Euphorbia: useful properties and applications

Euphorbia: useful properties and applications

Euphorbia is a herbaceous perennial plant with powerful branched roots and a thick bare stem, the height of which varies from 25 to 50 cm. The next leaves are arranged in whorls. Large inflorescences have an umbrella shape. The milkweed fruit, as a rule, breaks up into 3 small nuts. In all parts of the grass, abundant milky juice was found. This plant is common in Transbaikalia. It chooses stony steppes and gravel slopes of rivers.

Useful properties of milkweed

Grass, juice and roots are the main medicinal raw materials. The roots contain flavonoids, saponins, tannins, resins, glycosides, starch, as well as bitter extractives and a large amount of ascorbic acid. Euphorbia has tonic, blood-purifying and stimulating properties. In addition, it has been proven to be an excellent laxative. Such a plant is prescribed for tumors and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Grass juice is used to destroy calluses and warts, as well as various spots on the face. Powder from the root can be sprinkled with boils, ulcers and burns.

Milky juice has a diaphoretic, diuretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antihelminthic effect on the human body. In ancient times, milkweed was used to treat paralysis, insect bites, swelling and extensive, long-lasting wounds.

The use of milkweed

To get rid of fungal skin lesions, eczema, lichen or warts, it is recommended to make an effective remedy from 1 teaspoon of herbs and 500 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to insist such a mixture for at least 30 minutes, after which it is advised to carefully strain it. You can use such an effective remedy in the form of baths.

For indigestion and liver ailments, you can take a remedy of 5 grams of roots and 500 ml of water. Boil the product for 10-12 minutes. Then it can be taken orally 1 tablespoon before each meal.

Milk tincture

Since spurge helps with leukemia, prevents metastases in cancer patients, it is an excellent antitumor agent. In addition, it helps to increase the body’s defenses and the rapid restoration of immunity. It can be used simultaneously and as a prophylactic for various diseases.

To make an alcohol tincture, you should take 10 grams of crushed milkweed roots and pour them with 500 ml of vodka. It is necessary to insist such an effective remedy for at least 10 days in a rather dark and cool place. It is recommended to take the tincture starting with 1 drop 3 times a day, gradually increasing the dosage to 30 drops. And then, in descending order, we return to the original dose. If you use the tincture according to this scheme in the spring-autumn period, you can significantly increase the body’s resistance to the effects of pathogenic bacteria, help get rid of bleeding, headaches and even cystitis. The optimal treatment period is at least two months.

Along with this, alcohol tincture of milkweed can be used for uterine myoma, anemia and impotence. In this case, the optimal course of treatment should be from three to six or seven months, depending on the form and neglect of the disease. Moreover, infusions in low concentrations are indicated for gastric catarrh, kidney diseases, fungal skin lesions, headaches, cystitis, hemorrhoids, whooping cough, lichen, dysentery, eczema and diseases of the pulmonary system.

Houseplant care for milkweed at home

Caring for indoor euphorbia is quite simple and absolutely does not cause any special difficulties. It is enough to choose a well-lit place – and the plant will please with full growth. The optimum temperature for such a wonderful plant is considered to be about 20 ° C of heat. However, spurge is very hardy and is able to survive a short drop in temperature to 6 °C.

During the growing season, this delightful plant will require abundant watering with well-settled water. Do not forget that it does not like drafts. Once every three years, spurge should be transplanted into another, more spacious pot, while choosing a new substrate that is more nutritious and well-drained.

Milk juice

The milky sap of the plant is considered poisonous, which implies great care when cultivating. In addition, the juice can cause allergies. It has a general tonic effect and contributes to the preservation of youth, if taken regularly in small dosages.

Milky honey

Euphorbia: useful properties and applications

Euphorbia honey is a unique type of steppe honey, which has a specific taste. The fresh product has a brown syrupy mass. The consistency of honey is liquid, over time it crystallizes and becomes quite dense. Such a rare product contains a huge amount of iodine, which causes a dark shade. Euphorbia nectar is released when the ambient temperature is between 25 and 30 °C.

