Ethiopian, Skeletor and Pitbull: children’s nicknames of the stars

No one is immune from nicknames – children are cruel and come up with caustic nicknames for almost everyone. found out how in childhood they teased those whom we now admire.

Each of us at school or on the playground had our own nickname. Celebrities, of course, were no exception …

One of the most vocally gifted pop singers was not a crammer, rather the opposite. She so rarely appeared at school that when she did come, she was mistaken for an optical illusion, which is why the future star received such a (rather beautiful than offensive) nickname Mirage.

It is a sin for an actor to complain about his own childhood nickname, because he could be proud of. Keanu was fond of hockey, and his teammates nicknamed him the Wall for his successes in defending his own goal.

In the series of films “The Hunger Games”, the actress played practically herself, since in childhood she was distinguished by an increased love for active sports, in other words, she was a typical kid, and very energetic and sociable. Therefore, her nickname was appropriate – Nitro. To be clear, this is a system that uses nitrous oxide to give the car’s engine extra power. Moral: you hang out with the boys – and you will get a boy’s nickname.

The disproportionately long nose of the future singer haunted her peers – the nickname, respectively, was fabulous, but offensive – Pinocchio. As Christina later recalled, all her youth she dreamed of getting rid of him, but eventually she did plastic surgery for medical reasons, at the same time improving her appearance.

The actress has a peculiar appearance, which, of course, could not fail to be noted by stinging peers, teasing the future celebrity with a watchtower and asking him to “get a sparrow.” “These were terrible insults,” Tatiana said in an interview. – I walked stooped, lowered my head. I was terribly sorry for myself! For example, I have a large body and a small head. But at the same time, I allow myself to shave almost bald. I also have a long nose and, let’s say, a peculiar figure. But I am grateful to God that he gave me at least this. “

Looking at this brutal muscular action hero, it’s hard to imagine that he was teased with the Worm as a child. And yet it was so – because of the lankiness and thinness of the figure. “As a child, I was a pretty ugly kid,” the actor said in an interview. However, childhood has passed and there is no shortage of Vin fans now.

Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov

The soloist of the Ivanushki International group, according to him, did not take offense at most of the children’s nicknames, with the exception of one thing – he did not like it when Rzhavyy teased him. “They were mostly derived from the surname or hair color. At school I had two nicknames: Red and by the last name – Grisha, Grinya, Grieg … And in creative and theatrical places where I had the honor to study, I was called Apollosha. In the camp Pogonyalovo Director, Ogonyok was “, – the singer recalled.

The real name of the singer is Karolina, which is not the most common for Ukraine. However, the future artist’s peers easily coped with this task, renaming it Rabbit. The case was “helped” by the fact that in childhood, Lorak was the first to erupt large front teeth and she began to resemble a bunny a little.

But this singer went even further and turned her childhood nickname into her own name. Miley’s real name is Destiny Hope Cyrus, and she received the nickname Smiley (from the English word smile – smile) in childhood because of her increased giggle. She really liked the sound of the new name, but the first letter seemed superfluous – the singer officially changed the name of Destiny to Miley in 2008.

The singer was distinguished by his bright appearance in childhood, and all thanks to his natural dark complexion and increased curliness. Therefore, Philip Bedrosovich’s nickname was appropriate – Ethiopian.

There are few people in the world who have stamped their childhood nickname on their own body as a tattoo. The American actress and singer is just that. However, there is nothing surprising, because the nickname that her grandfather gave her was wonderful – Bellissima, which means “beauty” in Italian. Now this word flaunts on the left side of Ariana. We are not sure that the singer would have gone to a tattoo parlor if her grandfather called her, for example, “cute pig” or “favorite pumpkin”.

As a child, the singer climbed trees so dexterously, jumping from branch to branch, that he earned the nickname Mowgli from his playmates. But when freckles appeared, they began to tease him with freckled ones, and Oleg could not stand this any more and, as he recalled in one interview, “once he filled the face of a tall high school student with blood, who simply“ got ”me with his barbs”.

If you look closely at the outlines of the singer’s figure, then it is quite possible to guess her nickname for the period of initial puberty. Hint: This is a musical instrument. No, not a double bass – why be so malicious? Even now, in her 50s, the singer keeps her shape perfectly and looks more like … That’s right, like a guitar. Yes, the girl matured early, and her outstanding forms were immediately appreciated by her peers, and some time later by the insurers, to whom Lopez brought the most precious thing she has as an object of the transaction – her own buttocks.

