Everest grapes

Everest grapes are a relatively new variety of selection, which is only gaining popularity. The variety is characterized by the presence of large and tasty berries. Grapes grow rapidly, a full-fledged harvest brings 3 years after planting. The ripening of berries occurs at a fairly early date. Below is a detailed description of the variety, reviews and photos of Everest grapes.

Botanical description

Everest grapes were bred by the famous breeder E.G. Pavlovsky by crossing varieties Talisman and K-81. The hybrid ripens in mid-early terms – in the last decade of August or September. The period from bud break to harvest is 110-120 days.

Variety Everest has a table appointment. Clusters are large, weighing 700 g, in the form of a cone or cylinder, medium density.

Bushes have great growth strength and form powerful shoots. The flowers are bisexual, planting pollinators is optional.

Description of the variety and photo of Everest grapes:

  • large berries;
  • average fruit weight 12 g;
  • oval shape of berries;
  • red-violet color;
  • dense wax coating.

Berries are distinguished by fleshy and juicy pulp. The taste is simple but harmonious. Fruits are not subject to rotting and cracking. On the same bunch, berries can vary in size and color.

After ripening, the bunches can remain on the bushes for a month. After aging, the taste only improves, nutmeg notes appear in the berries.

Berries of the Everest variety are consumed fresh, used for making desserts, jams, juices. Fruits well transfer long transportations.

Planting of grapes

A place for growing Everest grapes is chosen taking into account illumination, wind load, soil fertility. Seedlings are purchased from trusted suppliers to prevent the spread of diseases and pests. Planting pits are preliminarily prepared, where mineral fertilizers or organics are applied.

Everest grapes

Site Selection

Under the vineyard allot a sunny area, protected from the wind. When in the shade, the bushes develop slowly, and the berries do not gain sugar. It is better to equip the beds on a hill or in the center of the slope. In the lowlands, where moisture and cold air accumulate, the culture is not planted.

In cool climate regions, Everest grapes are grown on the south side of a house or fence. So the plants will get more heat.

Bushes are placed at a distance of more than 3 m from fruit trees. The crown of trees should not cast a shadow on the vineyard. Fruit trees require a lot of nutrients. Therefore, with close planting, grape bushes will not receive the necessary nutrition.

Important! Grapes prefer light fertile soil. Calcified and acidic soils are not suitable for planting crops.

Green manure cultivation will help to enrich poor soil before planting grapes. In spring, the soil is dug up and legumes, mustard, and peas are planted. The plants are regularly watered, and after flowering they are cut and buried in the ground to a depth of 20 cm. In the fall, they start planting.

Order of work

Everest grapes are planted in October or spring after the snow melts. It is preferable to carry out work in the fall, so that the seedlings have time to take root before the cold snap.

Seedlings are purchased from nurseries. For planting choose healthy plants that do not have cracks, dark spots, growths on the roots. The optimal length of a seedling is 40 cm, the thickness of the shoots is from 5 to 7 mm, the number of buds is 3 pcs.

Grapes take root well both on rootstocks and on their own roots. In the spring, planted bushes begin to actively develop and produce new shoots.

Everest grapes

Grape planting order:

  1. Dig a hole measuring 60×60 cm to a depth of 60 cm.
  2. At the bottom, pour a drainage layer of crushed stone or expanded clay.
  3. Prepare fertile soil, mix it with 3 buckets of humus and 2 liters of wood ash.
  4. Fill the hole with substrate, cover with plastic wrap.
  5. After 3 weeks, when the soil settles, plant the grapes.
  6. Water the plant generously.

The first time after planting, water the Everest bushes every week with warm water. Mulch the soil with humus or straw to reduce the number of waterings.

Variety care

Everest grapes bring a high yield with care. Plantings are watered, fertilized with useful substances, the vine is cut in late autumn. To prevent diseases and the spread of pests, preventive treatments are performed.


Young bushes of the Everest variety need intensive watering. Grapes younger than 3 years old are watered several times per season:

  • spring when buds open;
  • before flowering;
  • during the formation of the crop.

For irrigation, they take warm water, which has settled and warmed up in barrels. Moisture stagnation negatively affects the development of grapes: the roots rot, the development of the bush slows down, and the berries crack.

Adult grapes do not need constant watering. Its roots are able to extract moisture from the soil. In late autumn, bushes of any age are watered abundantly. The procedure protects the bushes from freezing and helps them endure the winter.


