Euclid: short biography, discoveries, facts, video

😉 Hello friends! In the article “Euclid: A Brief Biography, Discoveries, Facts, Videos” – about the life of the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher. “Euclid” – translated from the ancient Greek language means “good glory.”

Biography of Euclid

According to some archival documents, he was born around 325 AD. NS. The life of the thinker coincides in time with the reign of Ptolemy the First.

The scientific activity of the great mathematician developed in Alexandria. He received his education from the followers of Plato, from whom he inherited the system of philosophical views. This allowed Euclid to open a mathematical school in Alexandria, where he became the first teacher.

Euclid: short biography, discoveries, facts, video

The main work of the scientist – “Beginnings” – the first ever treatise on theoretical mathematics. The treatise covered and systematized all the knowledge accumulated in Ancient Greece on planimetry, stereometry, and also number theory.

Euclid’s algorithm – the now used method of finding the common greatest divisor for two numbers, was formulated already in the “Elements”. The treatise lays the foundation not only for writing subsequent scientific works, but also for the development of all mathematics as a whole.

What is “Euclidean geometry”?

The brilliant thinker formulated his knowledge in planimetry and stereometry in the form of axioms and postulates. The system of axioms concerned four concepts: point, line, plane, motion, as well as the relationship between these concepts.

To construct specific figures on a plane or in space, he developed a system of postulates prescribing specific actions. Such a system of axioms and postulates in modern times is called “Euclidean geometry”.

Euclid’s achievements

The bulk of the scientist’s works were written in mathematics:

  • “Beginnings”;
  • “On the division of figures”;
  • “Conical sections”;
  • “Porisms” – about curved lines and the conditions that define them;
  • “Pseudaria” is a treatise on errors that arise in geometric proofs.

Known for the works of the scientist in related disciplines – music, astronomy, optics:

  • “Phenomena” – about the practical application of geometry to the study of astronomy;
  • “Optics” – about light and the laws of its propagation;
  • “Catoptrika” – about mirrors and light refraction;
  • “Dividing the Canon” is an elementary theory of music.

Arab scientists consider this mathematician to be the author of some works on mechanics and the determination of the specific gravity of bodies.

In this video, additional and interesting information to the article “Euclid: Brief Biography, Discoveries, Facts, Videos”

“Beginnings” of Euclid “

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