What is ethiopathy?
Close to osteopathy, etiopathy is a manual therapy which aims to suppress symptoms by acting on their cause (s). In this article, you will discover in more detail what etiopathy is, its principles, its history, its benefits, the course of a session, the training required to be an etiopath, as well as the contraindications.
Etiopathy is a term that comes from the Greek words “etios” which means cause and “pathos” which means suffering. Exclusively manual, this therapeutic technique involves real investigative work. She seeks to find and analyze the cause of pathological phenomena in order to act on them gently and precisely.
Therefore resulting from an in-depth analysis, the manipulations aim to restore the normal functioning of the organism and to eliminate the dysfunctions by rebalancing the various systems of the human body.
The main principles
The basic principle of etiopathy is to look for the cause of the suffering and not to focus on removing the symptoms. Indeed, it is only by removing the cause that the harmful effects will cease. This method therefore also aims to avoid relapses. Note that during a diagnosis in etiopathy, the practitioner will seek to identify the origin of the symptoms by exploring other parts than the one affected.
Indeed, etiopathy has a systemic and holistic approach that studies the body as a set of systems interacting permanently with each other.
According to the etiopathy, the cause of symptoms is always the result of external factors related to the environment. The role of the etiopath will therefore be to detect the cause of the imbalance and correct it using exclusively manual techniques and free of drugs.
The benefits of etiopathy
The effects of etiopathy have not yet been studied by the scientific community. According to the French Institute of Osteopaths, this practice would nevertheless make it possible to treat a wide range of ailments, which are similar to those that osteopathy treats:
Treat spinal disorders
This discipline would make it possible to treat many disorders of spinal origin such as neuralgia, stiff necks, low back pain, neck pain …
Reduce the ailments of pregnancy
Etiopathy can be used to calm nausea, prepare for childbirth, relieve back problems associated with weight gain, and treat certain gynecological disorders.
Treat urinary disorders
The etiopathy has a beneficial action in the event of cystitis, enuresis, disorder of the prostate.
Treat ENT disorders
The etiopathy would be adequate to treat sinusitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, ear infections, vertigo.
Treat digestive disorders
The etiopathe can treat individuals suffering from gastroesophageal reflux, bloating, digestive disorders, constipation.
Etiopathy in practice
The specialist
Very close to the osteopath, the etiopath has completed several years of training which made him a specialist in the human body.
Course of a session
A session in etiopathy takes place in 3 stages. First, the therapist carries out an interrogation during which he asks his patient what are the symptoms he feels and their characteristics. He will also learn about the history and circumstances of the onset of symptoms. Then, the therapist will carry out the etiopathic diagnosis which consists in finding the cause of the pathology using tests, and palpations and a comparison of the symptoms. At this stage, if he considers that he cannot take charge of the pathology, he will redirect the patient to a suitable specialist. Otherwise, he can treat the patient using simple and rapid manual techniques, similar to those of osteopathy (visceral, vertebral manipulations, etc.). In general, the number of sessions required is quite low (3 to 6 sessions), this will depend on the patient’s problem and the evolution of his disorders. At the end of a consultation, the patient can also give advice to his patient in order to sustain the effect of the session.
Training in ethiopathy
In France, 4 universities (Paris, Brittany, Toulouse, Lyon) offer training in etiopathy accessible on file and interview. These can be done directly after obtaining the baccalaureate or a higher education diploma and are closely supervised by professional organizations.
The teaching is demanding and consists of courses in physiology, biology, anatomy, systems, cybernetics and practical work. All these lessons will be supplemented by the study of the etiopathic method and intervention gestures. Costing around 6600 euros, the training takes place over 6 years of study over 3 cycles. In total, the training includes more than 3250 hours of lessons.
Contraindications of ethiopathy
Etiopathy is suitable for both young and old. However, this technique is not miraculous and does not cure serious diseases such as cancer, infectious diseases, degenerative diseases, tumors …
This practice is not recommended for individuals who have suffered recent physical trauma (fractures). If this is your case, it is best to refer you to a specialist doctor and perform clinical examinations.
History of etiopathy
It was in 1963 that the term etiopathy was created by Christian Trédaniel, its founder. After 20 years of research, he developed the fundamental principles of this practice in his book entitled “Fundamental Principles for a Etiopathic Medicine”. This practice which follows osteopathy is inspired by the tradition of “reboutement” which is an ancestral practice transmitted orally for centuries. This tradition aimed to cure various ailments exclusively with the help of touch, massage and palpation. It has therefore given birth to many manual techniques such as osteopathy and etiopathy, which nevertheless both require in-depth scientific knowledge, unlike beading which is more intuitive. Since 2015, etiopathy has been recognized as a method of care by social security, but it is not yet regulated in France.