Estrogens and their role in the body. What does an excess or deficiency of estrogens testify to?

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Estrogens are hormones that include estradiol, estrone, and estriol. They are formed as a result of the transformation of androsterone and testosterone. Estrogens are female hormones that are responsible for sex drive and the development of sexual characteristics (2- and 3-order). They are responsible for the proper growth of the uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes and nipples. In addition, estrogen is the name of three chemically very similar hormones: estrone, estriol, and estradiol.

What are estrogens?

The main estrogenic hormone is estradiol, which is produced in the ovary. The concentration of estrogens in women is variable and depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The highest concentration of estradiol is found between the 12th and 14th day of the cycle. In men, small amounts of estrogen are made in the testicles.

Among other things, estradiol levels are tested to find the cause of menstrual disorders. Estron, on the other hand, is the main estrogen present after menopause. It is a derivative of dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione, i.e. hormones produced in the adrenal cortex, although it should be noted that it can also be produced from androgens in adipose tissue. Estrone is found in small amounts in young children before puberty, and later increases in adolescence in both boys and girls.

In the case of Estriol, it must be said that it is the basic estrogen during pregnancy and is synthesized in large amounts by the placenta. Its level increases in the 8th week of pregnancy and this increase continues almost until delivery. It is also worth mentioning that it is excreted in the urine during pregnancy. Monitoring estriol levels during pregnancy supports the assessment of the condition of the fetus and placenta, although diurnal variability in the concentration of this hormone must be taken into account.

In turn, the correct level of estrogens has a positive effect on metabolism and protects against circulatory diseases. Many factors affect the concentration of estrogen in the body, including diet, exercise, age, stress and genetic predisposition.

Are you looking for a supplement supporting estrogen regulation? At Medonet Market, you can buy, for example, tablets with magnesium and vitamin B6 to support the hormonal balance of women.

The hormone responsible for the production of estrogen is called follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and is secreted by the pituitary gland. In addition, it should be added that estrogens, like all other steroid hormones, are produced from cholesterol, which is their precursor.

See also: Hormone tests – in women, in men, during menopause

Estrogens – when do we perform the test?

The most common indications for estrogen testing are presented below.

1. Hypogonadism in women.

2. Absence or disturbances of menstruation, infertility, loss of libido in women.

3. Assessment of the efficiency of the placenta during pregnancy.

4. Monitoring pharmacological treatment of infertility.

5. Menopause.

6. Suspicion of a tumor producing estrogens.

7. Lack of development of male sexual characteristics in boys.

8. Galactorrhea, impotence in men.

9. Diagnosis of ovarian diseases.

10. Gynecomastia.

11. Premature or delayed puberty in girls.

12. monitoring of anti-estrogen therapy in breast cancer.

In some cases: insomnia, feeling hot – the doctor will also order estrogen tests.

Some herbs, such as maca root, have a fertility effect. It is worth trying Maca and reishi – a Terranova super-mixture that improves mental and physical performance, as well as sexual activity, positively affecting fertility.

Estrogens – study

Material for the study of estrogens: serum.

Preparation for the test: on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours).

The course of the estrogen test: one-time blood sampling from a vein in the arm; in women, it is often necessary to measure the level of estrogens in the subsequent phases of the menstrual cycle.

Time to wait for the result: up to several days.


Estrogen determination, depending on whether it is blood, urine or saliva, gives different results, which means that they cannot be interpreted in the same way. In addition, it is important to know that not only the daily variability and changes in the concentration of hormones during the menstrual cycle may affect the level of estrogen, because liver and kidney dysfunction, anemia or the occurrence of hypertension also have an impact.

It should also be noted that some drugs, such as adrenocorticosteroids, antibiotics (ampicillin), drugs containing estrogens, phenothiazines and tetracyclines may increase the level of estrogens. Urinary tract infections and glucose in the urine may also be responsible for the concentration of estrogen in the urine. In turn, drugs such as clomiphene may be responsible for lowering the concentration of estrogens.

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What are the estrogen norms?

Estrogen norms in women

Norms of estradiol in women:

  1. follicular phase – from 37 to 330 pmol/l (10-90 pg/ml),
  2. half of the cycle – from 370 to 1835 pmol / l (100-500 pg / ml),
  3. luteal phase – from 184 to 880 pmol/l (50-240 pg/ml),
  4. postmenopausal – from 37 to 110 pmol / l (20-30 pg / ml),

Norms of estriol in women

  1. follicular phase – below 7 nmol / l (2 ng / ml),

Norms of estrone in women

  1. from 74 to 550 pmol/l (20-150 pg/ml);

Estrogen levels change with the menstrual cycle. It reaches its lowest values ​​during menstruation and continues to increase until the middle of the cycle. Thanks to this, the vaginal mucosa is rebuilt, which is important for the maintenance of a possible pregnancy. In addition, estrogen stimulates LH (luteinizing hormone), which is responsible for ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum. Estrogen levels drop sharply after the menopause (women’s bodies are no longer able to produce estrogen), resulting in symptoms associated with menopause.

What do estrogens do in women?

  1. development of sexual characteristics,
  2. uterine muscle growth,
  3. prevent miscarriages,
  4. protect blood vessels by increasing HDL cholesterol and lowering LDL cholesterol,
  5. increase bone tissue mineralization (protect against the development of osteoporosis),
  6. estrone is the major estrogen in postmenopausal women. It is produced in the adrenal glands from androgens: dehydroepiandrostenedione and androstenedione, and in adipose tissue,
  7. estriol is the primary sex hormone secreted during pregnancy,
  8. inhibit the secretion of sebum (sebostatic effect),
  9. contribute to the retention of water in the body (only when their concentration is very high),
  10. in men, they are responsible for the sex drive and sperm maturation.