Such honey with a high iodine content is useful for various thyroid problems. In addition, it is indicated for gastritis, ulcers, varicose veins, cardiovascular ailments, rheumatism, insomnia, sclerosis, kidney stones, liver diseases and chronic fatigue.

milkweed root preparation

The collection of rhizomes is carried out in the autumn, when the ground parts of the milkweed are already withering. The roots must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. Then they are dried either in the open air or in an oven at low temperatures. From the obtained raw materials, you can prepare healing water infusions, effective decoctions and various alcohol tinctures.

Milkweed burn

Such a plant as euphorbia stores milky juice in its leaves, flowers and stems, which not only hardens quickly, but is also characterized by unprecedented toxicity. The esters contained cause severe pain, skin rashes and extensive irritation. In addition, some children have severe allergies.

The place burned with milkweed must be immediately washed with plenty of running water, and then ice can be applied to the burn site to narrow the vessels. All children are advised to give an antihistamine.

Euphorbia species

In nature, there are a huge number of different types of such a plant.

Euphorbia is triangular. This species is found in the wild in Africa and the subtropics of America. Triangular euphorbia is distinguished by a fleshy triangular stem, which is covered with oval leaves and small spines. The presented plant grows very quickly, reaching three meters in height. Triangular spurge is durable, because it is able to maintain its decorative effect for more than a dozen years. Such a photophilous plant prefers direct sunlight. In addition, it is characterized by a very high drought tolerance. Strong waterlogging will negatively affect the development of this type of milkweed.

Milk thistle. Wonderful white-veined spurge grows up to one and a half meters in height and is considered one of the most common species of this herbaceous plant. The presented perennial has a distinct ribbed trunk and long oval-shaped leaves. It blooms with very small and ugly flowers. Numerous seeds ripen in a small box. This poisonous perennial produces a special milky juice, which causes not only severe skin irritation, but also rather deep burns.

Euphorbia triangular. Euphorbia trihedral is a perennial herb, which is distinguished by the presence of poisonous milky juice and small flowers collected in delicate inflorescences. The short erect stem is complemented by numerous shoots with serrated ribs and strong spines. When the juice of the plant comes into contact with the skin, extensive irritation appears. This species is propagated mainly by cuttings.

Euphorbia cypress. Western Europe can be called the birthplace of cypress milkweed. Such a perennial plant grows up to 40 cm in height. It has a densely leafy stem. The flowering of the plant is carried out in May and June, and also for the second time – in the middle of autumn. The fruits ripen in mid-July. Cypress euphorbia grows rapidly. Such a winter-hardy and drought-resistant plant has oval stem leaves and flowering stems. During flowering, the color of the bracts changes from golden to bright orange. In winter, the aerial part of the plant dies off and is restored only in early spring.

Euphorbia bordered. The annual Euphorbia bordered is found in different regions of North America. As a rule, he settles with pleasure on the slopes of the mountains. Such grass grows rapidly, forming dense extensive thickets. The inconspicuous flowers of the plant are complemented by large leaves with a border of white. Often bushes of bordered milkweed grow powerful and incredibly tall. Such a grass is unpretentious to growing conditions, it does not require special care. This annual plant propagates by self-sowing.

Milk thistle. Attractive Euphorbia tirucalli is characterized by a dark green stem and small leaves. The main function of photosynthesis is perfectly performed by the stem, since the foliage of the plant quickly crumbles. The branched stems of the plant are intricately curved, they have a cylindrical shape. Such a perennial plant has a tree structure. Its homeland is considered to be the desert areas of the large African continent. The burning juice is extremely poisonous. When it comes into contact with the upper layers of the skin, it causes severe allergic reactions and burns. Euphorbia tirucalli is propagated by cuttings and seeds.

Contraindications to the use of milkweed

Such a poisonous plant should be used with great care. Self-administration of drugs based on milkweed is unacceptable. With improper or prolonged use, serious inflammation of the skin is possible, and an overdose can be fatal. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of milkweed is contraindicated.

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