Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Planting and caring for euonymus is very simple. Due to this and high decorative qualities, the culture is widely used in landscaping. Plants are plastic, they are used to create traditional borders, hedges, soil carpets, flexible lashes of creeping species are lifted onto a support.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Description and the most common types of euonymus

Euonymus (Euonymus) is a genus of deciduous and evergreen shrubs or trees belonging to the genus Euonymus (Celastraceae). They are often used in landscape design, rarely as an indoor or winter garden plant. There are more than 200 species, of which 20 grow naturally in Our Country.

Outwardly, the spindles are very different from each other. But they all have inconspicuous small greenish flowers that do not represent decorative value and small simple oval leaves. Bright leathery seedlings look attractive, bursting after seed ripening. Depending on the species, they can be yellow, pink, all shades of red.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Interesting! Fuzen is made from euonymus – charcoal for drawing.

The species used as an ornamental plant can be divided into two groups.

Important! Almost all euonymus are poisonous.

Deciduous euonymus

They are rather large shrubs and trees, without cutting, reaching 3 m or more with age. Euonymous trees do not reach such a height soon, as they grow slowly and live for a long time. They are grown mainly for their attractive brightly colored fruits and colorful leaves in autumn.

The most famous deciduous species:

  • European or Bruslina reaches 5 m, grown for attractive pericarp and large (up to 7 cm) elegant leaves, gradually changing color from green to red, purple or brownish-burgundy in autumn;

    Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

  • Winged – a dense shrub up to 1,8 m high with a crown resembling a dome, orange-red pericarp and large (up to 6 cm) leaves that acquire a carmine color in autumn;

    Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

  • Warty is a slow-growing shrub up to 1,5 m high with red or orange-pink pericarp and leaves, painted in pink, red-pink in autumn;

    Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

  • Maaka – bush or tree up to 10 m tall with pink or dark red pericarp, lanceolate or elongated oval serrate leaves up to 9 cm long, changing color from green to all shades of pink and purple in autumn;

    Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

  • Maksymovich – a large shrub or tree up to 7 m, winter-hardy, with large green elliptical leaves, acquiring a pinkish color in autumn, carmine pericarp on long stalks.

    Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Comment! Most varieties among deciduous euonymus exist at Bruslina.

evergreen euonymus

Unlike deciduous, evergreen species do not change color in autumn. They are shrubs, creeping or reaching a height of a maximum of 1,5 m. They are grown as a green hedge, ground cover or even as a liana. The leaves of evergreen species are much smaller than those of deciduous euonymus, and may have a uniform color. But variegated varieties, with yellow or white stripes, are more valued.

The most popular evergreen species:

  • Winged or Fortune – creeping shrub 30-60 cm high with lashes up to 3 m, easily rooted and able to cling to supports, oval leathery leaves about 2,5 cm long, variegated, sometimes monochromatic in color;

    Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

  • Japanese, which is a shrub, even under the most favorable conditions, does not grow above 150 cm, with leaves larger than those of the previous species, usually monophonic, but there are variegated forms;

    Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

  • Pygmy or Sparkling – a semi-evergreen shrub growing up to 30-100 cm, with linear dark green leaves up to 4 cm in size, easily grafted onto the European euonymus, a weeping shape can be created on the trunk.

    Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Many varieties have been bred that differ in size and color of leaves. They bloom sparsely, rarely, even the pericarp do not represent decorative value.

Where does euonymus grow

It is difficult to find a plant more undemanding to growing conditions than euonymus. Most species take root on any soil, but prefer neutral or slightly alkaline soil. Evergreen spindle trees tolerate shading well, under the bright midday sun they can burn a little. Increased lighting requirements are imposed by deciduous species, especially Maaka.

Important! Plants with variegated leaves need more sun than those with green leaves.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Euonymus does not like stagnant water. It is better to plant it where watering does not reach than in a constantly damp area.

The plant tolerates low temperatures well, it can be planted everywhere except the Far North. Even the most heat-loving Japanese euonymus, which, according to reference books, must withstand -5-10⁰ C, in practice grows without shelter at -20⁰ C. A cold wind is more dangerous for a plant than low temperatures, so the landing site must be protected.

Important! All spindle trees tolerate urban conditions well and planting near sources of air pollution – factories, railways, highways.

Healing properties of euonymus

Before being treated with euonymus, you should clearly remember that the plant is poisonous, you can’t just make a decoction or tincture – this is dangerous to health and life. You need to consult a doctor or an experienced herbalist. The pharmaceutical industry does not use euonymus for the manufacture of medicines, but the folk one uses it carefully and in small doses.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

All parts of the plant are medicinal:

  • wood contains pectin, glucose, sucrose, tannins, organic acids, vitamin C, steroids;
  • the bark is rich in anthraglycosides with laxative properties, fatty acids, carbohydrates;
  • the leaves contain vitamin C, alkaloids, flavonoids;
  • seeds contain carbohydrates, fatty oils and acids, vitamin C.

