European Academic Birth

La European Academy of Gastronomy, which has seen the light in the past days of February, is made up of the already prestigious academies of Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Poland and the United Kingdom.

It comes to join a resolution of the European Parliament, which in the matter of gastronomy the member states demanded, and thus be able to defend the culinary culture from the same joint proposal.

The academic birth of this new institution is a great complement to the territorial organizations of each state, to continue working in favor of the culinary culture of each place from the local level and to now be able to act in a more global way in governmental and international levels.

In the first act, the founding one, of the European Academy of Gastronomy, it was held in the city in Paris, and its general assembly was constituted in it, giving way to the appointments of its representatives. The Spanish Mr. Rafael Ansón, was chosen president unanimously by those present, and as vice presidents they were elected to francés Jean Vitaux and Italian Paolo Petroni, the charge of general secretary and treasurer landed on el polaco Maciej Dobrzyniecki.

We highlight the words of the newly elected president, in the press conference after the event, in which he declared that the commitment of the European academy of gastronomy will seek:

“Linking gastronomy with the cultural universe, once all the institutions have come to recognize that gastronomy is one of the most important bases of the culture of the peoples.”

The Gala city will be the one that houses the legal headquarters of the academy and the city of Warsaw that of the general secretariat.

The actions that the entity will seek imminently will be the initiatives and implementation of educational plans in the field of food, nutrition and gastronomy, for fingerling students of European schools and for adolescents and young people, master and doctorate programs that add value to the gastronomic training as a university-type degree.

Other of his functions will be to act as European ambassador to the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization) and to support the agri-food activity of the member states, in order to improve the competitiveness and quality of local food and beverages.

In our country, the Spanish Academy of Gastronomy, carries out an informative work on the enviable gastronomic culture and at the same time is one of the promoters of the recognition of chefs, companies and entities in the field of Healthy Gastronomy and Entrepreneurship.

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