy that it can be grown in almost all climatic conditions. The plant adapts well to any terrain. However, the main rule of care: for the winter, the Tayberry raspberries should be carefully covered.

Disease and pest resistance

Judging by the description, the culture is practically not exposed to diseases and pest attacks, and does not need preventive treatments. Among the diseases that Tayberry raspberry can be infected with, it is worth noting only rust, powdery mildew and verticillium wilt. As for insects, crop damage can be caused by weevil, bronzovka, gall midges, and raspberry beetle.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Gardeners who grow Tayberry raspberry note a lot of its advantages, which are much more than disadvantages.

Every raspberry hybrid Taybury (Tayberry): description, photo and reviews

The berries of the culture are very useful both fresh and processed.


  • early ripening;
  • high quality of taste;
  • self-fertility;
  • ease of cultivation and care;
  • good commercial qualities;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • ability to adapt to any conditions.


  • the need for winter shelter;
  • high cost of planting material;
  • thorns on shoots.

Planting a tayberry raspberry

In order for the plant to grow and develop well, it should be planted correctly. Everyday Tayberry is best taken in autumn. The recommended month is September. It is most likely to start the procedure by choosing a seedling. It is advisable to purchase it in a specialized store or nursery so that the material is certified. The plant should have firm, moist, well-developed roots, from which at least two living stems with several buds extend.

Advice! If it is not possible to plant a seedling immediately after purchase, then it should be dug in or removed to the cellar.

Tayberry Ezhemalina loves partial shade. If the shrub is planted in the sun, the berries will “bake”, in the shade they will not pick up sweetness. It is desirable that the soil for the plant is loam. If the earth is acidic, then periodically ash should be added to it. The site is dug up 14 days before planting. After that, holes are made 50 by 50 by 50 cm, a drainage layer is laid on the bottom, sand is poured, a mound is formed from a mixture of soil, potassium and superphosphate, and the roots of the plant are distributed from above. The remaining recess is covered with soil, tamped, watered. The shoots are cut, leaving a length of 30 cm. Next, the site is mulched with straw or peat. Since Tayberry raspberry grows well, the interval between seedlings is left at least a meter, when planting in rows – 2 m.

Important! The root neck of the shrub should always remain on the surface of the earth.

Tayberry tree care

If the planting of Taiberry raspberries was carried out in the fall, then shelter is a mandatory rule at the initial stage of agrotechnical measures. With the advent of spring, further care consists in carrying out such manipulations:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • mulching;
  • fertilizer;
  • pruning;
  • topping;
  • the formation of bushes on trellises.
Every raspberry hybrid Taybury (Tayberry): description, photo and reviews

Shrub garter greatly simplifies crop care


Tayberry’s Ezhemalin requires moisture as the soil dries out. The procedure is carried out with warm water in the evening, usually 4-5 times per season. After each watering, a layer of mulch up to 15 cm thick is laid on top of the beds.

Pruning tayberry raspberries

Autumn pruning of Tayberry raspberry is in most cases carried out in the second half of October. All old stems should be cut off. In addition to pruning, the plant needs to pinch the shoots. This is done when their length reaches two meters or more.

Additional fertilizing

Everytime Tayberry needs fertilizer with minerals. They are applied throughout the growing season. The composition is used in granular form under bushes or diluted for spraying. Organic top dressing is required for the plant only two years after planting. With an earlier introduction, the bush may lose its winter hardiness.

Preparing for the winter of tayberry raspberries

In the fall, care for Tayberry raspberry is mainly shelter. In order for the plant to overwinter well, a sheet of plywood is installed near it, shoots wrapped in non-woven material are laid on it and sprinkled with earth.

Comment! It is advisable to put carbide in the shelter to repel rodents.

Garter on the tapestry of raspberry Tyberry

The cranberry garter is carried out so that the bushes receive good lighting, less pain. Most often, for this, summer residents take a single-lane trellis with 3-5 rows of wire, where the first row is stretched to a height of 100 cm, the second to 150-200 cm. Fruit-bearing shoots are tied to the upper part, and young ones to the lower.

Advice! It is better to tie branches in the shape of a bowl or in a fan type.
Every raspberry hybrid Taybury (Tayberry): description, photo and reviews

Ennobled raspberry bushes give more yield

Propagation of tayberry raspberries

Tayberry raspberry breeds quite simply. Usually it is bred by cuttings or layering, less often by division:

  1. Plant cuttings are carried out in June. To do this, a stalk with buds is cut off from a young stem, planted in a container with fertile soil, moistened, covered with a film. A month after the formation of the roots, the young plant is planted in the garden.
  2. When propagated by layering, leaves are removed from a healthy shoot of Tayberry, at an angle of 450 they cut the knot and place it in a hole with sand dug in advance near the bush. In this case, a free escape is tied to a support. After a year and a half, the plant is separated from the mother bush and planted in the ground.
  3. By dividing the rhizome, Tayberry rarely reproduces. This method requires removing the old bush from the soil, dividing its roots and then planting them.

Why doesn’t the tayberry tree bear fruit?

Despite all the unpretentiousness of the plant, sometimes gardeners complain that Tayberry garden raspberries do not bear fruit. It happens that there are many flowers, but the berries are not tied. This may occur due to freezing of the kidney in spring or winter, the bush is either not covered, or this procedure is poorly performed. In addition, a partial decrease in yield may occur due to damage to pistils by bronze or eating buds by strawberry weevil. In this case, it is better to cover the bushes with gauze during the growing season.

Every raspberry hybrid Taybury (Tayberry): description, photo and reviews

Before the arrival of frost, the bush is best insulated with non-woven material.


Tayberry Ezhemalina is a blackberry hybrid that is very popular among summer residents. The plant has excellent characteristics, can be grown in almost all regions of Our Country. Even a novice gardener can cope with caring for him. Ezhemalin is very useful, contains many vitamins and nutrients.

Tayberry raspberry-blackberry hybrid reviews

Stepin Alexander, Ussuriysk
Ezhemalina Taiberry has been growing on my site for five years. I really like its taste and productivity. The plant is unpretentious, if you properly care for it, it does not cause problems. The only drawback is the difficult harvest due to the thorns on the shoots.
Egorova Kristina, Balashov
I recommend planting Tayberry raspberries to those who not only love blackberries with raspberries, but also who like ornamental plants. In addition to tasty and fragrant berries, the bush can be used to decorate a site or braid a gazebo. Yemalina is especially beautiful at the time of flowering.

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