Esophagitis in adults
Esophagitis in adults suffering from heartburn is detected in 30% of cases. Often the chronic form is found even in children. Learn from the experts why this disease is dangerous and how to avoid it

Esophagitis is a disease of the esophagus, in which the quality of life of the patient noticeably deteriorates. With esophagitis, swallowing is disturbed, so a person eats poorly, cannot enjoy food, loses weight, and experiences pain.

What is esophagitis

Inflammation of the esophageal mucosa, in which ulcers and erosions develop, is called esophagitis. It can also affect the deeper layers of the tissue, and then it proceeds even harder.

The disease has many forms depending on the causes. The most common type is reflux esophagitis. The reflux of hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin from the stomach into the esophagus damages the delicate mucosa. The reflux itself is called reflux.

This is due to a violation of the motor function of the esophagus, the pathology of the sphincter, which separates the stomach from the esophagus. Perhaps a violation of the protective functions of the esophageal mucosa, which becomes a target for any irritating substances. Esophagitis is common due to the use of toxic drugs that corrode the mucous membrane.

Constant exposure to toxins, acids and other caustic substances on the esophageal mucosa causes inflammation. Erosions and ulcers gradually form. They can be so extensive that they cover the esophagus in a circle. Scars develop, and the esophagus narrows, food passes poorly through it.

The disease can develop suddenly, or it can sluggishly proceed for several months, or even six months. Sometimes there are no symptoms at all, so certain categories of people should pay special attention to the condition of the esophagus. For example, people with immunodeficiency.

Causes of esophagitis in adults

The main reason is the reflux of acid from the stomach into the esophagus. This occurs with the pathology of the sphincter, hernia of the diaphragm, obesity, as a consequence of surgery on the stomach.

In second place is the impact of drugs or chemical caustic substances. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal) and even ascorbic acid damage the mucosa the most. The damage in this case is usually temporary and the disease disappears after the end of the medication. Alkalis, acids, solvents, drunk by negligence or intentionally, are much more harmful.

But there are also completely different causes of the disease. For example, candidal esophagitis develops due to the multiplication of Candida fungi. It affects people with diabetes or those infected with HIV. Decreased immunity leads to such an active colonization of the esophagus by fungi.

Esophagitis can be a manifestation of a serious allergy. Eosinophilic esophagitis is a genetic disease in which the body reacts to allergens by inflaming the entire esophagus.

Aggressive food damages the mucosa. Too hot, spicy food, large pieces, strong alcohol with constant use can lead to esophagitis.

Symptoms of esophagitis in adults

Symptoms vary depending on the form of esophagitis. But most often the disease is manifested by heartburn, burning, sour belching, nausea.

A person is disturbed by strange pains behind the sternum, which many confuse with pains in the heart. When swallowing food, pain and discomfort increase.

There is a risk of reflux of stomach contents from the esophagus into the respiratory tract. This causes coughing and even leads to pneumonia.

A complication of esophagitis – rupture of the esophagus wall, bleeding – is manifested by dark vomiting, strongly colored feces.

Treatment of esophagitis in adults

Regardless of the form of esophagitis, it will not be possible to do without drug treatment. The selection of drugs and diagnosis is carried out by a gastroenterologist. The mildest forms of esophagitis, in which only the surface of the mucosa is affected, are well treated and can sometimes go away on their own. Severe erosions and ulcers are treated for several months, and with a “breakdown”, for example, on junk food, they can become aggravated.

No less important in the treatment of sparing diet. Nutrition should be fractional, and the food should be as crushed and tender as possible. Most of the food will have to be mashed so as not to irritate the esophagus. Swallow small pieces, avoid hot, cold and spicy foods. Banned alcohol, sugary foods and vegetables containing a lot of fiber.


Since the esophagus is located deep, an endoscope is required for its thorough examination. A flexible tube equipped with a camera is inserted into the esophagus through the throat. The endoscope allows you to examine the mucosa, identify erosion and ulcers, the degree of damage. This procedure is called esophagoscopy, often referred to by patients as gastroscopy.

X-rays are also used along with a contrast agent. The patient takes a suspension of barium sulfate, it fills all the bends and pits of the surface. In the picture, the contrast emphasizes the relief of the esophagus, its narrowing, swelling, and changes in the mucosa.

If an infection or allergy is suspected to be causing the esophagitis, swabs may be taken during an endoscopy. They are studied under a microscope and the mycelium of the fungus is found in candidiasis, or eosinophil cells that appear during allergies.

Modern treatments

Drugs that are used in the treatment of esophagitis are aimed at eliminating the root cause. With candidiasis, antifungal drugs are prescribed, with allergies – steroids. If the lining of the esophagus is affected by stomach contents, the drugs neutralize the acid and coat the esophagus to protect it.

Sometimes diet and medication are not enough. In severe cases of the disease, if a narrowing of the esophagus has already developed or there is a hernia, an operation is indicated. It restores the patency of the esophagus and expands it. The scars are dissected, a stent or balloon is installed, which support the walls of the esophagus and maintain the lumen.

To reduce the reflux of stomach contents, a muff can be created around the esophagus to replace a normally functioning sphincter.

Prevention of esophagitis in adults at home

It is important to prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Such esophagitis can last for months, periodically worsen and cause a lot of inconvenience. The chronic form develops with untreated acute esophagitis, or as a result of the constant intake of junk food. According to statistics, due to the latter cause, chronic esophagitis is found in 15% of children.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to follow the rules of rational nutrition, eat fractionally, avoid junk food. It is important to control weight, since overweight people are most likely to develop reflux.

When taking toxic drugs, they should be washed down with enough water to dilute the drug. If there is a choice between liquid and tablet form of the drug, then liquid is better. After taking the drugs, it is better not to lie down for at least half an hour, but to be in an upright position.

Popular questions and answers

Esophagitis is not the most common disease of the digestive system. However, even ordinary heartburn requires attention, since the complications of esophagitis are quite serious. Answers frequently asked questions from patients gastroenterologist Xenia Bondareva.

Why is esophagitis dangerous?

Prolonged inflammation of the esophageal mucosa can lead to the development of severe complications with long-term disability and disability of patients – of course, this significantly reduces their quality of life.

What are the complications of esophagitis?

Esophagitis complications occur in approximately 20-50% of patients. Possible ulcers and erosion of the esophagus, bleeding from them. Scars appear on the esophagus, which narrow its lumen. There is a risk of rupture of the esophagus with the development of inflammation of the mediastinum.

The most dangerous complication is the so-called Barrett’s esophagus, as it is a precursor to the development of esophageal cancer.

When to call a doctor at home with esophagitis?

You should seek immediate medical attention if you are concerned about prolonged severe chest pain that may be accompanied by shortness of breath, fever or sweating, repeated vomiting with blood streaks, coffee grounds (a sign of bleeding), obstruction of the passage of food through the esophagus and repeated vomiting of freshly eaten food.

Is it possible to cure esophagitis with folk remedies?

Self-treatment of esophagitis with folk remedies can not only not help, but also aggravate the patient’s condition. In my practice, when I meet such patients, I note with disappointment that for many of them the moment has been missed. The period that was spent on meaningless treatment with herbal preparations, soda and other non-drug remedies.

Esophagitis is a rather difficult disease, so it is imperative to undergo a complete examination and use proven drug regimens for treatment with the help of a competent doctor. Each patient needs to know that only complex drug therapy will help alleviate their condition and avoid complications of this disease.

Can eating too hot or spicy food cause esophagitis?

One of the types of esophagitis is alimentary. It can occur with prolonged intake of too hot, cold or spicy food. Therefore, we recommend sparing food at room temperature for such patients.

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