Every fourth Pole has hypertension, every fifth has allergies and asthma. Several dozen percent of us do not see a doctor. What will our health situation look like next year?
Nationale-Nederlanden Publication partner

Health will not wait, and it should be taken care of. According to experts, this should be the New Year’s resolution of every Pole. The need for immediate action is evidenced by the results of the Polish National Health Test 2021, according to which: our average Health Index fell by seven percentage points compared to the previous year!

We knew that the “health of Poles” was at risk even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was illustrated by alarming indicators and data – the increase in life expectancy was slowed down, the number of patients whose deaths could be avoided thanks to prophylaxis and medical interventions was more than 1/3 higher in Poland than in EU countries, and the level of unmet needs in the field of medical care was much higher .

The last two years of the pandemic have further aggravated the difficult situation in health care. Data from the “Report on deaths 2020”, published by the Ministry of Health, clearly show that the tragic balance of the first year of the pandemic in Poland is 67 thousand. excess deaths. They are victims not only of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but also of the “main killers” of Poles such as: cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases, cancer and diabetes. According to experts, the increase in mortality due to chronic non-communicable diseases was due to several reasons: limited access to medical care and closure of doctor’s offices, switching to only remote advice, patients’ fear of contact with health care facilities.

In addition, subsequent lockdowns contributed to neglect in the field of primary prevention – the spread of modifiable risk factors for chronic diseases and the decline in the number of preventive examinations.

Health Index drop!

The fact that our “health safety” has decreased is evidenced by the results of the National Health Test of Poles 2021 (NTZP2021), the largest health study on the Polish Internet. NTZP2021 showed that the average Health Index – the coefficient reflecting the extent to which we implement the recommendations of experts on prophylaxis and a healthy lifestyle, is currently only 54,7%, which is as much as 7,2 less than in 2020. It means one thing: pandemic negatively affected “Polish health”. It is enough to look at the responses of the respondents regarding modifiable risk factors for chronic diseases …

Although we try to eat healthier, fruit and vegetables are still too rare in our daily menu. We eat too much meat and eat junk food relatively often. However, drugs remain the biggest problem for Poles. 81 percent of respondents admitted that they consume alcohol, with 10 percent. drink every day, and 21 percent. a few times a week. A moment of “apparent relaxation” can cost us dearly, considering that alcohol damages not only the liver, but is also a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases or cancers such as cancer of the mouth, esophagus, larynx, liver, breast and colon.

Equally disturbing is that we continue to smoke cigarettes – the proportion of active smokers on all tobacco products averages 27%. What’s worse: 20 percent. active smokers have never tried and do not plan to quit the addiction in the future, and we know perfectly well that smoking is responsible for 82 percent. all lung cancer cases, and significantly increases the risk of developing 15 other cancers, including cancers of the throat, larynx, mouth, pancreas, bladder, liver, kidney, cervix and leukemia.

What we underestimate in the prevention of chronic diseases and the fight against stress, which 22 percent experience every day. Poles, there is physical activity – as much as 47 percent. of us do not play any sports. The effects can be seen on the weight – 45 percent. men and 28 percent. women are overweight, and 26 percent. men and 19 women suffer from obesity, risk factors for many chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

We skip research with cancer

NTZP 2021 also showed that over the last year, many of us avoided contact with health care facilities. This is especially visible when we look at the responses of Poles regarding the performance of preventive tests for cancer, the second most common cause of death in Poles.

Only every third woman underwent cytology in the last year, and as many as 14 percent. Polish adult women admitted that they had never performed a basic examination to diagnose cervical cancer in their life. In the case of breast ultrasound, it is even worse – 40 percent. of the respondents never decided to undergo a simple non-invasive examination that allows to detect changes in their breasts! Although, as we know, it is recommended from the age of 30. once a year. We are also unfamiliar with “quick prophylaxis at home” – only 28% of respondents declared regular breast self-examination. women!

The responses of Polish men are even more alarming – 63 percent. of respondents have never had a testicular test performed by a urologist, and only 26 percent. performs a self-examination of the testicles, recommended once a month. The determination of the PSA antigen, facilitating the early detection of prostate cancer, which kills ten men in our country every day – has never been done by as many as 32 percent. men aged 55-64 and 18 percent men after 65! In turn, per rectum examinations as much as 40 percent. men aged 55-64 and 21 percent. men after 65!

The conclusions are self-evident and, unfortunately, they are sad – we have a lot to do in the prevention of cancer, starting from changing our lifestyle to not postponing preventive examinations, including screening tests fully reimbursed in Poland, for tomorrow. The more so as the delay in diagnosis is of great importance for the prognosis and treatment effectiveness.

The last bell

NTZP 2021 showed us one more thing: we are a sick society – 47 percent. Poles have long-term health problems, and the number of people with long-term health problems increases with age. Every fourth of us is diagnosed with arterial hypertension, every fifth allergy or asthma, every tenth depression, and every fourteenth diabetes. They suffer from joint diseases – 16%, heart disease – 10%, neurological diseases – 9%, cancer – 4%, and COPD – 2%. respondents. The percentage of people with heart disease, allergy or asthma, depression, cancer increased by 1 point. percent compared to 2020 for each of these groups.

What does all of this mean and what is the “health future” ahead of us, given the aging of the population, underfunding of the health care system and staff shortages? If we do not improve prophylaxis today and we do not speed up diagnostics and treatment, our Health Index in next year’s NTZP may be even lower … It is the last call for Poles’ health!

Usually, on the occasion of Christmas, we wish our loved ones health “because it is the most important”. Remember, however, that this wish will come true when we take care of it ourselves. This also happens in other areas of our lives. For example: car owners regularly inspect, refuel or purchase additional AC or accident insurance. In the same way, we should take care of our own health, and contrary to appearances, you do not need much – it is enough to take care of regular examinations, sometimes slightly modify your diet also for the sake of your loved ones and take care of physical activity. At Nationale-Nederlanen, we have been encouraging our clients to take preventive measures for many years, because we care about their health. And when something happens in their lives, we provide full support, starting from financial benefits, through additional Assistance services, including, among others. on the organization of transport or delivery of drugs, as well as organizing and covering the cost of visits to specialist doctors, medical examinations or rehabilitation, we believe that an insurance product designed in this way will not only provide financial security for customers, but also help them recover faster. Therefore, we believe that well-chosen life insurance should be one of the elements of prevention. We can fully enjoy good health when we take full care of it – says Joanna Walczuk, Product Director at Nationale-Nederlanden.

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