Also read: Hormones important for women

Estrogen norms in men

The norm of estrogens in men is:

estradiol – from 29 to 132 pmol/l (8-36 pg/ml),

estriol – less than 7 nmol / l (2 ng / ml),

estrone – from 111 to 630 pmol/l (30-70 pg/ml).

Find out more: There is a male love hormone?

Estrogens – high levels of estrogens

High estrogen levels will appear most often in pregnant women, but it can also occur in the case of:

  1. tumors that secrete estrogen
  2. premature puberty of girls,
  3. cancer of the testicles, adrenal glands or ovaries,
  4. obesity,
  5. diabetes
  6. arterial hypertension,
  7. hyperthyroidism (diagnosed),
  8. use of oral contraceptives,
  9. cirrhosis of the liver,
  10. men with gynecomastia.

Too much estrogen in the body can be manifested by:

  1. nausea
  2. vomiting
  3. menstrual disorders,
  4. malaise,
  5. the occurrence of migraines
  6. putting on weight,
  7. higher likelihood of blood clots and embolisms
  8. breast enlargement,
  9. impaired liver function,
  10. the formation of bile duct stones and hence jaundice,
  11. headaches
  12. atherosclerosis,
  13. vaginal infections
  14. contractions,
  15. uterine fibroids.

In men, other hormones such as testosterone and progesterone may drop significantly.

Estrogens – low estrogen levels

When do we see low estrogen levels?

  1. PCOS,
  2. Turner syndrome,
  3. anorexia (eating disorder),
  4. hypopituitarism,
  5. intense physical effort,
  6. hypogonadism,
  7. Sweyer’s syndrome,
  8. ovarian underdevelopment,
  9. premature ovarian failure,
  10. postmenopausal district,
  11. pituitary gland failure,
  12. the use of drugs that inhibit ovulation,
  13. alcohol abuse.

According to doctors, regular menstrual cycles are proof of the proper functioning of estrogen in the body. Its deficiency causes unpleasant symptoms, such as:

  1. vaginal dryness and loss of elasticity,
  2. night sweats
  3. hot flushes,
  4. problems with sleeping,
  5. depression,
  6. mood swings,
  7. urinary incontinence problems,
  8. recurring urinary tract infections,
  9. dysregulation or disappearance of the menstrual cycle,
  10. loss of breast firmness,
  11. memory impairment,
  12. decrease in libido,
  13. high cholesterol, and thus a greater risk of heart disease,
  14. increased risk of osteoporosis,
  15. collagen loss
  16. disappearance of secondary and tertiary sexual characteristics (male body shape appears, voice tone is lowered and male sexual hair appears, i.e. hirsutism develops),
  17. itching and burning around the vagina,
  18. lowering of the vaginal walls,
  19. uterine prolapse.

Moisturizing globules such as Floraccid vaginal globules with hyaluronic acid are a means of alleviating the discomfort associated with vaginal dryness.

Raising estrogen levels

In the case of estrogen deficiency, there are several methods to replace them. The most effective method in the period of menopause, relies on hormone replacement therapy with synthetic hormones. However, it should be noted that not every woman can benefit from such therapy. It cannot be used by women who, inter alia, suffered from hormone-dependent tumors (e.g. breast cancer, cervical cancer) or women over 60, or women struggling with thromboembolism. It is worth adding that synthetic estrogen derivatives are also used to inhibit lactation.

However, it should be borne in mind that synthetic estrogen derivatives may also cause a number of side effects, such as: breast swelling, increased thromboembolic events, edema formation, pain, weight gain, nausea.

Another method is to use natural estrogens. In the case of a deficiency of these hormones, you can use a diet that will be rich in products full of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogons are found primarily in: garlic, soybeans, pomegranates, red wine, rhubarb, cereal products, cherries or red clover.

Optionally, you can also use preparations containing natural hormones.

In addition to a good diet, experts say, keeping in shape can also lower your estrogen levels. Just practice for about 15 to 30 minutes a day.

Hormone levels during pregnancy and the risk of autism

According to a study published on September 14 in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, women with unusually high or low levels of certain pregnancy hormones increase their risk of having a child with autism by about 20 percent. Researchers used data collected as part of a routine prenatal screening program in California that measures second-trimester levels of three chemicals that affect the fetus: estrogen (estriol), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) – which regulates other hormones, including estrogen and testosterone – and alpha-fetoprotein, a protein produced by the fetus.

The results of this so-called screening test help assess the risk of birth defects such as spina bifida and Down’s syndrome. Researchers looked at the link between triple marker levels during pregnancy in women who gave birth in 1996 or 2002, and autism diagnoses that were tracked by a separate program statewide in those years.

After taking into account factors known to influence the risk of autism such as premature delivery, low birth weight, child’s gender, and mother’s age, they found a higher risk of autism in children born to women with the lowest estriol levels (25 percent). . They also found an increased risk of autism among boys exposed to hCG levels at the lowest and highest 10 percent.

Estrogens – you don’t know that about them

1. There are suspicions that women suffer less from dyslexia due to estrogens.

2. Contraceptive pills contain the so-called ethinylestradiol, which is a mimic of only one type of estrogen. This halts ovulation and disrupts the woman’s menstrual cycle.

3. As is well known, women have a lower pain threshold that varies depending on the phase of the cycle. On the other hand, age, and with it the reduction in estrogen levels, weakens the perception of pain.

4. According to the research, women feel most intelligent when the level of estrogen in the menstrual cycle is at its highest.

5. Low estrogen levels are observed in breastfeeding women. For this reason, sex is the last thing a new mom wants to do.

It should be remembered that the estrogen concentration alone should never be analyzed without paying attention to other hormones such as thyroid hormones or progesterone.

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