Regular top dressing ensures stable fruiting of Everest grapes. For processing, natural and mineral fertilizers are used. If useful substances were introduced into the soil when planting bushes, then top dressing begins for 2-3 years.

Grape processing scheme:

  • spring when buds open;
  • 3 weeks after flowering;
  • when berries ripen;
  • after harvest.

The first top dressing is carried out in the spring with the help of nitrogen fertilizers. Bushes are watered with mullein or bird droppings, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. In the absence of natural fertilizers, 20 g of urea is embedded in the soil.

In the future, nitrogen fertilizers are abandoned in favor of substances containing phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus substances contribute to the accumulation of sugar in berries, accelerate the ripening of grapes. Potassium improves fruit resistance to rot and improves flavor by reducing acidity.

After flowering, the plants are fed with a solution consisting of 100 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium salt. Substances are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution of the plant is sprayed on the leaf. The treatment is repeated when the first berries are formed.

In autumn, after harvesting, the soil in the vineyard is dug up and 2 buckets of humus per 1 sq. m. Top dressing helps to restore the strength of the grapes after fruiting.


Due to the correct pruning, a bush of the Everest variety is formed. In total, 4 powerful shoots are left. The vine is cut into 8-10 eyes. The procedure is carried out in October after leaf fall. In the spring, the bushes are inspected, dry and frozen shoots are removed.

In summer, stepchildren and leaves are cut off, covering the bunches from the sun’s rays. No more than 2 inflorescences are left to escape. Increased load leads to a decrease in the mass of clusters and delays the ripening of the crop.

Protection against diseases and pests

Subject to agricultural technology, Everest grapes remain resistant to major grape diseases. For prevention, plants are treated with a solution of the drug Ridomil or Topaz. Ridomil is effective against mildew, Topaz is used to combat oidium and powdery mildew. Substances penetrate into the aerial parts of the grapes and protect them from the spread of the fungus.

Everest grapes

The procedure for processing grapes from diseases:

  • in the spring when the first leaves appear;
  • a couple of weeks after flowering;
  • after harvest.

If necessary, spraying is repeated, but not more than twice a month. The last spraying is carried out 3 weeks after harvesting the grapes.

The vineyard attracts gall midges, leaf and spider mites, leafworms, and beetles. Preparations Karbofos, Aktellik, Aktara work well against insects. Preventive spraying is carried out in spring and autumn. Chemical preparations are used with caution during the growing season.

Shelter for the winter

The Everest variety requires mandatory shelter for the winter. In autumn, after leaf fall, the vine is removed from the supports and laid on the ground. The culture tolerates a drop in temperature up to +5 ° С. If the temperature continues to drop, then it’s time to cover the plantings for the winter.

Grapes spud and mulch with dry leaves. Wooden boxes or metal arcs are installed on top. For shelter use agrofiber or burlap.

It is important for grapes to provide air exchange, so it is better to refuse the use of plastic film. In addition, a snowdrift is thrown over the bushes in winter. In the spring, the shelter is removed so that the vine does not rot.

Reviews of gardeners

Dmitry, 36 years old, Tula
I became interested in Everest grapes after studying the descriptions of varieties, photos and reviews. For several years of observations, I can say the following: the form in our climate is vigorous, the vine ripens well. Disease resistance is high, for the entire time of cultivation, I did not notice any signs of disease. Berries are painted later than other dark grape varieties.
Anna, 45 years old Krasnodar city
Everest grapes are distinguished by large berries with fleshy juicy pulp. The mass of individual fruits reaches 20-27 g. The taste is decent, harmonious and balanced. Harvest ripens in the last decade of August. An excellent variety, the berries do not crack and do not attract wasps. The cluster is not very powerful, which is compensated by the size of the berries. From the bush I collect about 4 kg of grapes, I did not notice the overload.
Maxim, 58 years old, Volgograd
According to the description of the variety and photo, Everest grapes boast large berries. Harvested in early September last year. Under normal load, the berries do not have time to ripen in the early stages. Therefore, it is necessary to wait for the grapes to ripen or cut off some of the inflorescences in the spring. The size of the berries is impressive, the largest are more like plums. The taste is harmonious, but the fruits have gained a little sugar. Although the berries are quite firm, they are not hard, very juicy and fleshy.


Everest grapes

Everest grapes are a promising variety that is gaining popularity among winegrowers and gardeners. Berries have a table purpose and are large in size. Everest care includes watering and fertilizing. In the fall, the vine is cut and the bushes are prepared for the winter. When carrying out preventive treatments, grapes are not susceptible to diseases.

Everest grapes

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