European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi

European or Falling Larch (Larix Decidua) belongs to the genus (Larix), Pine family (Pinaceae). Under natural conditions, it grows in the mountains of Central Europe, rising to a height of 1000 to 2500 m above sea level.

The European Larch was first described by Philip Miller in 1768. It was originally known as the Deciduous Pine. In New Zealand, where the forest service planted a crop to control erosion, it is commonly referred to as “wild softwood”.

European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi

What does European larch look like?

European larch is a tall or medium-sized coniferous tree with needles falling for the winter and a straight trunk. The size of old specimens ranges from 25 to 35 m, while the average trunk diameter reaches 1 m, in the rarest cases – 45 and 2 m, respectively.

Comment! The thickness of the tree is measured at the chest level of an adult.

Among larches, it is the European one that is considered the fastest growing – it adds 50-100 cm annually. It is interesting that the culture grows the fastest in 80-100 years.

In a young tree, the crown is narrow, conical or pin-shaped, often irregular in shape, becoming much wider with age. Boughs horizontal or hanging, with ascending ends. Young shoots are thin, picturesquely falling from raised skeletal branches. The bark is yellowish or gray-yellow, smooth, old cracks and turns brown.

The needles of European larch are bright green, flat, soft, 1 to 3 cm long, collected in bunches of 30-40 pieces on shortened shoots. In autumn it turns golden yellow and falls off. In winter, the culture is easily recognizable by its knotty branches.

Interesting! Larch seedlings do not shed their needles in the first year.

Flowering, unlike most other coniferous genera, is very attractive. In spring, rounded golden male cones appear on European larch simultaneously with young needles. They are located on short, leafless shoots, mostly on the underside of the branches. Pollen is scattered around.

Oval-rounded cones 2-4 cm long, with 40-50 scales, ripen in the same year, can hang up to 10 years on a tree. They are light brown in color and covered with soft bristles.

The life span of European larch is more than 500 years. The officially recorded oldest specimen was 986 years old.

European larch, unlike other species, has low frost resistance. Without shelter, it can only winter in zone 4; many varieties are even more thermophilic.

There are three main subspecies of European larch, the main difference of which lies in the geographical location of the natural habitat and the structure of the seed cones:

  • Alpine European larch – Larch deciduous var. Deciduous;
  • Carpathian European larch – Larch deciduous var. Carpathians;
  • Polish European Larch – Larch deciduous var. Polish

European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi

Varieties of European larch

Since the European larch is a very beautiful, but high culture, it also grows very quickly, the selection is aimed at creating low varieties. But still, the trees very quickly reach several meters. For a small garden, or where a tall plant is simply not needed, as it obscures a large area, varieties grafted onto the stem are bred.

European larch Puli

The Hungarian variety Larix decidua Puli owes its origin to Joze Mykolos, who selected and planted in the mid-90s of the last century a seedling found with strongly drooping branches.

Weeping crown forms a dense curtain of thin branches covered with light green needles, changing color to golden in autumn. First, the shoots fall beautifully from the height of the trunk, then spread along the ground.

If the plant is left alone, it will first form a kind of skirt around the trunk, then spread in different directions like a ground cover. Pruning started at an early age and directing the shoots in the right direction will help create a real masterpiece. You can even prevent the branches from falling on the ground if you constantly shorten them.

There is no need to talk about the height of the Puli larch on the stem – it depends on the grafting and the stock. And the branches will cover the area that landscape designers and owners will provide at their disposal. The annual growth is more than 30 cm, in any case, by the age of 10, the diameter of the crown will exceed 4 m, if the branches are not shortened.

Frost resistance – zone 5.

European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi

Larch Little Bogle

The Australian cultivar Larix decidua Little Bogle is derived from a witch’s broom found in 1990.

This is one of the rare cultivars that produce a clear leader. Therefore, the Little Bogle larch variety is usually grafted low on the trunk, and it forms a kind of curved trunk, reaching a height of 10 cm by 130 years. It grows slowly, adding 10-12,5 cm each season.

The shoots of the larch of the European variety Little Bogle are often twisted, forming a wide asymmetrical crown, vaguely resembling an oval or an egg.

European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi

European Larch Kreychi

One of the most original conifers is Larix Decidua Krejci. A variety originated from a deformed seedling discovered in 1984 by the Czech Ladislav Krejci. It is very difficult to propagate it, as well as bring it to a permanent place, so the plant remains rare and expensive.

The European larch variety Krejci is a slow growing tree with sparse twisted shoots growing in unexpected directions. Every year they become thicker, adding 8-10 cm in length. At 10 years old, the plant does not exceed a height of 1 m.

