Euthyrox – indications, contraindications, course of treatment, dosage, side effects

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Euthyrox is a medicine that contains levothyroxine – a synthetic analogue of thyroxine, one of the thyroid hormones found in the human body. Levothyroxine turns out to be helpful when the secretion of natural hormones is disturbed. When the thyroid gland produces too little of them and hypothyroidism develops, this condition is associated with the occurrence of troublesome ailments, and neglecting treatment can lead to serious complications.

Euthyrox – indications and contraindications

Euthyrox is available in different variants (Euthyrox N 25 – Euthyrox N 200). The indications for its intake are:

  1. treatment of goiter in patients with normal thyroid function and prevention of its recurrence,
  2. supplementing the deficiency of natural thyroid hormones,
  3. treatment of chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland (Hashimoto’s disease) to suppress tumor growth in people with thyroid cancer and in several other conditions if your doctor deems it necessary.

The medicine is in the form of tablets, and the dose to be taken should be determined by a specialist after all the necessary tests have been performed. You will receive referrals during consultations with a family doctor under the National Health Fund, which you can make an appointment today via the portal.

Before reaching for Euthyrox containing levothyroxine, inform your doctor about your health condition and about all medications you are taking. Contraindication to the use of Eythyrox may be: hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the preparation, untreated hyperthyroidism, myocarditis or a recent heart attack.

It is essential to provide the doctor with information about diseases and conditions such as:

  1. heart failure
  2. angina,
  3. heart problems,
  4. hypertension,
  5. atherosclerosis.

Euthyrox – interactions with other drugs

There are a number of medications that can cause dangerous interactions when taken with Euthyrox. The optimal doses and method of administration should then be established.

For example, Euthyrox may reduce the effect of antidiabetic drugs or increase the effect of coumarin anticoagulants. In these and many other cases, it is necessary to exercise extreme caution, conduct checkups and strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist. The same applies to pregnancy, breastfeeding and old age.

Like any drug, Euthyrox can also have side effects. They usually appear when the patient has taken a higher dose of the drug than recommended, or it is found that his body does not tolerate the permitted dose. Side effects of taking the drug include: chest pain and discomfort.

In addition to them, however, the following side effects may occur:

  1. more frequent urination
  2. strong exhaustion,
  3. fainting
  4. change in heart rate,
  5. high blood pressure
  6. lower tolerance to high temperature,
  7. irregular breathing
  8. nausea,
  9. menstrual cycle disorders,
  10. short and irregular breathing
  11. excessive sweating,
  12. rash, itchy skin
  13. dizziness,
  14. eye pain
  15. chills,
  16. severe headaches,
  17. hip and knee pain,
  18. weaving.

There may also be side effects resulting from the body’s use of the hormone for taking the hormone. Much depends on how high the dose is prescribed to the patient. In this case, side effects may appear, such as:

  1. diarrhea,
  2. depressed mood,
  3. hair loss
  4. headaches,
  5. muscle weakness.

What does an overdose of Euthyrox result in?

Disturbing symptoms of taking too high a dose are: changes in consciousness, cold and clammy (clammy) skin, feeling confused, lightheaded, fast or weak pulse, loss of consciousness, sudden headache or loss of coordination, speech problems (mumbling). (3) If you experience any of the symptoms of drug overdose listed above, seek immediate medical attention.

How is the treatment with Euthyrox going?

The course of therapy is determined individually. Euthyrox is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach and washed down with water. Usually, you start with the lowest dose possible, then your doctor gradually increases it. In some patients, therapy is temporary, in other situations it is necessary to take levothyroxine for life. During the use of the drug, it is necessary to perform periodic tests and measure the concentration of TSH in the blood and, where appropriate, free thyroid hormones.

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