Europrotocol for road accidents in 2022
Europrotocol in case of an accident is a simplified paperwork in case of an accident. Healthy Food Near Me talks about the rules for issuing a document in 2022

Europrotocol is a procedure for simplified paperwork in case of an accident without the participation of police officers, which first appeared in Our Country in 2009. The Europrotocol or, in other words, the traffic accident notification form, has become a kind of document that allows the injured party to receive compensation under the insurance policy. The initiative is aimed at reducing the number of accidents, reducing the risk to other drivers and combating traffic jams.

– The Europrotocol is good in that it saves time when registering an accident, as well as quickly remove vehicles from the carriageway so that they do not interfere with traffic. We all know that police officers have to wait for hours waiting for their turn. Let’s remember that they have to process several dozen accidents a day per shift, – told KP lawyer Vladimir Goncharov.

When can I issue a Europrotocol

The law clearly regulates the list of situations when participants in an accident can apply a simplified procedure. All conditions must be met at the same time:

  • There are no casualties in the accident;
  • only two vehicles were involved;
  • both drivers have OSAGO;
  • drivers have no disagreements regarding damage;
  • damage up to 400 thousand if it is possible to issue a European protocol through the application or the GLONASS system is installed on the car, in other cases up to 100 thousand rubles.

Rules for issuing a Europrotocol

The accident notice form consists of two parts. It is not necessary to separate parts before filling. Each participant can fill in information about himself and his car, or one of the participants fills out the entire form. Please note that only one document is filled out. The culprit takes a copy.

It is best to write with a ballpoint pen on a hard surface so that the copy on the second page is legible. Empty fields and the graph should not remain.

It may turn out that the form is not enough. Then take a regular sheet of A4 paper. In the main document, you need to make a note about the presence of the application. On a blank sheet, write “Annex to the Europrotocol X”, where X is its details. The application is duplicated for each of the participants in the accident.

– When drawing up a notice, you need to be extremely careful and follow all the recommendations provided for by the OSAGO law. If you have any doubts that you will not be able to cope with the preparation of the European protocol on your own, or you cannot determine the damage, then call specialists – an emergency commissioner, an auto expert, etc. In extreme cases, you always have the right to call the traffic police. And of course, I would like to remind everyone to follow the rules of the road and draw up OSAGO policies on time, – noted lawyer Vladimir Goncharov.

How to fill out the Europrotocol: instructions

Please note that the order of the items in the document from your insurance may differ.

In paragraphs 1 to 3, you must indicate the place and time of the accident, and the number of damaged cars. According to the rules of the European protocol, there cannot be more than two. In paragraph 4 (number of victims) you need to put 0 or a dash, and in paragraphs 5, 6 and 8 (whether an examination was carried out, whether traffic police officers left, damage to third parties) – mark the word “No”.

If there are witnesses, their details are entered in paragraph 7.

Items 9 to 12 of the right and left columns are for data on cars, drivers and OSAGO policies.

Item 13 is an image of a car, on which the location of the first impact must be indicated. Point 14 is used to describe the damage. The columns are completed with the signature of the drivers in point 15.

Then in the central column (item 16) the circumstances of the accident should be noted. It is allowed to mark several cells, depending on the complexity of the maneuver. At the bottom, you must specify the number of marked cells for each participant.

The next item at number 17 is the accident scheme. It is necessary to schematically depict the road with signs, traffic lights, house numbers and other landmarks. When depicting cars, you need to arrange them in the same order and position as in a real situation, and indicate the direction of movement. Under the diagram in paragraph 18, both drivers leave their signatures.

After that, the form is divided into two parts, and each driver fills in 7 points on the back. The signature of the second participant in the accident on the back is not needed.

Sample of filling out the Europrotocol

A sample of filling out the Europrotocol is on the third page of the form. Be careful when you start checking this page so that you do not automatically transfer it to your data.

How to issue a Europrotocol through the application

Download the program “OSAGO Assistant” Free on the App Store for iOS devices or on Google Play for Android.

– A big plus of the application is that it can be used to take photographs of vehicles and their damage at the scene of an accident, as well as the uncorrected transfer of these images to the OSAGO AIS, from where it goes to the insurance company. In addition, the application gives hints about what actions to perform, says lawyer Vladimir Goncharov.

