- Interaction with each other and with colleagues
- Confessional neutrality
- Rules for advisory work of UPP students
- 1. Ethics of professional interaction
- 2. Use of teaching and educational materials of the University
- 2.4. Club «Distant-nik», advertising issues and access to clients
The educational activities of students of the University of Practical Psychology are regulated by the study schedule, the code of ethics of the UPP, the decisions of the rector of the UPP and the legislation of the Russian Federation. Any action of a student of the University of Practical Psychology must be based on the principles of rationality, development, kindness and love.
Students realize that they are responsible not only for their good name, but also for the image of the University in the eyes of the general public. The appearance of the student, his publications, the content and design of his website, pages in social networks and, in general, his lifestyle should maintain the high reputation of the University.
Interaction with each other and with colleagues
At UPP, we are all colleagues. We respect each other and interact in the ideology of cooperation.
We communicate and interact with each other as distance workers, we are always positive, constructive, responsible, there is cooperation and mutual assistance between us. Grievances, conflictogens, mstyulki are impossible and prohibited. If soft constructive behavior in the conflict does not solve it, the UPP student is obliged to contact the management. Without the permission of the management of the UPP, the tough or even more aggressive behavior of a student in a conflict within the UPP is a violation of the code of ethics and is prohibited.
We respect the views of others. UPP students refrain from negative assessments of other people’s views and ways of working of their colleagues, especially from negative assessments in the direction of professional psychologists who work in traditions that are different from the Synton approach.
Within SCP, we maintain reasonable confidentiality. If someone objects to his video filming, it cannot be filmed. Posting in the public space entries made in the SCP, if the publication of these entries could harm the one who is a participant in these entries. If the content of the consultation brought into the SCP may even indirectly harm the participants in the consultation, their names and details of their interaction should be changed. However, inside the SCP, everything that happens, if there was no special warning, is by default public information. If students quarrel among themselves, this is not their own business, this is the subject of study and disassembly on the part of teachers. In the event of difficult and conflict situations between students, students are prohibited from behaving unkindly and in conflict; they are required to bring these issues up for discussion with teachers. The position “We don’t tell lies” is disrespectful to teachers and is incompatible with the ethics of the University.
Classes are by default recorded on video, which other UPP students have access to. If one of the students has reason to avoid photography and video filming, he must warn teachers and other students about this. As a rule, this issue is not difficult to solve.
Analysis of conflict situations
Where the analysis of conflict situations takes place, in the study group or outside it, the teacher decides. If a student does not trust the teacher and fears that such an analysis in the group may cause him injury, he needs to leave such a dangerous group for him and change the teacher. The teacher has the right to remove the student from studies until the conflict situation is closed.
Confessional neutrality
Everyone has the right to their beliefs and religious views. In the advisory and training activities of UPP students, any propaganda of religious beliefs and certain religious views (as well as theosophical and esoteric knowledge) without the permission of the teacher and the explicit consent of the participants should be excluded.
UPP students can conduct webinars, trainings and consultations on psychological topics if they have the appropriate certificates for this or have received permission (task) for this from their teacher or educational unit. University students are allowed to consult and coach in stages, in accordance with their training.
Everyone has the right to their beliefs and religious views. In the advisory and training activities of UPP students, any propaganda of religious beliefs and certain religious views (as well as theosophical and esoteric knowledge) without the explicit consent of the participants should be excluded.
As practicing psychologists, UPP students work only with mentally healthy people, at least with people without pronounced psychopathology. If you have any doubts about the mental status of your client, discuss this issue with your teacher.
Actions, processes and influences of UPP students that go beyond the scope of professional work and in which it is possible to predict a probable violation of the mental status or other harm to the health of the client or training participants are unacceptable.
Framework of the Synton Approach
By conducting consultations and trainings in their vision and in their own way, UPP students adhere to the framework of the Synthon approach.
The synton approach is a scientific worldview. As practicing psychologists, UPP students, we do not turn to everyday mysticism, we do not inspire faith in the Signs of the Universe, the General Non-Randomness, the Generic Field, spells, conspiracies and the mental connection of people at a distance.
