Eucalyptus pillows: reviews, pros and cons

Eucalyptus pillows: reviews, pros and cons

The beneficial properties of evergreen eucalyptus are now guarding our sleep. Thanks to the unique production technologies, the fibers of this plant become an excellent filler for bedding. Why are eucalyptus pillows good?

Eucalyptus pillows for great sleep

Pros and cons of eucalyptus pillows

The main advantages of such sleeping accessories:

  • low weight due to lightweight and durable fibers;
  • hypoallergenic. Such pillows will not aggravate diseases in asthmatics and allergy sufferers;
  • hygroscopicity. They perfectly absorb moisture, leaving the surface dry and comfortable. At the same time, the “breathing” qualities of eucalyptus pillows are also at their best;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • elasticity. The pillow easily takes the shape of the human body, and then returns to its original configuration;
  • thermoregulation. The special qualities of the fibers allow you to maintain an optimal temperature for sleeping. In winter, the product seems warm, in summer – cool.

To the advantages of such pillows is added their ability to eliminate unpleasant odors, resist germs, bacteria, fungi and dust mites.

Eucalyptus pillows also have healing properties. They protect against colds, have a rejuvenating effect, increase blood circulation in the capillaries and have a positive effect on muscle tone. All these advantages are confirmed by numerous reviews of eucalyptus pillows in the worldwide network.

The only drawback can be considered a persistent eucalyptus smell, but only for those who have an individual intolerance to it.

How to care for eucalyptus products

Eucalyptus pillows are distinguished by wear resistance and durability. If you properly care for such sleep products, they will last at least ten years without losing their original appearance and useful qualities. These pillows are not able to slip and fall, they take a given shape after numerous washes.

You need to clean them correctly like this:

  • manually or in a typewriter (delicate mode) at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees;
  • use mild detergents;
  • dry in a horizontal position.

Do not use a hard spin, put pillows in the drying chamber, try to dry them in the sun or using heating devices. Fibers can break at very high temperatures.

Do you want to wake up in the morning fresh, rested, with a light head and forget about colds? An eucalyptus pillow will help you achieve what you want.

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