Esberitox N – action, composition, dosage, interactions, price

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Esberitox N is an over-the-counter combined preparation that contains ingredients of plant origin. The drug is used to boost immunity. Supports the proper functioning of the immune system. Are there any contraindications to the use of Esberitox N?

Esberitox N – action

Esberitox N is a drug whose action is based on the properties of its active substances. The preparation contains an alcohol-water extract from the Western Arborvitae (Thuja western herb), purple coneflower root (Echinaceae purpurea eradice) and wild indigo root (Baptism at the root of extinction). It is used to alleviate respiratory infections and reduce its duration.

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Esberitox N – drug components

The active substances in the drug Esberitox N are in the following proportions:

  1. Wild indigo root – 10 mg,
  2. Echinacea root – 7,5 mg,
  3. Western thuja herb extract – 2 mg,
  4. Ekstrahent: etanol 30 proc.

The auxiliary substances of the drug are:

  1. Ascorbic acid,
  2. Lactose monohydrate,
  3. Magnesium stearate,
  4. Macrogol 6000,
  5. Sucrose.

Esberitox N – destiny

Esberitox N is given to treat colds – as an adjunct, shortening the duration and relieving symptoms. It can be used in adults and children over 4 years of age. In the case of younger children, the administration of the drug should be consulted with a doctor.

pills; 1 tablet contains 0,215 ml of an extract corresponding to: 7,5 mg of echinacea root, 10 mg of wild indigo root extract, 2 mg of thymus extract; 50 tables / 100 tablets OTC (over-the-counter drug) wild indigo root extract + echinacea root extract + thymus extract

Esberitox N – dosage

Esberitox N should be taken as directed by your doctor or pharmacist or with the information contained in this leaflet:

  1. Adults and children over 12 years of age: 3 tablets 3 times a day.
  2. Children 6-12 years of age: 2 tablets 3 times a day.
  3. Children 4-6 years of age: 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Children under 12 years of age should not take Echinacea, therefore special care should be taken when administering Esberitox N.

Esberitox N – the method of drug administration

Esberitox N should be administered to the patient in the morning, afternoon and evening. It should be washed down with plenty of water. For patients who have difficulty swallowing and for children under 6 years of age, the tablet can be crushed and poured into water.

Esberitox N should only be administered to people who already have symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection. The treatment should not exceed 10 days. If your symptoms still persist after this time, please see your doctor to change your treatment.

Esberitox N – contraindications to use

The Esberitox N leaflet informs about contraindications to use. The preparation should not be taken:

  1. in case of hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  2. in patients suffering from: tuberculosis, leukemia, AIDS, collagenosis, multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases;
  3. in HIV-infected patients;
  4. in children under 4 years of age;
  5. after therapy with immunosuppressants.

Esberitox N – warnings

Warnings related to the use of Esberitox N:

  1. caution should be exercised when administering the preparation to people under 12 years of age;
  2. if symptoms worsen, persist for more than 10 days, fever, shortness of breath or bleeding / suppurating secretions appear, contact your doctor immediately;
  3. caution should be exercised in people intolerant to lactose and other sugars.

Esberitox N – drug interactions

There is no evidence of drug interactions. However, you should inform your doctor about all medications you are taking – including over-the-counter medications.

Esberitox N – side effects

Taking Esberitox N, like other preparations, may be associated with certain side effects.

Some people may experience side effects such as an allergic reaction – itching, rash, swelling. Occasionally, gastrointestinal disturbances may appear.

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Esberitox N – how to store the drug?

Esberitox N should be kept out of the reach of children, where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees C. Pay attention to the expiry date of the drug, because it must not be taken after the deadline.

Esbertiox N – how much does it cost?

Esberitox N is available without a prescription. A package containing 100 tablets costs about PLN 27. They can be purchased at a stationary pharmacy or via the website.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home.

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