Even a photo of European Krejci larch makes an indelible impression.

European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi

European larch Repens

The English variety Larix Decidua Repens has been known for 200 years and is consistently popular. It is grafted on a stem, the height of which determines the size of the tree.

In the photo of European larch Repens, you can see trees that are different from each other, however, this is the same variety. The shape of the crown depends on where this or that branch “went” – first they rise by 50 cm, then fall.

By conducting annual pruning, and removing branches sticking out in the wrong direction, a ball or dome can be formed from larch, with shoots that do not touch the ground. If it is grafted on a low stem, a ground cover plant will be obtained, in the center of which there will be a green “fountain” a little higher than 50 cm high.

Comment! The shape of the crown of the Repens variety depends on the imagination of the owners or the gardener.

The tree grows relatively slowly, adding about 30 cm annually. The needles are light green in spring, golden brown in autumn. Frost resistance – zone 4.

European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi

Larch Kornik

The dwarf variety Larix decidua Kornik clearly came from a witch’s broom. Grows grafted onto a trunk, the length of which determines the size of the plant. Standard height – 1-1,5 m.

Comment! A stem above 2 m is not recommended – the tree will be unstable.

It is a neat ball with dense short branches pointing upwards and emerald foliage, turning golden in autumn. Although the needles fall off in winter, the Kornik larch grafted on the stem does not lose its decorative effect.

European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi

European larch on trunk

A significant part of modern varieties are plants grafted on the bole. This allows you to limit the height of European larch, but does not always slow down the growth of shoots. As a result, you can get a tree of the desired size, and the shape of the crown will depend on the scion. Conventionally, vaccinations can be divided into three types:

  1. The easiest option is to graft species larch shoots onto a bole. The plant is limited in height, and even so, drooping branches lie on the ground and spread like a ground cover.
  2. Breeders are looking for shoots of a strange shape, with the original color of the needles or other interesting deviations from the species characteristics. Then they are propagated by grafting and observed. If the clones pass on the modified forms from generation to generation, a new variety is born.
  3. Many interesting cultivars spring from witches’ brooms. A new variety of European larch will not necessarily have a weeping crown. It may look like a hedgehog, consist of several intricately curved branches, or have another original shape.

Grafted European larches are expensive, but have a unique crown. It is impossible to find two identical ones, and if you start pruning at an early age, then the shape of the tree can be corrected or directed in the right direction.

A very interesting option for creating an arch from a seemingly well-known variety of European larch Pendula is shown in the photo.

European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi

European larch in landscape design

The culture is very attractive for decorating parks, public and private gardens. The undersized and grafted forms of the European Larch Larix Decidua are especially popular.

The only drawback of the culture is the frost resistance that is insufficient for Our Country – zones 4 and 5. We often plant other species that are more resistant to low temperatures.

When planting a tree, you first need to carefully study the characteristics of the variety. Only some grow slowly and take up little space, the rest need space, even grafted on a trunk.

European larch looks good as a tapeworm, you can plant it on the lawn, in the stalls, in the foreground of landscape groups – the tree is sure to attract attention. Autumn golden needles look especially original. Even in winter, knotty gnarled branches do not spoil the appearance of the garden, but give it a peculiar zest.

Larch is just that culture, during the cultivation of which the fantasy of the owner or landscape designer can manifest itself in full. It is important to remember that the formation of the tree must begin as early as possible. Only then can you create an original, unlike anything crown, while maintaining decorativeness and without harming the plant.

European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi

Planting and caring for European larch

Larch is undemanding to soils, but it grows better on drained podzolic or sod-podzolic soils, and on sands it grows poorly. It suffers from drought and stagnant water at the roots. It tolerates urban conditions well, which makes it attractive for landscaping parks and squares, where automatic watering is equipped.

It is better to plant a larch dug out with a clod of earth at the age of 6 years; for container plants, the terms are limited to 20 years. Then there is a danger that the tree will not take root.

For planting, it is better to choose autumn, waiting for the needles to fall. Varieties of European larch that can withstand low temperatures in cool regions where summers are not hot can be placed on the site in the spring, before bud break. This does not apply to container plants – they are planted all season, except for the hottest months.

The place must be chosen open, since larch does not withstand shading. Be sure to take into account the growth rate of the crop, and do not plant nearby plants that require good lighting.

Important! When placing larch on the lawn, you need to remember that in the fall it will be covered with fallen needles, which can only be removed with a garden vacuum cleaner.

Seedling and planting preparation

The landing pit is prepared in no less than 14 days. If necessary, completely change the substrate, it is prepared from leaf humus, peat and sand, taken in a ratio of 3:2:1. The drainage layer is standard – 20 cm.

