Every fourth Pole does not want to be vaccinated. Why? This PROBE gives food for thought
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The expected fourth wave of the COVID-19 epidemic is getting closer and the number of people willing to vaccinate continues to decline. Why Poles do not want to vaccinate? Do we even believe that vaccines will stop the pandemic? What do we think about the restrictions for the unvaccinated? What behaviors bother us most during epidemic holidays? The answers came from a survey prepared by the BioStat® Research and Development Center. Many of them give food for thought.

  1. The BioStat® Research and Development Center in cooperation with the Medonet website prepared a survey “Opinions of Poles during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic”. A thousand Poles took part in it
  2. Every third Pole has still not registered for vaccination, and every fourth person does not want to be vaccinated at all
  3. In total, 44,8 percent. Poles believe that restrictions should be introduced for the unvaccinated
  4. 70 percent During the summer and vacation months, Poles found themselves in a situation of disregarding the rules of the sanitary regime
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

The survey “Opinions of Poles during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic” is another in the series of surveys of Poles’ opinions conducted by BioStat® during the coronavirus epidemic. It was carried out on July 26-28, 2021 using the CAWI method on a group of XNUMX adult Poles, representative in terms of gender and age.

Poles fear the next wave of COVID-19? Vaccines can stop a pandemic?

«Are you worried about the new COVID-19 disease wave?». To this question, 67,6 percent. participants in the July Biostat poll answered “yes”. The older the respondents, the greater the percentage of people who fear a recurrence of the epidemic. In the group over 55, almost three-fourths of respondents express fear of another wave of cases, while only one in two of the youngest Poles has such fears.

72,9 percent of Poles surveyed believe that vaccination against COVID-19 may reduce the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. As much as 27,1 percent survey participants do not consider vaccination against COVID-19 as a mitigation measure for the coronavirus pandemic.

Interestingly, women are more likely to be skeptical about vaccinations than men. Almost one in three women doubts the effectiveness of vaccinations in the fight against the pandemic, while among men only one in five.

Why Poles do not want to vaccinate against COVID-19?

A group of 19 Poles, representative in terms of age and gender, were asked whether they had already been vaccinated against COVID-2. This is another poll in the series of Polish opinion polls conducted by BioStat® during the SARS-CoV-XNUMX epidemic.

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In the last week of June, the full dose of the vaccine was confirmed by 45,9 percent. respondents, while waiting for the second dose of the vaccine – 4,9%. This result was consistent with the official data published by the Ministry of Health from that period.

49,2% have not been vaccinated so far. participants of the survey which was carried out from 26 to 28 July 2021. Every third Pole (32,6%) has not yet registered for vaccination against COVID-19. Another 16,6 percent. of respondents declare that they have registered for the vaccination.

In the group of people who do not want to vaccinate, the most frequently indicated reason is fear of side effects – this answer was indicated by almost two-thirds of those opposing vaccination (65,5%).

52,4 percent of those who are reluctant to vaccinate believe that the vaccine does not protect against further variants of the coronavirus, 46,3 percent. in this group do not believe in the effectiveness of the vaccine, and 18,7 percent. does not believe in a pandemic.

Restrictions for the unvaccinated? Almost 45 percent yes

Among people already vaccinated, 94,2 percent. considers vaccination to be an appropriate method of fighting the pandemic, a slightly lower percentage of those who share this belief was reported among those waiting for a second dose – 85,7%. indications, while among the unvaccinated, the sense of vaccination is noticed by only every second respondent.

In total, 44,8 percent. Poles believe that restrictions for the unvaccinated should be introduced, similar to the solutions known from other countries (e.g. from France or Italy), which would include, inter alia, allowing access to restaurants, cinemas, public transport only to people with covid certificates.

Every fourth Pole considers such action to be definitely desirable. 27,8% are strongly opposed to introducing restrictions for the unvaccinated. respondents and 8,5 percent. – rather opposing, while 18,9 percent. has no opinion on this.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the holiday lords of Poles

The pandemic affects the holiday plans or the holiday course of every third Pole to a very large extent. This impact was considered to be insignificant by 42,2 percent. of the respondents, while completely irrelevant – every fourth.

Interestingly, The impact of a pandemic on the course of this year’s vacation is clearly felt by people who are vaccinated, even with a single dose. As much as 36,4 percent. On the other hand, the unvaccinated say the pandemic is completely irrelevant during their vacation.

In the summer and vacation months, 70 percent. Poles found themselves in a situation of disregarding the rules of the sanitary regime. 27,8 percent of respondents were faced with additional charges “because of the pandemic”. 23,2 percent faced restrictions on access to shops, beaches, hotels, restaurants and the like. 19,5 percent the respondents were checked with vaccination or COVID-19 certificates.

Of the respondents, 16,8 percent. considers that during the holidays it faced privileged situations for the vaccinated, for example in the form of no restrictions or no requirement for masks.

When asked which behaviors they consider to be burdensome during this year’s holidays, Poles most often indicate crowds (51,3%), sloppy wearing of masks (46,3%) and the lack of toilets in tourist places (43,5%). More than a third of respondents also found that drinking alcohol in public spaces (on the beach or in the park), leaving cigarette butts (35,9%), lack of parking spaces (34,9%) and parking “as soon as possible” (34%) was burdensome. .)

More information on the BioStat® Research and Development Center

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