  • The application can be used both in the presence of disagreements, and in their absence.
  • The OSAGO Assistant mobile application can only be used by users who have a verified account on the State Services.
  • It will be enough if the application is installed by one participant in the accident. But he must enter data for the second participant.
  • Registration of a notice of an accident in the form of an electronic document is possible throughout Our Country.
  • Wi-Fi or mobile internet connection required.

The amount of payments under the Europrotocol

In the OSAGO Assistant application:

  • If there are disagreements and you photographed the accident site, then the maximum payment is up to 100 thousand rubles. If photographic evidence is not taken, then there will be no payment.
  • If there are no disagreements and photo fixation is carried out, the payment limit is up to 400 thousand rubles. If you didn’t take pictures, then up to 100 thousand rubles.

When issued on paper form – up to 100 thousand rubles.

Europrotocol: history of changes

Initially, the Europrotocol procedure could be used in the event of an accident involving two cars, without victims or injured. The maximum damage was limited to a threshold of 25 rubles. Drivers could choose the simplified procedure only by mutual agreement and subject to the same assessment of the situation. One of the drivers had to admit his guilt, and the second had to agree with him. Finally, both drivers must have valid OSAGO insurance.

These conditions have caused a lot of criticism, both from drivers and in the expert community.

One of the main reasons for the fear of the European Protocol was the fear of misjudging the damage. Against this background, the low compensation limit has become an additional factor that causes distrust. In addition, many drivers saw rich ground for fraud in the conditions of the European protocol – from staging an accident to obtain insurance, to intentional errors in the notice. These fears were justified: to this day, insurance companies use any inaccuracy as an excuse to delay the consideration of the case or refuse to pay. As a result, the number of cases of compensation for losses under the European protocol, according to the statistics of insurance companies, did not exceed 8-9% in the period from 2009 to 2014.

Changes in 2014

In August 2014, based on an analysis of the application of the Europrotocol, some amendments were introduced to the law. The amount of payment for insurance was increased to 50 rubles. In addition, the registration procedure has undergone an adjustment. In particular, both the victim and the perpetrator of the accident were required to send the completed notification form to their insurance company before the expiration of 000 working days. The victim, in addition to the notification, had to send an application to his company for the payment of insurance compensation.

At the same time, the procedure for insurance companies has also changed. Thus, the insurer of the guilty person received the right to demand an examination in case of doubts about the fairness of the claims of the victim. In turn, each of the participants in the accident was obliged to provide a car for such an examination within five days. The insurance company of the victim received similar rights. To ensure enforcement, those involved in the crash were prohibited from repairing or scrapping the vehicles for 15 business days after the accident.

Unlimited europrotocol

In the same 2014, by Decree of the Government of the Federation of October 1 N 1002 “On approval of the Rules for submitting information about a traffic accident to an insurer and requirements for technical controls that ensure uncorrected registration of information” in Moscow, the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and In the Leningrad Region, an unlimited Europrotocol was introduced. Its main advantage lies in the amount of insurance payment increased to 400 rubles.

When developing the new procedure, the risk of fraud was taken into account with a significant increase in the amount of compensation. So, the collection of evidence was entrusted to the drivers. The main instrument of control was the technical means of fixation. An important condition is that only devices that do not allow correcting the data can be used to confirm the fact and record the details of an accident.

These conditions were introduced with an eye to the widespread use of video recorders and navigators connected to the GLONASS system or other global satellite systems. Since the technical base for the mandatory introduction of such devices was not yet ready at that time, the new procedure received the status of an experiment valid until 01.01.2016/XNUMX/XNUMX.

According to the procedure of the unlimited European protocol, when registering an accident, in addition to the standard package of documents, the driver must provide the insurer with an electronic media with photo and video filming of the scene of the accident, completed within one hour, in order to receive compensation. Photos and videos must contain the coordinates of the accident site. When transferring the carrier, the driver is obliged to draw up a statement of the absence of adjustments. During the transitional period, it is allowed to use any means of control that ensure the shooting of the accident site with the registration of the date, time and coordinates.

Changes in 2017

In November 2017, it became known that the Government plans to allow drivers of vehicles equipped with the ERA-GLONASS rapid accident notification system to register road accidents under an unlimited European protocol.

