Evening gymnastics: exercises that will help you fall asleep

Are you tossing and turning in bed for a long time and can not relax? Is discomfort in the neck and back preventing you from sleeping well? A fitness instructor advises doing five special exercises before going to bed.

It is believed that evening workouts interfere with normal sleep. After them, the overexcited body cannot relax. All this is true. However, the evening is the right time for calm sports activities: stretching, yoga, tai chi or breathing practices.

These types of physical activity allow you to relieve tension from the spine, hips and back, promote emotional relaxation, drive away bad thoughts and feelings, and improve the circulation of energy throughout the body.

The complex of exercises combines elements of yoga, breathing exercises and stretching exercises. You can perform it near your bed on a special gymnastic rug or just on the floor. Change into comfortable clothes (you can immediately put on pajamas), turn on relaxing music, dim the lights. You can light a candle with the scent of lavender. Take a series of deep breaths and slow exhalations, and then proceed.

After evening exercises, you can take a warm shower or immediately go to bed. Such exercises are especially recommended for those who suffer from stress, sleep disorders or chronic fatigue syndrome.

Exercise 1

Stretching back muscles

Stand up straight. Bend your knees slightly, spread your legs slightly, straighten your back, stretch your arms up above your head. Weave your fingers into the lock and turn your palms up. Stretch your palms higher, trying to spread your knees. Hold this position for two minutes while breathing from your belly. Try to exhale as much air as possible.

Exercise 2

Stretching the legs and back

Sit on the floor or on a mat. Spread your legs, pull the tips of your toes towards you. Grab them with your hands and pull harder towards you. The back should remain straight and tense, breathing deep. Hold this position for two minutes. Repeat three times.

Exercise 3

Increasing pelvic tilt

Remaining on the floor, spread your legs, then bring your feet together. Grab the lifts with your hands. Tighten your back, lower your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together. Push your chest forward and slowly lower your knees to the floor. You may not be able to do this exercise well right away. Repeat it day after day, and after two or three weeks you will notice some progress.

Exercise 4

Relaxing your back

While inhaling, stretch, raising your arms up, then exhale sharply and drop your upper body. Reach your hands towards the floor, if possible, touch the floor with your fingertips or even place your palms on it. Feel how gravity acts on your back. Breathe slowly, evenly and calmly. Don’t make sudden movements. Do not try to jerk your palms to the floor. Stay in this position for one to two minutes.

Exercise 5


Sit on the floor, bend your knees. Slowly lie down, lowering your back vertebra by vertebrae until you press your shoulder blades to the floor. Extend your arms to the sides. Then put one foot on the other and just as slowly and carefully turn the pelvis towards the foot standing on the floor. Gently place both feet on the floor in this position. In this case, the shoulder blades should be pressed to the floor.

You can look straight up or turn your head to either side. It is usually more convenient to look in the direction opposite to the thrown legs. Stay in this position for about five minutes, breathing slowly and deeply. Then carefully return to the starting position and repeat the exercise, but in the other direction. One repetition will be enough.

About the author: Thibault Richard is a fitness instructor.

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