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For 25 years, the company has not only produced cosmetics and perfumes, but also actively fights breast cancer around the world.
According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. In 2011, according to estimates of world health statistics, more than half a million of the fairer sex died from it. For a long time, they did not want to talk openly about this disease, and there were not enough resources for worthy research.
William Lauder, Fabrizio Freda, Elizabeth Hurley, World Campaign Ambassadors, with Estée Lauder workers
That changed in the early 90s when Evelyn Lauder and SELF editor-in-chief Alexandra Penny conceived the concept of a breast cancer campaign and came up with the pink ribbon. It all started with mass education and distribution of ribbons at the brand’s outlets around the world. Over time, the campaign took on a global scale and acquired traditional promotions. For example, every year Estée Lauder illuminates popular attractions in pink to draw attention to their activities. During the entire activity of the action, more than a thousand famous buildings and structures were highlighted, and the pink ribbon turned into a symbol of breast health.
“I am proud to be part of a team that has already done so much for a common cause. We have raised over $ 70 million, of which $ 56 million has been disbursed to support 225 medical research fellows from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation worldwide. Among other things, we developed an early-stage breast cancer vaccine, launched a program to address cognitive impairment after breast cancer treatment, and developed a blood-based mechanism to diagnose metastases and monitor treatment response, ”said Elizabeth Hurley, global campaign ambassador.