Earn more money, and then quit everything and leave the stuffy metropolis with your family for Goa, Vietnam, Montenegro or Thailand (underline as appropriate) and indulge in endless sweet idleness under a palm tree.
Over the years, this dream has become so popular among young and successful professionals that today, in a job interview, people who aspire to receive a large salary in high positions find it almost a good form to tell a potential employer where and how exactly they plan to relax for years. in five.
At the same time, few people think that sitting and “doing nothing” is not at all such an easy task as it might seem. This requires a special talent, which is as rare as any other. Of course, when we dream about a vacation, the picture of lazy bliss really looks attractive. There is no regime, no obligations, we don’t owe anything to anyone, no one bothers us, and the thoughts that come to mind are so fresh and unusual. However, imagine: this is not a vacation — this is weekdays. No regime, no obligations. The cell phone rings once a week, and nine times out of ten it’s mom. And if suddenly they are friends, then only in order to report what is happening with them there, in a stormy life filled with deeds and events. And no one bothers us. Well, literally, no one. We are still kind of alive, but life goes on somewhere else, without us.
If you start asking a person planning an escape to paradise more specifically, most will talk about some quite simple and realistic desires: write a book, go in for sports, meditate, spend more time with children. These dreams are just very understandable, but only they do not refer to another Place, but to another Self. Because, thinking soberly, everyone admits: most of the great books were not written at all on the shores of a warm sea. And the children will grow up over the years that we are going to devote to saving money, and we will no longer have anyone to play with.
Therefore, you should not associate the future paradise with big money or another country. But it is worth understanding what we lack in order to start singing in a choir or playing with children right now. And if for this it is necessary to reduce the time occupied by work, reduce it. And if we are not ready to do this, then admit to ourselves: we actually like exactly what we do. Agree: also a very good result.