Every hair counts. Questions to the dermatologist

Losing up to 100 hairs a day is not unusual, but when we are dealing with alopecia, care treatments and supplements will not stop. Diagnosis is important because hair loss varies and is treated differently. How? We ask Dr. Marcin Zakrzewski *, MD, a specialist in dermatology.

Doctor, we often panic when we see how much hair we leave on a brush or pillow every morning. Are these the first symptoms that we are beginning to go bald?

Marcin Zakrzewski, MD, PhD: Losing up to 100 hairs a day is not unusual.

So when does the hair problem begin?

Only when there are more and more hairs falling out, and the part becomes visibly wider. When the amount of hair loss increases, we should carefully observe their condition, e.g. whether they become thin and dull. Because significant hair loss is not only an aesthetic problem, but above all a medical problem. Hair loss that leads to thinning or even baldness is an alarming symptom that something disturbing is going on in the body. Then it is worth visiting a specialist to diagnose the problem and start treatment.

What factors contribute to hair loss?

There are several of them. In the case of androgenetic alopecia, which affects both men and women, genes are responsible.

In telogen effluvium, issues related to the hormonal balance, including pregnancy and breastfeeding, are of great importance.

The lifestyle and type of diet also have an impact on hair loss. Excessive hair loss is more common in patients who follow various types of elimination diets, including low-protein diets.

The level of the accompanying stress and the season of the year are also important – the symptoms of hair loss intensify in early spring and autumn.

And finally age – hair aging is a natural process, with time we have less and less of them.

  1. Among the anti-hair loss products available on the market, Medonet Market offers, among others, Delpos hair mask or Orientana tonic for hair loss

There are more and more hair growth supplements on the market, hairdressers offer regenerating treatments. What do you think about it?

When we deal with alopecia, the treatments or supplementation alone are often not enough. Correct diagnosis is important so that a treatment that is appropriate for the type of hair loss can be applied. This is already the area of ​​activity of a dermatologist. It is also worth paying attention to whether the doctor and his office specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of alopecia.

Read: Hair condition – causes of problems and diagnostic tests

What does the diagnosis look like?

Today, the gold standard in the diagnosis and differentiation of scalp diseases is trichoscopy, which also helps to objectively monitor the progress and effectiveness of the treatment. During the examination, pictures of the scalp and hair in the frontal, temporal and occipital parts are taken at 20 and 70 times magnification, and then they are sent for analysis to the laboratory. The results usually come after 7-14 days. The trichoscopic examination is painless and does not require hair removal, and allows for a precise diagnosis. On its basis, specialist therapy is selected, e.g. a peptide treatment, which often allows not only to stop baldness, but also stimulates the growth of new hair.

How to prepare for the visit?

Expect a detailed medical interview, in which questions are asked about the amount of hair loss, diet, accompanying diseases and medications taken, the nature of the work performed and how long hair has been falling out for a long time.

Family history is also important, it is important whether the problem of hair loss also occurs in someone in the family.

Women will be asked about the menstrual cycle, childbirth or breastfeeding.

It should also be determined whether the patient has already had any laboratory tests or tried to undertake previous treatment attempts. It is often a long-term process, but thanks to modern drugs and tools, it can be not only objectively monitored, but also effective.

* Marcin Zakrzewski, MD, PhD, dermatologist, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of various types of alopecia, is a member of the International Trichoscopy Society, associated with the Zakrzewscy Clinic in Katowice (www.klinikazakrzewscy.pl)

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