Even the bones are edible: all about the benefits of watermelon for beauty

In the heat, this berry can not only quench your thirst, but also come in handy in many other ways.

But in order for the watermelon to really benefit, and not harm, simple rules should be followed: buy a berry only during its natural ripening period – at the end of summer; do not buy a watermelon off the road from the ground – it absorbs harmful emissions; cut an unwashed watermelon for a sample; buy damaged berries.

– As a specialist in natural health improvement, I want to note that it is in the summer that it is important to saturate the body with useful natural vitamins, substances and minerals that strengthen our immunity, to make it as resistant to external factors as possible, – says Naturologist, juice therapist Elena Makarova. It is good to arrange fasting days on watermelons, this will help control weight, and this is due to the fact that it contains: 89% structured useful water; beta-carotene – antioxidant; fiber, pectin – remove toxins; lycopene – breaks down fats; argenine – strengthens the blood vessels of the heart. Of course, watermelon masks are useful for the face and hair, which should be carried out to the maximum during the watermelon season.

– You can eat everything in a watermelon – pulp, seeds, crusts, – says nutritionist Oksana Ponomareva. – The berry is rich in magnesium, potassium, iron, folic, malic and citric acid, fructose, sucrose, glucose. There is a small amount of vitamins of group B. C, D. The area of ​​application of watermelon is multifaceted – it is also the reduction of edema in case of kidney and heart disease, prevents the formation of kidney stones, removes toxins from the body, improves liver and intestinal function. With diabetes mellitus, the use of the product is completely excluded or sharply limited to 50 g per day.

100 g of watermelon pulp contains only 38 kilocalories, and the contained folic acid contributes to normal fat metabolism. This berry can replace the usual sweets, due to the content of natural sugar in it, which does not affect the appearance of extra pounds. But fiber will quickly relieve hunger and insure against overeating.

If you adhere to the watermelon diet, then it is worth excluding food for a couple of days other than watermelon pulp in a ratio of 2 kg per 10 kg of human weight, and add a few pieces of black or rye bread. Such unloading can be carried out for no more than three days. By the way, do not forget that such methods are not suitable for everyone, and the diet is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis and serious renal disorders.

The watermelon mask will help to make the skin of the face fresh, smooth in a short time. Its chemical composition promotes hydration and also heals inflammation perfectly.

• In the summer, there is a high probability of getting sunburn, in this case, cut into pieces the crust can be ground in a coffee grinder or blender to a state of gruel, and then lubricate the areas of the body that are reddened by the sun.

• The simplest version of the mask. We take the pulp from the core of a fresh watermelon, take out the seeds and rub it on the skin of the face in a circular motion. The mask can be kept on the face for up to half an hour and repeated once every three days. To avoid an allergic reaction, test on the wrist first.

• Stir a tablespoon of watermelon juice with a spoonful of water, wipe your face with this liquid twice a day. It can also be used as a compress, let the gauze soak and keep it on the face for 15 minutes.

• To avoid shine and give the skin a matte effect, grated pulp, proportionally mixed with starch, will help to make it sour cream. Spread over face for 15 minutes.

• For normal skin type, the following mask is suitable: one teaspoon of cottage cheese, honey and watermelon pulp. We hold for 15 minutes.

• For dry skin, stir one teaspoon of olive oil and sour cream with two tablespoons of pulp, apply on the skin for 10 minutes. Rinse off preferably with a cotton pad dipped in green tea, and then wipe the skin with an ice cube.

• For a rejuvenating mask, take 200 g of grated pulp, mix with a teaspoon of aloe. Pre-soak its sheets for two weeks in the refrigerator on the lower shelf. Add a teaspoon of honey to the mass and apply on face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water and rub the skin with an ice cube.

If you understand the composition of the pulp of a watermelon, you get a whole nutritious storehouse of trace elements. For example, lycopene protects hair from ultraviolet rays from the sun, while niacin normalizes pigment production and accelerates cell renewal. Vitamins of group A and E do not allow dandruff to appear, reduce the risk of hair loss, but groups B promote hair growth and restore structure. The contained calcium helps to replenish the beauty after dyeing, iron regulates the metabolism in the bulbs.

For a mask, it is worth taking a well-ripe fruit. Apply fresh prepared gruel immediately. On dry ones, it can be distributed along the entire length, stepping back a little from the scalp, but not forgetting about the ends, for oily ones – carefully apply to the roots. After that, put on a shower cap, wrap it with a towel and stand for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo. It is important not to overexpose the mask, so as not to face the opposite effect of an excess of vitamin. Then the hair will be healthy, shiny and silky!

For nephritis and edema, it is good to use dried watermelon rinds. Cutting off the hard top layer from them, finely chop the light part and send it to dry in the oven at a low temperature. Soak there until half cooked, and then pour on a cloth in a dark place and dry again. Half an hour before a meal, eat one teaspoon with warm water, or a spoonful of honey. Such a remedy can be used up to three times daily. It must be stored in a dry place.

Crushed watermelon peels and seeds can be boiled, both fresh and dried, to create a beneficial, diuretic decoction. For example, pour 100 grams of washed crusts with a liter of water, keeping them on fire for half an hour, then leave for an hour and pass the liquid through a sieve. In case of urolithiasis, it is drunk up to two liters a day, this helps to dissolve stones and clear paths.

The broth also helps against puffiness, only then put the crust in water in a ratio of 1:10 and boil for five minutes. Drink ready-made liquid 3-4 times a day for half a glass.

In case of an unbearable headache, attach the watermelon peels to the temples and to the forehead, tighten with a kerchief. They can be replaced with others as soon as they get warm – the pain will gradually begin to disappear. Similarly, they can be applied for rheumatic painful sensations.

Thanks to the amino acid citrulline, watermelon is able to lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. Dry the rind and seeds of the watermelon, and then grind into a powder in a coffee grinder. Take half a teaspoon in the morning and evening for a month, and the pressure will return to normal.

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