Sly was not always so impressively courageous – as a child, he got a lot from his peers. And all because of the unusual appearance of the actor, the reason for which was a difficult birth: the doctors had to pull the child by the head with four pairs of forceps. As a result, the future Rambo’s facial nerves were damaged, and part of the facial muscles remained paralyzed for life. At school he was teased as soon as possible – by both Quasimodo and Gwynplaine. However, over time, as Sylvester recalled, he found justice for the offenders – “he stopped tolerating and began to beat him in the nose or eye for ridicule.”

Now this actress can boast of appetizing forms, but in adolescence she was a real skinny, which, coupled with high growth, probably made an impression on her peers, but did not cause admiration. Like Cameron herself, there was no rush of joy when she was called Skeletor – in honor of the villainous magician from the 80s animated series “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.”

In Eastern astrology, it is believed that the tiger, as a symbol of the year, brings good luck. So Woods, who was named Eldrick at birth (what a name for a celebrity ?!), should eventually be grateful to his own father for calling him Tiger. The new name clearly attracted luck, because in golf, of which Tiger has become a star, it is more difficult to hit the hole without it.

Chris Hemsworth

Handsome Thor was invented a nickname in childhood by his parents, and with his own filing. When the future celebrity still walked under the table, she could hardly pronounce her own name, Chris got something like Kiptader instead of Christopher. Therefore, in the bosom of his family and loved ones, he is still called Kip.

Daniel Radcliffe

The winner Voldemort in childhood was distinguished by a rather skinny physique and a pale appearance. However, we are well aware of this, because the general public met this actor just in his childhood. But what was unknown to the general public was the nickname Shrimp, which young Daniel received from his peers precisely because of his not very powerful physique. However, they teased him for so long – Daniel became a famous person quite early, respected by almost all the children of the planet.

Cristianu Ronaldo

Victories in this athlete’s blood – even in early childhood, already playing football, Cristiano loved to win (and did not like to lose) so much that if his team was defeated, he would cry bitterly. For which he received the nickname Crybaby from his teammates. However, Cristiano was not gentle and vulnerable for long – at the age of 14 he was expelled from school for throwing a chair at the teacher. By the way, his full name is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro, which was later shortened. He received his second name “Ronaldo” in honor of the then US President Ronald Reagan, whose fan was the footballer’s father.


One of the most popular and influential singers on the planet had a very cute nickname as a child – Dumbo. In honor of the Disney elephant, and all due to the fact that the singer’s ears were slightly prominent. However, to her herself, this nickname seemed not very cute, but quite offensive to herself.

У Brad Pitt in childhood there was a nickname Pitbull – naturally, not because of external similarities.

Yana Poplavskaya the father, who wanted a son, called him Yashka, and the guys in the yard called him Yanka the monkey. Everything changed when she played the main role in the film “Little Red Riding Hood” – the actress is sometimes still called that on the street.

Daniel Craig, apparently, in childhood he was not so handsome, otherwise how could he deserve such a nickname as Mr. Potato Head? His peers, of course, compared him not with a root vegetable, but with the toy of the same name, popular in the West – it was even used in the cartoon “Toy Story”.

Renata Litvinova because of the tall stature, classmates called the Ostankino tower. The actress, in her recollections, “suffered from their hopelessness and was in a hurry to go home.”

Due to noble roots Fekla TolstoThe TV presenter’s nickname was appropriate – Decanter.

In school years George Clooney suffered from Bell’s palsy – his facial muscles did not move, so his classmates called him Frankenstein.

Rap singer Iggy Azalea She was distinguished by her high growth as a child, for which her grandfather called her a little strange – Stretching. However, in English it sounds more euphonious – Stretch.

Oksana Fedorov, the future Miss Universe, was teased by the “big bird” at school because of her height and stoop.

Nickname Marat Basharov sounds unusual – Chulpan. However, this has nothing to do with the actress Khamatova, the matter is in the artist’s Tatar nationality, because in translation from Tatar “chulpan” means “star”.

It’s hard to believe but Thomas Hardy, who became famous in the roles of brutal and decisive guys, was called a Weasel in childhood.

Dima Bilan was originally Victor Belan, respectively, and his children’s nicknames were various derivatives of the word “protein”.

This is the exterior now Hugh Jackman bribes with courage and a heroic article, and as a teenager he had the nickname Prutik, and all because he was too skinny.

Dmitry Nagiyev once he recalled that until the 8th grade he was fat, and his peers shouted after him: “The fat barrel gave birth to a son!”

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