Every day 90 Poles die of sudden cardiac arrest. This can be prevented

It is estimated that as many as 90 people die in Poland every day due to sudden cardiac arrest. Many deaths could have been avoided if patients had been started with CPR immediately.

  1. Symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest include loss of consciousness, lack of breathing and a lack of heart rate
  2. Usually, cardiac arrest is associated with, for example, a heart attack or pulmonary embolism. But it can also happen in healthy people, mainly as a result of random events
  3. First aid plays a key role in cardiac arrest
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Sudden cardiac arrest mortality

The European Resuscitation Council reports that every year 400 Sudden cardiac arrest occurs in Europeans. In the vast majority of cases (about 350 people) it happens outside the hospital – at home, at the workplace, on the street. Before the ambulance arrives, it usually takes a few to several minutes. This is a priceless time that can make the difference between someone’s survival. According to the Council, immediate resuscitation can increase the chances of survival even 2-3 times – at the same time, you must know that every minute of delay reduces the chances of survival by 10%!

Doctors remind you that it is very important to undertake CPR because lack of circulation and breathing can cause brain damage that cannot be undone within minutes. – Leaving the injured person unattended, practically after 7-10 minutes, leads to irreversible changes and his death. That is why it is so important to start resuscitation activities by witnesses of the incident as soon as possible – told PAP Dr. Mariusz Pacałowski, medical director of the LUX MED Rescue Academy.

To support the work of your circulatory system, it is worth reaching for the Lymph Formula – Panaseus dietary supplement, which can only now be ordered at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Sudden cardiac arrest – what is it?

Why does cardiac arrest occur? There is no single reason for this. Cardiac arrest most often occurs as a result of a heart attack, arrhythmia, pulmonary embolism or pneumothorax. However, it can happen in a completely healthy person, although these are sporadic cases. Such a situation may also occur as a result of an accident, e.g. electric shock, drowning, choking.

There are the three most characteristic symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest:

  1. loss of consciousness,
  2. lack of breath
  3. no heart rate.

If the patient does not start the resuscitation action, other symptoms appear: pupil dilation (they do not react to light), cyanosis, and precipitation spots on the skin.

Prophylactically in problems with the circulatory system, it is worth reaching for dietary supplements based on natural ingredients. We recommend eg Co-Q10 Elite 500 – Doctor Life dietary supplement available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Sudden cardiac arrest – first aid

Here are some tips on how to help someone in a sudden cardiac arrest.

Source: European Resuscitation Council

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