Erythronium: planting and care

Erythronium: planting and care

Erythronium is a plant belonging to the lily family. It looks great on a summer cottage and is unpretentious. Great for beginners in gardening, as well as people who love unpretentious flowers.

It is also called kandyk. The plant has a straight root, it grows singly. The flowers are large and lowered. There are about 25 species in total. The color of flowers can be different. Blooms in late April – early May. After the growing season, the leaves of the flower turn yellow and die off, only the stem remains. It reaches a height of 45 cm.

Erythronium is a perennial plant with a straight stem and a drooping flower

In the photo you see a type of erythronium with beautiful yellow flowers. Due to the appearance of the petals, it also received the name “Dog’s Fang”.

The most popular of all types are as follows:

  • “Caucasian” – is distinguished by yellow petals and a pattern on the leaves, similar to marble.
  • “Siberian” – the flowers of this species are red, purple or pink.
  • “European” – flowers are light pink and spotted leaves.
  • “Japanese” – pink flowers.

Depending on the type you choose, you will receive flowers of different colors. Siberian kandyk tolerates cold and frost well, other species need additional shelter for the winter.

Erythronium: planting and care

Kandyk feels best in acidic peaty soil. It is important that the soil is moist without stagnant water. It is recommended to plant it in early summer, since the bulbs can get sick when planting in spring.

For planting, choose the shady side of the site. He also feels good in the shade of trees and bushes.

After planting, mulch and water the plant. In the same place, kandyk can grow up to 6 years old. Frequent transplanting can harm him.

In June-July, the erythronium ends the flowering period, and in the fall the plant goes into dormancy.

Plant care is simple. It is necessary to regularly weed the soil and remove weeds. Also water the kandyk regularly, but make sure that no water stagnates in the soil. Due to an excess of water, the kandyk can contract bacteriosis.

Watch out for the first shoots: at the end of April, the shoots should be about 4 centimeters long. If the seedling height in your area is less, then you need to fertilize

It is better to choose organic fertilizers: ready-made mineral complexes, compost or potash fertilizers. Use fertilizer in the evening before watering the plant. The next day, it is advisable to loosen the ground.

It can be propagated both by seeds and by daughter bulbs.

By planting a kandyk on your site, you will get a perennial unpretentious plant that will delight you with its beauty, as well as attract the attention of others to your front garden. Unpretentious care and ease of planting make it attractive to many gardeners.

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