Water and alcohol infusions, euonymus decoctions are taken orally, applied in the form of lotions for a number of diseases:

  • nervous disorders;
  • severe headaches;
  • constipation;
  • hypertension;
  • hepatitis;
  • vomiting;
  • reduced potency;
  • from parasites and worms.
Important! Since the plant is poisonous, it is impossible to independently compose recipes and apply them without consulting an experienced herbalist.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

What is dangerous euonymus

Decoctions and infusions can cause serious harm to health with a simple overdose. They contain gutta and highly toxic cardenolides, which cause strong contractions of the heart muscle. Exceeding the dose can cause:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • inflammation of the small intestine;
  • slowing or quickening of the heart rate.

It is strictly forbidden to take funds containing euonymus:

  • children up to 18 years;
  • pregnant women;
  • lactating mothers;
  • hypotonic;
  • cores.
Important! Euonymus does not have magical healing properties, it is better to replace it with another useful, but not poisonous plant.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

How to plant a euonymus

Planting and caring for euonymus in the open field is very simple. The plant will not tolerate only constantly blocking acidic soils. Some species do not feel comfortable under the bright sun and may burn.

Terms of planting

In temperate and cold climates, euonymus is planted in the spring, when the soil thaws and warms up a little. In the south – in autumn, no later than a month before the onset of stable frosts. Then the seedling will take root well.

Comment! Container plants can be planted at any time. But for residents of regions with a hot climate, it is better not to carry out excavation work in the summer.

Rules of landing

On chernozems, loose, fertile and not prone to soil soils, the euonymus can simply be planted in a hole, the size of which will allow the root to be freely positioned, and watered abundantly. Lime or dolomite flour must be added to acidic soil, dense soil is improved with sand and organic matter. If the soil is prone to soiling, drainage is arranged for the plant from a 15-20 cm layer of broken red brick, gravel, crushed stone or expanded clay.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

The hole is made one and a half times larger than the size of the root. Humus and a handful of complex fertilizers are added to each. A seedling is installed in the center of the pit, the roots are straightened, covered with soil, watered abundantly.

In flowerbeds, rabatka and in landscape groups, the size of an adult plant must be taken into account. When planting a hedge from an euonymus, it is convenient not to dig each hole separately, but to make a shallow ditch.

At first, the plant needs abundant watering and protection from the sun. The soil is mulched with peat or humus.

Euonymus care

Even in Siberia, planting and caring for euonymus do not present any particular difficulties. This is a very simple culture that can be safely planted in areas where the owners are irregular.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Watering and top dressing

The plant tolerates drought well, it is specially watered rarely, but plentifully. Even in summer, the euonymus is moistened from time to time.

If, during planting, the soil was filled with fertilizers, the plant is no longer fertilized for three years. In the future, it is also not necessary to do them. It is advisable to apply nitrogen in the spring after the snow melts, which will help the plant recover quickly and grow green mass. In autumn, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is given under the root, it will increase frost resistance, which is especially important in the Urals. There, planting and caring for euonymus becomes more difficult due to changeable weather.

How to cut a spindle

All spindle trees, evergreen and deciduous, tolerate heavy pruning well. Although many species develop slowly, they grow quickly with new branches, and plants practically do not need time to recover from shearing.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Any pruning and pinching causes increased branching. The euonymus already forms rather dense bushes or trees, and this will increase their decorative effect. It is best to carry out a haircut in May, cutting out frozen, broken, dry branches and shortening the shoots. Plants planted in hedges are re-cut in late summer or early autumn.

Deciduous species are usually pruned after fruiting. Ground cover (creeping) spindle trees, planted in the foreground and growing quite quickly, if necessary, you can cut even in summer.

Comment! In culture, you can learn to trim shrubs – the leaves will grow quickly and hide all the flaws.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

In ground cover forms, old shoots are cut out so that they do not spoil the appearance of the plant.

How to form a euonymus

The crown of the euonymus (except creeping) is cut in the form of an umbrella, cone, ellipse. It is better to stick to the natural form, only improving it. Ground cover species are sheared so that they fit into the landscape concept. They can be formed with a thick carpet, candles, even a creeper, if lifted onto a support.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Even a topiary can be made from a plant if you start cutting a tree or bush from an early age. To create a weeping trunk, dwarf euonymus is grafted onto the European one.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Shelter of euonymus for the winter

In fact, the euonymus is quite resistant to frost. The shoots of the plant suffer more from the winter sun and weathering. Often in Fortune varieties, stems directed upwards are frosted over. In the spring they are simply cut off.

Even in the northern regions, the euonymus for the winter is covered with spruce branches or spandbond only for the first three years after planting. Mature plants withstand frost well.

Important! Evergreen variegated varieties are less winter-hardy than plain ones.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

How does the euonymus bloom

Euonymus flowers are small, inconspicuous, up to 1 cm in diameter, greenish, collected in 4-5 pieces. They open in late May or early June, and look good against the backdrop of beautiful dark green leaves.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Flowers rarely appear on evergreen euonymus. In deciduous trees and shrubs, the ovaries are usually numerous, their pericarp, opening, resemble wings and are painted in yellow, orange, in all shades of pink, red, crimson, purple.