The synthon approach cares about long-term consequences and does not teach clients to live with feelings where the mind can be included.
The synthon approach takes care of the interests of the client, saves his time and wallet. What is solved quickly is unfair to do for a long time. If the client’s problem can be explained in a simple, practical way, there is no need to look for complicated explanations ahead of time. If elementary physiology can be behind the client’s problematic state, we will not look for something else there. If the client’s problem is solved by means of a cognitive-behavioral approach, we will not dive into his unconscious. If the client’s problem can be solved by working with the present, you should not rush to work with the client’s past. “I created a problem — I solved the problem, I live on the difference” is not our approach.
Rules for advisory work of UPP students
UPP is engaged in consulting practice, coaching and psychological training. Without the approval of the teacher and in the absence of a specialized higher education that gives such competence, UPP students do not engage in psychotherapy.
A consultation is a conversation and the provision of psychological assistance, when it is declared a consultation, the consultant introduced himself as a consultant, indicated the expected fee and received the explicit consent of the now client. Informal conversations outside of these conditions do not constitute a consultation.
UPP students during their consultations observe the following rules and principles:
- The consultant acts as an expert only where he has a special education and sufficient experience. If you are not a doctor, you cannot prescribe drugs. Unless you are a specialist in child psychology, you cannot diagnose a child.
- It is possible to advise your relatives, friends, colleagues and relatives, but it is not recommended to enter into contractual and financial relations with them.
- As far as the consultant and his clients are adults and mentally healthy people, they can combine not only professional, but also personal relationships in their interactions. Until the consultant has sufficient experience and cannot be responsible for the full sanity of himself and the client, it is unacceptable to enter into personal and sexual relationships with clients, borrow money, etc. If you want to start a personal relationship with a client, stop the professional relationship and wait two months.
- Any form of publication of consultation materials must protect the anonymity of clients, protecting their reputation and their financial interests. At the same time, materials where the name of the client has been changed and the situation is presented in such a way that this case could happen to anyone can be published freely.
- Video and audio recordings can only be made with the consent of the client. For the purposes of training and advanced training of consultants, these materials can be published without the consent of the client, but only in sources closed to the general public.
Rules for coaching UPP students
1. Ethics of professional interaction
1.1. Members of the Association respect both copyrights and the right to free distribution of information. All materials that are in the public domain and not prohibited by the author from reprinting can be freely reprinted without the consent of the author, while the reprint of the entire article is required with the indication of authorship and a link to the source.
1.2. The author’s technique can be used only with the consent of the author. As a rule, the author is paid a remuneration for the use of the author’s methodology, the conditions are negotiated.
1.2.1. Is the name of the training protected by copyright? Yes, if this training was more than 7 times (or more than a year).
1.2.2. To what extent can someone else’s material be recycled to be considered yours? For a third. Controversial cases are dealt with by UPP teachers.
1.2.3. Unless otherwise agreed, every significant assistance between colleagues must be paid. As a rule, for attracting clients from the income from their coaching or consulting, 40% is paid during the year. Monthly payments.
1.2.4. Members of the Association are obliged to indicate in their promotional materials that they are members of the Association. Each APSA member is required to place an APSA banner on their personal website.
1.2.5. Members of the APSA in advertising their activities do not promise what will not be done, and do not allow indirect belittling of the activities of colleagues. You can advertise yourself, you can not do anti-advertising to colleagues.
1.2.6. Members of the Association contribute to the promotion of each other and the Association as a whole. The more promoted the Association, N.I. Kozlov and other well-known psychologists of the Association, the more beneficial it will be for you to link to the Association, N.I. Kozlov and other well-known psychologists of the Association.
2. Use of teaching and educational materials of the University
2.1. General provisions
The university gives you a lot of bright and effective exercises, techniques, programs and courses. Under what conditions can you use it in your work?
UPP materials posted in the public domain can be used by you in your non-commercial projects. The natural and obligatory condition is always to refer to the University and indicate the authorship. If you were not specifically told who the author of a particular development is, it means that the author is prof. N.I. Kozlov.
