Euphoria – symptoms, causes. Diet and chemicals and inducing euphoria

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Euphoria is an emotional state characterized by an unnaturally well-being. Such a person can be extremely cheerful, joyful, prone to telling jokes, etc. When the euphoric state persists for too long, it may be a symptom of a mental or neurological disease. Get to know better what euphoria is, what causes it and what it means.

Euphoria – symptoms

People in a state of euphoria are considered extremely cheerful. They are almost always in a good mood, often joke, and are prone to burst out laughing even when the reason is trivial. Euphoric people can be considered light-hearted people – they are constantly accompanied by a feeling of freedom and carefree. Moreover, they are highly satisfied with all spheres of life.

Euphoria does not depend on whether or not you are feeling physically comfortable. People who are seriously ill and exhausted can also be in this state. Short-term euphoria is not cause for concern. Moreover, it is much better to be happy than to be sad, as it has many benefits, also scientifically documented. However, when the state of euphoria continues without cause, it can be a harbinger of mental illness.

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The causes of euphoria

Natural and healthy causes of euphoria include changes resulting from metabolic processes that result from increased physical exertion (e.g. running, walking, cycling, etc.). Then, hormones (including endorphins) responsible for a short-term improvement in mood are released into the blood.

The euphoric state also provokes successful sexual intercourse – this is why many people are addicted to sex. Sexual intercourse, as well as intense sports, evokes strong emotions that can be addictive. The state of euphoria is also caused by activities such as diving and mountain climbing. When such an effort lasts long enough, the body switches to anaerobic changes that cause euphoria.

Schizophrenics and people suffering from mania and hypomania are often euphoric. This condition is also caused by psychoactive substances such as alcohol, drugs and designer drugs. Neurological diseases such as migraine, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis also produce symptoms similar to euphoria, and certain medications (e.g. opioid analgesics, immunosuppressants and glucocorticosteroids) can cause such symptoms.

Substances responsible for the state of euphoria

These are dopamine and endorphins, both found naturally in the human body. The first one is one of the neurotransmitters. Thanks to it, we feel positive emotions, e.g. happiness and joy, which appear when dopamine appears in the central structures of the nervous system. Higher dopamine levels, triggered by exercise, evoke feelings of euphoria.

Endorphins, known as the “happiness hormone”, are designed to induce a state of euphoria in the body. They are produced in the areas of the brain responsible for feeling. Interestingly, the hormone is similar in structure to morphine, a powerful pain reliever. Thanks to endorphins, a person is not only more satisfied, but also more resistant to pain and stress.

Both excess and deficiency of dopamine have a negative effect on the work of the brain. When there is not enough of it, a person may feel anxious and less motivated to act. The consequences are depression, apathy and passivity. In turn, excess dopamine can cause dangerous states of euphoria. They can even result in delusions, hallucinations and gambling.

Do food products evoke a state of euphoria?

There are a number of foods that can help increase dopamine levels in the body. Thanks to them, we will also improve the work of the brain and perhaps we will deal with depression faster. Still, it’s worth remembering that there is no diet that can completely cure us of emotional problems. Nevertheless, the group of products conducive to the formation of euphoric states includes:

  1. chickpeas – already in ancient times chickpeas were said to be the so-called the seed of happiness. Including it in your daily diet has many benefits, as it increases the level of dopamine, which causes euphoria. Chickpeas, also known as chickpeas, can be used to prepare hummus with garlic, paprika and olive oil – spicy foods trigger a small amount of dopamine and adrenaline in the body.
  2. oat flakes – eating them is great for brain function and can also cause euphoria. Thanks to oat flakes, it accelerates the production of tryptophan, an amino acid responsible for the formation of serotonin, another happiness hormone. Eating oatmeal for breakfast nourishes the brain and makes the mind work better. What’s more, oats contain B vitamins that reduce stress.
  3. dark chocolate – cocoa beans contain the same substance that appears in the body of a loved one (phenyletholamine). Eating dark chocolate in moderate amounts also produces a state of euphoria. It also contains anandamide, a substance that stimulates energy growth. You can get a similar effect after drinking a cup of hot cocoa, e.g. with cinnamon.
  4. Sea fish – the happiness hormones that cause euphoria are created thanks to B vitamins. These, in turn, can be found in many sea fish such as salmon and mackerel. By consuming them, we provide the brain with essential Omega 3 fatty acids, which, in addition to well-being, improve concentration and memory. Sea fish lower blood pressure and blood clotting. In addition, they are low in calories.  
  5. eggs – in recent years more and more people have been giving up eating eggs. The reason is the fear of an excessive increase in blood cholesterol levels. Nevertheless, this product, like any other dairy product, supports the secretion of tryptophan and provides vitamin B6, thanks to which serotonin and dopamine are formed. Moreover, eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

