European Kopecks

Properties and uses of European hoof

Botanical characteristics of European hoof

European Kopecks

European hoof is a plant that covers the soil under trees and forms a carpet; it is very common in the forests of Siberia and the European part of Russia. European hoof is a part of many medicines.

The hoof, despite its unusual name, has been very common since ancient times. It was used in magic and folk medicine. But only recently, official pharmacology has paid attention to this herb. European hoof is an evergreen plant growing in the forests of Russia. The leaves of this plant are dark green, in winter they are well preserved under the snow.

Strangely, the leaves of the wild hoof fall only after they have overwintered the cold period and wait until the beginning of summer. It is easy to recognize the European hoof, despite the fact that it grows in a forest with many other plants. It looks like this: leathery leaves with a fairly long stem are located on a curly and long stem, in appearance it all resembles the shape of a hoof. Hence the name itself follows – “European hoof”. The smell of this plant is quite bitter, with hints of pepper. You can feel it only when you rub the leaves of the plant in your hands.

European Kopecks

From the fact that the hoof looks rather peculiar, smells specific, and has a certain amount of toxicity, it has many different names. We list several names of this plant: “vomit root”, “vomit”, “wild pepper”, “hare root”, “earth incense”, “undergrowth”, “core” and many other names. It should be used in moderation and very carefully, because it is poisonous. And it is not individual parts of the plant that are poisonous, but the whole of it. If you neglect all the rules of caution when using medicines based on hoof, you can get serious poisoning.

European Kopecks during flowering – and this happens in spring, in late April or early May – it is covered with flowers that are very difficult to see under wide and dark leaves. The hoof reproduces by seeds. If we talk about the reproduction of this plant, then everything is very well thought out, because there is no wind in the forest near the ground itself, and the seeds need to be transferred somehow. This work is occupied by worker ants. This work lures them in that there are fleshy-oily outgrowths on the seeds, which are very well suited as food. Insects eat them and carry the seeds throughout the forest.

For medicinal preparations of traditional medicine, I use only the roots and leaves of the ungulate. Roots are dug either in spring or autumn. And it is advisable to collect the leaves during the flowering of the plant, this is approximately until mid-June. But, in fact, if you look, then the leaves can be harvested throughout the summer, until the beginning of autumn. It is necessary to dry the leaves of the hoof in the shade. The room should be well ventilated, and the temperature should not exceed fifty degrees Celsius.

The use of European hoof

European Kopecks

For rheumatic, joint and headaches, compresses with hoof decoction, various lotions or oils are used. For the treatment of eye diseases, it is necessary to resort to a decoction of hoof leaves.

Claw can be used as a medicine when you are sick with pneumonia, colds, bronchitis, asthma, or tuberculosis because it has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and bronchodilatory effects. To cure these diseases, you need to use the hoof in the form of a decoction or tincture of alcohol. So that the hoof decoction is not too harsh, it is diluted with either honey or hot milk before use.

Wild hoof is also used to treat diseases of the biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, bladder, and liver. In earlier times, hoof was used to treat jaundice. If you suffer from headaches, insomnia, increased nervous excitability, neurotic conditions, epilepsy or migraine, then take European hoof as a sedative.

In small concentrations, tincture of European hoof leaves is used to treat women’s diseases, and also normalizes cardiac activity, increases vein tone, and is used to speed up blood flow. The use of a powder or decoction of European hoof is recommended if necessary in the treatment of alcoholism or in case of poisoning to cause vomiting, and strong ones. In order to cure a person from alcohol addiction, a person can undergo a treatment course without suspecting it. That is, a concentrated decoction of the hoof is mixed with alcohol, after the patient drinks it, he begins to vomit. After a series of such techniques in the future, alcohol (without hoof) also causes severe vomiting in a person.

European hoof is used not only in folk medicine and modern pharmacology, but even in the magic of various countries. The leaves of the hoof were dried, after which they were added to various combustible mixtures, with which they fumigated the room, that is, they cleaned it of evil spirits. The leaves were used to create all kinds of amulets, amulets: it was believed that they would protect against the evil eye or damage. Also, in order to protect animals from the evil eye, a dried hoof was hung over the front door.

At a time when the tradition of sniffing tobacco was widespread, dry leaves of European hoof were specially added to it: people believed that in this way it gives the healing power of tobacco, enhances its tobacco effect itself. It happened mainly in Europe. Now this plant is used to decorate the landscape.

Claw properties

European hoof contains essential oil, various resins, alkaloids, starch, mucus, glycosides, tannins, flavonoids and much more.

European hoof has the most extensive pharmacological properties. It causes emetic, expectorant, bronchodilatory, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, laxative effects, and also has antipyretic, wound healing, diuretic, anthelmintic, sedative, anti-sclerotic properties. European hoof is also used to treat various wounds, purulent ulcers, and scabies.

Cooking hoof

European hoof is used to make ointments for external use. They do it this way: grind the hoof roots into powder and mix with oil, petroleum jelly, lard or fat. For the ointment to be most effective, badger fat must be used, and sea buckthorn or cedar oil.

From the hoof, you can prepare not only ointments and oils, but also tinctures, decoctions, infusions, powders. Powders, by the way, are made from the root of the hoof. All this, except for oils and ointments, can be taken internally.

To prepare the daily rate of medicinal tincture, you need to take two teaspoons of European hoof, pour into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water.

Contraindications to the use of hoof

Although the European hoof is a slightly poisonous plant, it should be taken only with the permission and on the recommendations of a doctor. Beware of overdose! In no case do not take more than two tablespoons of the drug at one time.

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