The recipe for longevity and eternal youth has been sought since the time of Cleopatra. Even then it became clear: people want not only to extend their years of life, but also to spend them with pleasure. How can modern technology help us with this?
What is aging
There are two hypotheses about what aging is. The first claims that this is an evolutionarily programmed, inevitable process, and the second claims that this is the accumulation of certain “breakdowns” in the body. By the end of life, such “breakdowns” accumulate a critical amount. The body becomes more vulnerable to disease, physical and mental functions fade.
The second theory today has a lot of supporters. Indeed, different people age at different rates. And it seems logical that with the development of medicine, we will be able to slow down or postpone this process, helping our body to fight violations or not allowing them at all.
How do people try to delay aging?
Recently, the wellness industry has been developing very actively, which helps us lead a healthy lifestyle. The number of tools, knowledge, technologies is growing every day. It remains only to make a choice and choose those options that suit us personally.
What trends exist today?
- We are thinking more and more about proper nutrition. Diets have ceased to be a way to lose weight, their goal today is to maintain good health, activity and longevity.
- In the field of physical activity, the trend has shifted: earlier, extreme loads and constant overcoming of oneself were at the peak of fashion, today we prefer gentle exercises and put pleasure in the process at the forefront. Yoga and hiking are in vogue – the benefits of them are no less than from active exercises.
- An important direction is mental loads. Brain development classes, lectures, learning new professions and skills are incredibly popular now. Including among those who seek to postpone the onset of old age.
- The trends in this area have also affected technology. Gadgets, bracelets, home exercise equipment, devices and applications for self-measurement of various indicators – all this is in trend and will continue to develop.
- This also includes the development of the industry responsible for dietary supplements, vitamins, as well as the system of predictive medicine and genetic testing methods.
What to do in order to live happily ever after?
Of course, with all this incredible flow of information, it’s easy to get confused and stressed out, which we all would like to avoid. What can we do right now if we want to live up to 150 years of active and healthy life?
1. Sleep
The most effective occupation that a person can arrange for himself in order to live long and in good health. As a rule, the optimal duration of sleep is from 6 to 8 hours, but it is important to calculate the best time that is right for you. At the same time, the quality of sleep is somewhat more important than its quantity – the time of going to bed, the phase of deep sleep, the phase of natural awakening matter.
Sleep is the foundation of our health. By determining your personal norms and making your sleep better, we will feel changes both in the hormonal system and in your psychological sphere. Most likely, cortisol levels will return to normal. The stress tolerance barrier will be higher.
If we follow all the rules of healthy sleep, but still wake up tired, we need to check for apnea – this is the name for the suspension of breathing in a dream, which entails poor health in the morning, lack of vigor, problems with the process of falling asleep.
2. Physical activity
It just needs to be present in our lives. After all, with age, muscle mass decreases. Maintaining muscle mass will stimulate the production of growth hormone, which is called one of the main hormones of youth.
Physical exercises on the street help the blood to be saturated with oxygen, maintain the required level of hemoglobin, and contribute to a good mood. Harvard scientists have proven that conscious walking is the best type of cardio exercise: the joints are safe, and fat is burned as much as possible due to the activation of metabolic processes. Muscles and a pumped body not only make you look good, but also support internal organs, ensure proper body coordination and grace.
Even if it seems to us that these are ineffective, we need to conduct them regularly. Their main advantages are safety and adaptability.
Using apps to collect data on personal health indicators is useful, but you do not need to diagnose yourself
3. Diet
What, perhaps, all scientists agree on is that we should try not to overeat. To do this, it is important not to rush while eating, not to add too much salt or sugar, to listen to the body, to monitor the feeling of fullness. The main thing is to feel the taste of the dish, to make food a real pleasure, and not an attempt to seize stress or just pass the time.
Three hours after eating, you should drink fresh cold-pressed juices. This will help the body absorb the nutrients as much as possible. For example, a wonderful detox juice recipe: lemon, spinach, ginger – invigorates in the morning better than coffee. The more greens in the juice, the better.
The main “filters” of our body are the liver and kidneys. The health of these organs is supported by detoxification. To help the kidneys and liver, add foods like parsley, cilantro, red pepper, turmeric, garlic, lemon, grapefruit, nori, green spirulina, chuka, chlorella, and microgreens to your diet.
4. Examinations and testing
Preventive medicine has never worked as well as it does now. And you should regularly add meetings with specialists to your calendar.
Using apps to collect personal health data is helpful, but don’t self-diagnose. It is important to remember: we always find in the search engine exactly what we are looking for, and we find those diseases that we suspect in ourselves. A diagnosis should always be followed by a doctor and then, if possible, an alternative opinion should be sought.
Doctors recommend setting yourself a goal that will help develop new skills. Create a social circle that is pleasant to us
5. Development of brain activity
An adult working in the same field, dealing with the same set of tasks, needs much more brain training than a child. It is worth performing the usual actions with the hand with which we usually do not do them. Learn to juggle. Read the words in reverse, memorize the verses.
You can try to learn how to play a musical instrument or take up a new foreign language. It is important to eat “smart” foods that increase brain activity – for example, fatty varieties of sea fish, nuts and dried fruits, berries, cabbage and spinach.
6. Mindset and purpose
To be happy, you have to be happy. You can try to focus on your experience of happiness. Try to understand what exactly makes us calm and contented. And try to bring that feeling back to you. It is important to explore ways to manage stress.
The beginning of a negative flow can be a mere trifle – a queue in the store, an unpleasant call, traffic jams. At this point, it is worth considering how we will feel about this in 10 minutes, in 10 days, and in 10 years. Most likely, it will definitely not remain as important for us.
Doctors recommend setting yourself a goal that will help you develop new skills or see new places. Create a social circle that is pleasant to us. Be disciplined, organized and oriented towards a long and happy life.
Happiness causes love in the eye of the beholder. And for us it is … ourselves. Our loving look in the mirror every morning helps us remember that everything is achievable and no one will take care of ourselves better than ourselves.
About the Developer
Olya Osokina — Founder of a health tech company