As you can see in the photo, the euonymus in autumn, even after the leaves have fallen, look very decorative.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

How to propagate euonymus

Euonymus is well rooted, it is easy to propagate vegetatively.

Propagation of euonymus by seeds

This is the most difficult way to propagate euonymus. It is used mainly for deciduous species, since flowering from evergreens, and even more so seed formation, can be expected for years.

Planting material is collected when the box has already begun to crack. Seeds are cleaned and immediately planted in the ground. If you leave them until spring, you will have to stratify and soak for 4-6 months, or wait a year for germination.

Seeds are planted to a depth of 1,5-2 cm, covered with a film or glass and kept at room temperature, airing daily and checking soil moisture. When 4-6 true leaves appear, the plants dive. Planted in a permanent place after 3 years.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

How to propagate euonymus cuttings

From a bush or tree at least 5 years old, green cuttings are cut into pieces of 6-8 cm in the first half of summer. They should contain 1-2 internodes. The lower cut is treated with a growth stimulator and planted in fertile loose soil, 3-4 cm of sand are covered.

Keep in a cool place with good lighting. After 1,5-2 months, the cuttings will take root and they can be planted in the ground.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Breed division multiplication

This method is more suitable for dwarf varieties and small indoor shrubs. It is difficult to dig an adult plant out of the open ground in order to divide it into parts and plant it back. In addition, you will have to cut up to 70% of the length of all stems, and this will lead to a loss of decorativeness of large specimens. It may take years to reach the previous size.

But the delenki are planted immediately to a permanent place.

Root offspring

The shoots are planted in early spring, when the soil thaws. A piece of root at least 20 cm long with a shoot is placed immediately in a permanent place, trying not to disturb the earthen clod. If the height of a young plant exceeds half a meter, it is shortened.

Reproduction by layers

Fortune’s euonymus and other ground cover species are easily propagated by layering. Long whips can take root on their own, just in contact with the soil. To get more plants, the shoot is bent down, fixed with a bracket, sprinkled with earth, leaving the top free.

Rooting occurs quickly, but it is better to wait until next spring before separating the young creeping euonymus from the mother plant. Planting and care is carried out in the same way as for an ordinary seedling.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Why doesn’t the euonymus blush

Evergreens and should not blush. But deciduous species are often grown only in order to admire the riot of colors for 1-2 weeks at the end of the season. Let not for long, but the garden is changing. Every day, the color of the plants gradually changes until it becomes saturated purple, pink, red.

But some gardeners complain that autumn has come, and deciduous species have turned brown. This can happen for the following reasons:

  1. Bad light. In order for the leaves to acquire a bright color, the plants must receive enough sunlight.
  2. Excess fertilizer. The euonymus “ate” and is not going to change the color of the leaves, they will simply dry out and fall off.

So, in order for the leaves to acquire a bright color in autumn, the plant needs sunlight and poor soils.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Diseases and pests of euonymus

Euonymous trees are affected by diseases and pests more often than many gardeners who grow them think. It’s just that variegated forms have gained the most popularity, and all problems appear on them only when they enter the advanced stage. And this can be fraught with the loss of a valuable plant.

The most common euonymus diseases:

  • mučnistaâ rosa – a fungal disease, the external sign of which is a white coating on the leaves;
  • viral mosaic – first, yellow spots appear on the vegetative organs, then the area near the veins brightens, the leaves are deformed;
  • spotting – spots caused by a fungal disease appear on the leaves, then convex dots or pads with spores;
  • necrosis – damage to the bark by fungal diseases, in which it can first change color, then crack, whole colonies of spores form under it, eventually appearing on the surface.

For the treatment of plants, three-time spraying with fungicides is used with an interval of 14-20 days. As a preventive measure, spindle trees should be regularly inspected, diseased and dry branches should be cut in a timely manner, and fallen leaves should be removed or processed.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo

Euonymus affects pests:

  • scythe (coccids) – sedentary insects about 2 mm long, stick around the leaves and shoots of the plant throughout the growing season, look like convex sticks, it is extremely difficult to deal with them;
  • aphid affects young shoots, sucking juices out of it, usually carried by ants;
  • spider mite hides from the underside of the leaves, tightening them with a thin cobweb and forcing them to fall off with a strong defeat;
  • caterpillars of the euonymus moth gnaw the leaves of the plant;
  • long-nosed in early spring they eat the edges of the leaves;
  • ermine moth, whose caterpillars braid the leaves with cobwebs and eat them, leaving the veins intact;
  • caterpillars of the euonymus moth fruits are affected.

Most euonymus pests, unlike diseases, are rare and usually do not cause significant harm to the plant. They still need to be disposed of using appropriate insecticides.

Euonymus shrub: planting and care, photo


Planting and caring for euonymus is a very simple matter. It is important here – to cut in time, not to pour the plant, and to limit feeding to deciduous species. Unpretentious spindle trees endure urban conditions well, decorate the garden in summer, and delight the eye with green or red leaves in autumn.

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