First, gravel or broken brick is poured into the dug hole, then the remaining volume is filled by 70% with the prepared substrate. Fill with water until it no longer absorbs, and allow to settle.

It is better to take a seedling of a species plant from a local nursery. Grafted larches are likely to be imported, they are bought in a container. At the same time, they check the humidity of the earthen coma, the flexibility of the branches, the freshness of the needles (if any).

Rules of landing

During the planting of any trees, they try to disturb the root as little as possible. Larch must be handled with the utmost care. Landing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Part of the soil is removed from the pit with a shovel.
  2. Set in the middle of the seedling.
  3. They fall asleep with an earthen lump with a substrate, constantly squeezing it from the edge of the pit to the center.
  4. A mound is formed along the edge of the near-stem circle to retain moisture.
  5. Water generously until no more water is absorbed.
  6. When the moisture is gone, the soil is mulched with a layer of 5-7 cm.
Important! The root neck should be flush with the ground or slightly higher.

European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi

Watering and top dressing

European larch, like other species, is demanding on watering. She needs them not only after landing, but throughout her life. Of course, at first it is watered more often, but even after full rooting, the operation is carried out in the hot summer 1-2 times a week. In the cool season, humidification is reduced, but does not stop, and in the fall they carry out moisture charging.

European larch is fed twice a year with specialized fertilizers for coniferous crops. They are produced separately for spring – with a high content of nitrogen, in summer-autumn, phosphorus and potassium predominate.

It is impossible to neglect top dressing, since European larch is a deciduous tree:

  • in spring, with a lack of nitrogen, young needles will grow weak, will not be able to ensure a successful vegetation during the season, which may result in the death of European larch in winter;
  • in autumn, phosphorus and potassium help the culture to safely endure the dormant period, increase winter hardiness, and reduce the likelihood of frost cracks.

Foliar top dressings are of great importance, delivering to European larch those substances that are poorly absorbed through the root, but are vital for the plant. Spraying is done no more than 1 time in 14 days. If the tree is too tall, they process at least that part of the crown that can be reached.

Mulching and loosening

Loosen the soil under young plants in the year of planting and the whole next season after rain or watering. Then they are limited to mulching the trunk circle. To do this, it is better to use pine bark, which is sold in garden centers already treated for pests and diseases. It is divided into fractions from 1 to 5 in size, it is not difficult to choose the right one for your site.


European larch tolerates pruning well at a young age. Reading this statement, novice gardeners often ask themselves the question: “What next?”. The answer is simple: continue the formation started earlier. In an adult larch, young shoots can be completely removed or shortened, but the old ones should not be touched.

So, if the tree is going to be given some specific shape, to direct the branches in one direction or another, you need to start right away. A larch is not an apple tree that can be started until the fruiting is completely lost, and then cut out 1/3 of the skeletal branches at a time to put it in order. This is a culture whose “education” must be started from a young age, or left alone, limited to sanitary pruning.

Comment! In the spring, all broken, dry and diseased branches on the European larch are removed at any age.

European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi

Preparation for winter

European larches need shelter in the year of planting. Then the trees are protected from the cold only with a thick layer of mulch, they carry out autumn moisture charging, and feed them with phosphorus and potassium at the end of the season. Special attention is paid to the vaccination site – if it is not protected by branches, it is better to wrap a layer of white agrofibre around the trunk.

The frost resistance of the species plant and most varieties of European larch is low – zones 4 or 5.


European larch is propagated by grafting and seeds. Cuttings take root better than pine, but not by much. Fans will not be able to propagate the culture vegetatively on their own, and even in nurseries the operation does not always end in success. The percentage of rooted cuttings is extremely low, even among specialists.

Vaccination is also not an operation for amateurs. But you can try to germinate the seeds after stratification, however, here you should not particularly expect to bring the seedling to planting in open ground.

Diseases and pests

The main pests of larch are silkworms that feed on buds, soft leaves and young cones. Of the other insects that can harm the culture, the following should be distinguished:

  • larch sawfly;
  • larch leaflet;
  • larch case;
  • larch fly;
  • cone;
  • larch moth.

At the first sign of damage, larch is treated with an appropriate insecticide.

Rust is considered the main disease of the crop, the intermediate host of which is birch, rarely alder. Larch can be affected by cancer and shute. Treatment consists in treatment with fungicides.

In order to reduce the likelihood of diseases and pests, you need to regularly carry out preventive treatments and inspect the larch.

European larch: Puli, Little Bogle, Kreychi


European larch is a fast-growing, not too hardy species that has produced many attractive varieties. The culture is recommended for use in urban landscaping in irrigated areas, as it tolerates air pollution well, but requires regular watering.

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