European Health Insurance Card: all you need to know about the EHIC

European Health Insurance Card: all you need to know about the EHIC

What is the CEAM?

The EHIC stands for the European Health Insurance Card. This is an administrative document used to obtain and be reimbursed for treatment in a member country of the European Union.

It facilitates journeys in Europe

It is part of the measures taken to facilitate journeys within Europe: what could be more worrying than falling ill in another country, or even staying in hospital in the worst case, without knowing how to pay for your care? The EHIC is therefore not obligatory but facilitates the care process in the countries concerned.

How do I get it?

The card has been in existence since March 23, 2004 in the majority of member countries of the European Union. It is obtained free of charge, is individual and valid for two years.

CEAM: who is concerned?

In France, the Carte Vitale is used to reimburse health costs. However, to travel in Europe it is no longer sufficient, since all countries do not have the same administrative standards and often have their own national cards. The CEAM therefore targets all citizens of the European Union, in a process of unification.

Some nationals of other non-EU member states are also eligible: Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein.

What support by the EHIC?

The European Health Insurance Card allows access to care both for health professionals, but also for hospitals in the country visited, only in member countries of the European Union. The idea is therefore to make the most of your stay, while maintaining the security of your access to care as we are used to having in France. Simply by presenting the card to the nursing staff.

His advantages

Here is a sample of its benefits:

  • Free card;
  • No procedure to follow in the visited country;
  • Access to healthcare from the country’s public services;
  • If the country pays for the care, you will not have to pay anything;
  • If the country asks you for an advance of the costs, the reimbursement will be made by Social Security on the French side. It is advisable to keep the invoices and then present them to your health insurance fund once you return to France. It is also possible to request reimbursement directly on site; costs will be covered under the rules in force in the country concerned.

Care covered

The care taken in charge is just as numerous:

  • Medicines (even those prescribed in France to be renewed);
  • Childbirth and pregnancy care;
  • Illnesses and accidents;

What the EHIC does not take into account

On the other hand, the EHIC does not take into account:

  • All care in private service. In this case you will have to advance the money, but can request a refund in France in application of the French tariff;
  • The care which constitutes the objective of the trip;
  • Healthcare outside the EU (conversely, the costs of some countries like the United States can quickly become exorbitant!). In other words, only “unforeseen” care is reimbursed.

How to obtain the European Health Insurance Card?

Some details on obtaining the EHIC:

  • You must be a citizen of the European Union;
  • Each member of the same family must have their card, children under 16 included;
  • The request must be made at least 20 days before departure.

Obtaining online and mobile 

The EHIC is obtained through your “Ameli” account. You must connect to the site, or through the Ameli mobile application, and follow the instructions in the “My procedures” section.

Obtaining by multiservice terminal

To do this, you have to go to your social security center.

Obtaining by phone

By contacting your nearest center on 36 36 (from France) or +33 811 70 3646 (from abroad). The “+” must be dialed by entering “00” on mobile and landline. This number can be useful in the event of loss of the card or of forgetting abroad.

What to do if you forget your card?

Depending on the vagaries of life, different scenarios can lead to you not having a card for your trip. 

If the demand is dragging too long:

If the EHIC request was made less than 20 days before departure, it may be sent to you once you have left. A provisional replacement certificate may be obtained instead, but only valid for three months.

In the event of loss or forgetting abroad:

Contact +33 811 70 3646 to obtain a replacement card.

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