According to the project of the Ministry of Transport, the victim must press the emergency button of the ERA-GLONASS system within 10 minutes after the accident. After that, telemetric data about the circumstances of the accident automatically enter the database of the insurance company. The data includes a whole package of information, including coordinates, vehicle speed and acceleration, impact force at the moment of collision, and much more. Three new GOSTs on methods for fixing accidents have already entered into force on January 1, 2018. Based on the data received from the ERA-GLONASS system, the insurance company will make a decision on the payment of compensation under the unlimited europrotocol procedure. The project does not eliminate the need to fill out standard paper accident notices.

In 2017, the State Duma adopted a bill changing the rules for registering an accident according to the European protocol. Under the new rules, drivers can use the simplified procedure even if they do not agree on the cause of the accident. Accident data can be recorded using special mobile applications licensed by RSA.

Changes in 2018

In May 2018, the Central Bank, which regulates OSAGO rules, approved changes that increase the amount of compensation under the European protocol from 50 to 000 rubles. The changes will come into force on June 100 and will be valid for all regions, except for those where the unlimited Europrotocol mode is in effect.

In order to realize the possibility of registration according to the European Protocol without a unanimous opinion of the participants on the circumstances of the accident, it is necessary to fix them with the help of “technical means of control and other devices.” In addition, disagreements must be included in the accident notices by both participants in the accident. Technical means of control mean data transmission through the ERA-GLONASS system or through a special mobile application. However, the difficulty is that not all cars in our country are equipped with the ERA-GLONASS system. As of 2017, their number is about 1,2 million. In addition, a mobile application licensed by the Union of Motor Insurers does not yet exist. Moreover, PCA has not yet formulated even the requirements for this application.

Changes in 2019-2021

It became possible to use the mobile application “OSAGO Assistant”. It was created by the Central Bank and the Union of Auto Insurers. The program is needed to issue a notice of an accident in the form of an electronic document. The program is constantly being upgraded and updated.

Also, the size of the maximum payment was equal across the country and reached the limit for OSAGO of 400 thousand rubles. But only under the condition of GLONASS on board cars or using a smartphone application.


Since September 2014, in case of violation of the requirement of the insurance company not to carry out repairs within 15 days, as well as in the absence of a notification from the perpetrator of the accident 5 days after the accident, the insurer of the perpetrator of the accident has the right to demand a refund of the amount of compensation paid to the victim.

Paragraph 2.5 of the Rules of the Road is indirectly related to the Europrotocol procedure. According to this paragraph, the driver involved in the accident “is obliged to immediately stop (do not move) the vehicle, turn on the emergency alarm and set the emergency stop sign in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 7.2 of the Rules, and not move objects related to the incident.” The driver who left the scene is expected to be punished under Part 2 of Art. 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Federation, which provides for punishment in the form of deprivation of rights from one to one and a half years or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Popular questions and answers

Where can I get the Europrotocol form?
The unified form of the Europrotocol was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Federation dated 01.04.2011 No. 155. The accident notice form is issued as part of the package of documents by the insurance company when issuing an OSAGO policy. If the form is used, a new one can be obtained at any office of the insurer. When applying for an electronic OSAGO policy, the europrotocol form can be downloaded in your personal account on the website of the insurance company. The form can also be found on the website of the regional ministry or department of transport.
What is the duration of the Europrotocol?
The document is valid for five days from the date of the incident. If within this period you do not provide your copy of the notice to the insurance company, then payments under the simplified system will not be achieved.
What problems can there be with the Europrotocol?
The main problem is if the culprit of the accident does not transfer his form to the insurance. Then the victim must contact the traffic police within 15 days from the date of the accident and order a certificate of the accident. Already with it to go to the insurance for payment. If this period has passed, then it remains only to go to court.

Another problem is when both participants write in the protocol that they are not guilty and that this suits them. This should not be. The culprit must be indicated in the European protocol.

Try not to allow a large number of blots and corrections in the form. This may result in a claim being denied by the insurance company. If corrections were made, then write “Believe corrected, read as …” and the signatures of two participants.

How to properly photograph?
1. Remove damaged car parts.

2. General plan: the relative position of the cars at the accident site.

3. Photos of license plates of both cars.

4. Try to have a photo against the background of a specific area with a specific house, street and other landmarks.

5. Take shots of the braking distance, flying parts, glass, car paint.

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