UPP videos that are not made publicly available cannot be used by you without the permission of the author of these videos.
2.2. Using the materials of the program «Distance»
2.2.1. Distance — the author’s technique N.I. Kozlova, all rights reserved.
2.2.2. Distance, as one of the main programs in the preparation of synton-approach specialists, can and should be actively used by all synton-approach specialists in their creative and commercial activities. If you consult or conduct trainings, it doesn’t matter for a fee or for free, then situationally, for the task, using Distance exercises is possible and necessary. And it’s always free. But you can lead the Distance, even for free, only if you have a certificate that gives you this right.
2.2.3. To become a leader of the Distance, you must complete the following program:
- Pass the Distance within the framework of the 1st year of the University,
- Get a recommendation from your course leader,
- Join the Association of Psychologists of the Syntone Approach,
In the process of studying at the 2nd year of the University:
- Pass the Course of preparation of leaders of the Distance.
- Start leading the Distance to gain experience under the guidance of a University teacher.
- Complete the Counseling Lab with N.I. Kozlov and get confirmation of your qualifications there.
2.2.4. Leading Distances use the program on the following conditions: we work under the same brand (“Distance”), we participate in joint work on the further development of the Distance and report twice a year on the results of our activities.
2.2.5. Publication of books, articles and other materials on the Distance, as well as maintaining the Distance on a commercial basis, are possible only with the written permission of N.I. Kozlov.
2.2.6. Leading the Distance on a commercial basis pay the author’s 20% of the turnover.
2.3. UPP courses and programs
Courses and programs are an integral system of topics, techniques and exercises that solve a single problem. For example, these are all Sprints. These are Sinton’s trainings: «Basic», «Emotion Management» and others.
2.3.1. Small exercises from the author’s courses and programs (lasting less than 15 minutes) you can use freely, larger exercises, especially courses, sprints and programs in general — in agreement with the author.
2.3.2. If you would like to run courses, sprints, and programs for free, you must obtain permission from the FSA to do so. As a general rule, you are expected to be adequately prepared (your RMR rating?), AFSA membership, and to successfully promote SCP to participants at your events. People come to our University from you.
2.3.3. If you are doing all this on a commercial basis, then the permission of the author of the program is required. Typically, you pay 30% of the net profit for using such programs. If the program uses videos developed by N.I. Kozlov, — 50%.
2.3.4. Can sprints, courses, and programs be recycled? — Can. If you honestly changed the technique by 30%, showed it to the author, and he agreed that it was no longer his, but your author’s development, it becomes your author’s technique. In case of disagreement, the issue is resolved in the conflict committee of the APSP.
2.3.5. If you have developed your own trainings or sprints while studying at UFP, they are the joint property of you and UFP: both you and the University can conduct these trainings and sprints.
2.4. Club «Distant-nik», advertising issues and access to clients
2.4.1. Club «Distant-nik» — the territory of the Association of psychologists of the synton approach, which aims to promote the synton approach and SCP. Carrying out promotions or commercial projects of any subject on the territory of the University and the Club is possible only with the permission of the Educational Department of the University or with the permission of N.I. Kozlov.
2.4.2. Internal Clubs and Workshops of the Club «Distant-nik» hold paid events exclusively with members of the Club. As a rule, directors of paid programs pay the Association 20% of the profits received.
2.4.3. Clients are one of the most expensive components in the organization of consultations, coaching and trainings. As a rule, 40% of the income from their consultation, coaching or training is paid for the targeted attraction of clients from income from their consultation, coaching or training. If the income from clients turns into a constant, the interest is paid monthly during the year. If a teacher conducts his activities in the UPP or the Club, he naturally advertises himself and clients come to him without special advertising for consultations, coaching and his private trainings. In such cases, he pays 20% of the income from clients who came to him from the UPP or the Club.
2.4.4. If you want to invite people to our University on a commercial basis, we will be happy to do so. Contact the Educational part, this can be your good additional income. You advertise what you love — and earn money to study at the University!