In addition to the above-mentioned products, it is worth using chili, as long as there are no contraindications for consuming the spice. The presence of capsaicin causes a burning sensation after eating chili, which sends a signal to the body to alleviate the condition. The body’s response is the production of endorphins, which promote euphoria and, in this case, also relieve pain.

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Runner’s euphoria – what is worth knowing about it

This phenomenon was first observed in the 70s, when running became an extremely popular activity. Scientists then discovered that during a long run, endogenous morphines, substances responsible for well-being, are released in the brain. The phenomenon was described as runner’s euphoria. This theory has been questioned for many years, but is now believed to be true.

For a long time, the theory was criticized by many scientists, who believed that the euphoria in a runner is caused by sports competition itself. They believed that the enthusiasm of athletes stems from the very fact that they take part in competitions and cover the designated distance. Opponents of the theory argued that the effect was caused by anandamide (endogenous cannabinoids), not endogenous morphines.

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Runner’s euphoria and research

In 2008, German scientists presented the results of research, which showed that the runner’s euphoria is, however, caused by endorphins. Ten athletic men took part in their test. The athletes were asked to run continuously for 2 hours. Both before and after the exertion, they underwent psychological tests. It turned out that after completing the training, the athletes felt more joy and euphoria.

The runner’s euphoria is most often experienced by marathon runners. Interestingly, it is in this group of people that the most athletes addicted to running are. The desire to once again experience the ecstasy caused by exercise even forces them to start marathons. In some cases, it even comes at the expense of your mental health.

When is euphoria a healthy symptom?

The euphoric state occurs as a result of positive events. However, it can also be caused by health problems. The euphoric state should not arouse anxiety when we experience it for a short time and then return to our everyday mood again. The worrying situation is when the euphoric state lasts almost all the time – in this case we may already be dealing with a disorder.

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How to induce a state of healthy euphoria naturally?

One of the most effective methods of creating a healthy euphoria is taking a walk. It is enough to go for a shorter or longer walk in the forest or park to feel relaxed and refreshed after some time. Interestingly, there is a thesis that hospital patients who see nature from their windows recover faster. Contact with nature is a great and free way to create a healthy euphoria.

A state of euphoria can also evoke a conversation with a friend, wife, husband or someone with whom we are on the same wavelength. Thanks to more pleasant conversation, endorphins are released into the body, causing a feeling of happiness. It should not be forgotten, after all, that man is a social being and is even created to be in a group. Each of us has a deep need for bonding – as anthropologists also talk about.

A proven euphoria-inducing method is conjugal sex. Beta-endorphins, a group of substances that are natural painkillers, are released into the body. Orgasm not only brings partners together, but also gives them a relaxing experience that makes them happier people on a daily basis.

Exercise also provokes euphoria. Each physical activity is conducive to the formation of euphoria – it can be cycling, Nordic walking, rowing or any other sport. Regardless of which discipline you practice, let’s take care of regularity – it is advisable to practice it 4 times a week for 30 minutes.

When is a strong euphoria dangerous to life?

The most dangerous type of strong euphoria is that caused by drugs, especially cocaine, LSD and MDMA. A person after taking them has a sudden surge of extremely strong euphoria, which makes him perceive all stimuli much more strongly. Unfortunately, more and more people die as a result of an overdose of these drugs, as it ends up with a hemorrhage in the brain.

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