Eucalyptus leaves: medicinal properties and contraindications

😉 Hello everyone! Thank you for choosing this site! In the article “Eucalyptus leaves: medicinal properties and contraindications” – the characteristics of the plant, about the healing properties of eucalyptus leaves and oil.

What is eucalyptus

This evergreen tree of the Myrtle family has 700 species. It often reaches a height of 100 meters and is characterized by rapid growth. Fragrant flowers are a wonderful honey plant, bees adore them. Leaves are the main food of the koalas that live in the forests of Australia.

Most of the eucalyptus species grows in its homeland – in Australia. A plant of a tropical (subtropical) climate is capable of draining marshlands. Eucalyptus forests can be found in New Zealand, America, South Africa, Israel, France, Greece, India, Spain, Portugal, and Saudi Arabia.

This tree has taken root in the Crimea and Abkhazia. In Russia, the plant has the names “wondrous tree”, “gum tree” (from the gum on the bark).

Eucalyptus leaves: medicinal properties and contraindications

Wood that does not rot is used in shipbuilding, and paper is made from the bark. The leaves contain tannins, resins, acids, phytoncides and essential oil with the main component – cineole. Eucalyptus is used in medicine and cosmetology.

Eucalyptus medicinal properties and contraindications

Leaves have actions:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • pain reliever;
  • sedatives;
  • expectorant;
  • disinfectant;
  • fungicidal.

In medicine, only three types of eucalyptus are used: spherical, ash and rod-shaped. Treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • angina;
  • female diseases: thrush, adnexitis, endometriosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • rheumatism;
  • colds, acute respiratory infections;
  • fever;
  • wounds and ulcers;
  • flu;
  • helminthiasis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • lumbago;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • herpes;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Eucalyptus leaves: application

  • infusion and decoction of the leaves are used for rinsing and inhalation for colds;
  • napkins soaked in broth are applied to wounds;
  • a eucalyptus broom in a bath or sauna is steamed and a healing aroma is inhaled. For bath massage in the steam room, use a composite broom made of eucalyptus, birch and oak;
  • eliminates unpleasant odors in the house;
  • the smell of the plant scares away mosquitoes and other insects;
  • collection of cough. 2 tsp. dry leaves of coltsfoot, eucalyptus, thyme in equal parts, per 1 liter of hot water. Brew like tea.

Eucalyptus: contraindications

  • idiosyncrasy;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • bronchial asthma (with inhalation);
  • children under three years old.

Eucalyptus oil: application

The essential oil of this plant has a complex composition that includes forty components. The shelf life is 5 years.

Eucalyptus leaves: medicinal properties and contraindications

Used by:

  • in aromatherapy: for stress, depression, overwork;
  •  for inhalation;
  • with stomatitis (rinsing the mouth);
  • dandruff and hair loss;
  • spicy aroma repels insects, cleans the air in the room: 3-4 drops for an aroma lamp;
  • add to massage cream (10 drops for 15 grams of base);
  • rubbing: 7 drops per 10 gr. basics for joint pain, radiculitis, myositis, neuralgia;
  • with acne, acne;
  • headaches (rubbed into the temples);
  • will help whiten the skin;
  • accelerates the healing of cuts and abrasions;
  • aromatic baths: 4-6 drops.


Here are the recipes! I recommend watching this video on “Eucalyptus Leaves: Medicinal Properties”

The benefits of eucalyptus

Until next time on the site “Ladies-Gentlemen”! 😉 We are always waiting, sir …

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