Esica – diverticula, tumors, polyps

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Esica is the part of the large intestine that is most prone to disease. Where exactly is the sigmoid located? What are sigmoid diverticula? What are the symptoms of sigmoid diverticulitis? Can sigmoid polyps be dangerous? Why should sigmoid diseases not be underestimated? Check the most important information about diseases of one of the sections of the large intestine.

Esica – what is it?

Esica is the part of the large intestine that is most exposed to pathogenic changes. Esica is located in one of the eight sections of the large intestine, more specifically the lower colon, and connects directly to the rectum. Its shape resembles the letter “S”.

Esica is exposed to diseases such as: sigmoid diverticula, neoplastic changes, intestinal obstruction, and intestinal torsion.

Esica – chyłki esicy

One of the diseases of civilization are sigmoid diverticula. The cause of sigmoid diverticula is a diet low in fiber. This seemingly trivial reason to eat foods that contain low amounts of fiber leads to a thickening of the intestinal walls. There are bulges that enlarge the intestine in the part where the sigmoid is located.

The first symptoms of sigmoid diverticula are flatulence, severe abdominal pain, gas retention, constipation or diarrhea. When diverticula become inflamed, blood may appear in the stools, the person may develop a fever, and sometimes a palpable lump may appear in the lower abdomen. If the sigmoid diverticula is left untreated, it may lead to perforation of the large intestine, formation of an abscess, and in extreme cases, complete blockage of the intestine.

At the first symptoms related to sigmoid diverticula, see your doctor. The test that will diagnose the problem is colonoscopy.

Esica – treatment of sigmoid diverticula

Treatment of sigmoid diverticula is to relieve symptoms by administering painkillers and diastolic medications, as well as antibiotics. If you are ill, you should also introduce a diet rich in fiber. Unfortunately, successfully curing sigmoid diverticula is very difficult. When surgically excising some of the diverticula, we cannot be sure that no further ones appear in a different part of the intestine.

Esica – sigmoid tumors

Neoplasms are another pathogenic lesion within the sigmoid colon. Symptoms of sigmoid cancer are problems with defecation, blood in the stool, pain in the perineum and abdomen, as well as intestinal colic. The most common causes of cancer in this part of the large intestine are not only poor diet, but also low physical activity and smoking.

Perform a Fecal Occult Blood Cassette as a preventive measure to help diagnose possible problems in the digestive system early.

Esica – polyps

Polyps can also develop in the sigmoid colon. They have similar symptoms to bowel cancer because they are, in a way, cancerous. Each polyp should therefore be removed as soon as possible so that it cannot develop into a tumor. Most often, polyps are removed during a colonoscopy.

Esica – the most important information

Pathogenic changes in the large intestine called the sigmoid colon are most often manifested:

– blood in the stool

Stomach pain

– flatulence,

– problems with defecation,


– vomiting,

– loss of kilos.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. Correct diagnosis and carrying out detailed examinations in the case of sigmoid diseases is very important. For the elderly, who are most often diagnosed with sigmoid disease, control colonoscopy tests are recommended.

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